Rohit Jain


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Houdini Engine


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How stop a mesh part being affected by the vellum solver. 2024年7月4日14:06

Hi Alexandra,

can you share the screenshot of your vellum constraint node parameters?

Also, i think you should be able to select the group on the vellum pressure node itself. Just select the group (chest area) which you want to apply pressure on and plug it in the vellum pressure node's group box.

hope this helps.


Any tissue sim optimization tips? 2024年6月28日19:44

thank you!

Convert tet worked great and reduced the primitive counts by half, my sim is much faster now. thanks!

Any tissue sim optimization tips? 2024年6月25日15:39

Thanks @Liesbeth for the tips, I will try to use polyreduce and see if that helps. Yeah tissue solidify is been cached.

Btw, I feel one of the major contributing factor in slowing down the sim must be the "Convert" node I have applied on cached muscle sim. Its increasing the primitives count to 4 times. As i mentioned in the other thread, if we dont use "convert to polygons" on muscles, the tissue does not collide with the muscles. It seems like a bug. []

I have noticed the same behavior in the example file provided by Side FX as well. I will try to post the screenshots to explain the issue in detail.

thank you!