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Editable objects inside HDAs, permission errors etc. 2008年9月16日4:38

Bug submitted.

I really hope this can be rectified quickly, as I'm on pretty tight deadlines to get the current project completed .

If not, I guess I'll have to use my work arounds for now (though this is very undesireable).

Any news/updates regarding if this is verified to be a bug, and the progress of any fixes, would be gratefully received.

Cheers everyone, for your help!

Editable objects inside HDAs, permission errors etc. 2008年9月15日15:26

That's ok when I'm just setting parameter values (although it's not very useful behaviour - having Houdini follow parameter references first, before trying to set a value, would make a lot more sense), but what if I'm trying to call on the .setWorldTransform() method, as mentioned earlier? I don't know what values I want to set the parameters to, the method call calculates those for me, but in order to call that method I need to have it affect a node… and I'm back to square one (permission errors).

I can think of workarounds, but they're really nasty. Is there really no way that I can have the parameters of a node in a locked asset affected by things like a call to .setWorldTransform() without it causing an error, when those parameters have been promoted to the asset level?

Cheers for the help so far!

Editable objects inside HDAs, permission errors etc. 2008年9月15日11:04

That's the null inside the HDA

I'm running the script from the HDA, so hou.pwd() gives me the HDA, and then .node(“null1”) gives me the null inside my HDA. The rest should be pretty clear.
