Tomas Slancik


About Me

Advertising / Motion Graphics


New York, United States

Houdini Engine


I am currently employed at Method Studios

Recent Forum Posts

Could someone help to sort a bunch of curves procedurally? 2024年11月14日14:57

1. Primitive Wrangle:
int pts[] = primpoints( 0, @primnum );
vector P0 = point( 0, "P", pts[0] );
vector P1 = point( 0, "P", pts[1] );

i@group_reverse = length(P1) < length(P0);

2. Reverse SOP - Source Group: reverse

3. Sort SOP - Point Sort: By Vertex Order

Vellum tetrahedral + weld points - welds dont want to break 2024年11月5日12:04

to break weld constraint 'weld' point attribute on a geometry (not constraint) has to have value -1.
I.e. vex code:
if(@Frame>9) i@weld = -1;
in a popwrangle dop should work in your example.
Thank you for the input, your solution is equicalent to just turning the welds off so not really what I am looking for.
I want to break the welds based on the stretch stress etc. It works really well with struts but somehow in tetrahedral it doesn't I am not really sure why.
There is no stretch stress generated from tetrahedral constraints, as a workaround you can add Distance Constraints at least to the outside polygons which are welded and set it's Stiffness to 0

That way it should not affect your sim but you should be able to use Stretch Ratio it Stretch Distance breaking type on welds

Any plans for a rotoshape node? 2024年10月31日18:23

Since first iteration of COPs was not aimed for compositing its missing a lot of compositing specific nodes and workflows

But since missing roto/paint is one of the acknowledged limitations here []
You can be almost certain that it's planned to be adressed