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Exporting Curves from Houdini to Unity 2018年2月27日19:20
I am trying to export curves from Houdini to Unity without success. I tried both FBX and Houdini Engine HDA but none of them display the curve in Unity. I want to generate the curves in Houdini without manually drawing them using the curve tool in Houdini Engine in Unity. My goal is to generate procedural curves and use them as way-point path for a camera.
I am trying to export curves from Houdini to Unity without success. I tried both FBX and Houdini Engine HDA but none of them display the curve in Unity. I want to generate the curves in Houdini without manually drawing them using the curve tool in Houdini Engine in Unity. My goal is to generate procedural curves and use them as way-point path for a camera.
Houdini 15.5 Intel HD530 issues 2017年2月26日18:47
We have Quadro 6000 at work and we have terrible viewport issues.
Houdini 15.5 Intel HD530 issues 2017年2月25日19:20
How do you explain softwares like Unity and Maya with similar viewport features working correctly?