Tanguy Bodivit


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Houdini Engine


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Got this message at Houdini 19.5.716 launch - 2023年9月17日2:20

I am on a fresh install of H19.5.716 on Ubuntu 22.04 and I got that on terminal when launching via $ houdini

cat: /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_{vendor,name,version}: No such file or directory
sh: 1: ethtool: not found
sh: 1: ethtool: not found
sh: 1: ethtool: not found
sh: 1: ethtool: not found

When trying to launch via launcher in ubuntu it crashes sytematically and Afanasy crashes as well.

Anyone got that behavior ?

How to launch same Houdini version with different renderer 2023年8月18日14:26

Hey guys,
Is there a way to manage which package files is used when launching houdini beside having separate hfs folders with different packages setup ?
Like for example I would like to NOT load Arnold while using 3Delight or Only Vray and not other renderers ?

Thank you

What is the most bullet proofed Debian version atm ? 2023年8月17日12:11

Hey SWest, thanks.
I am a RPM type of guy but with the downhill direction RedHat is giving to the free version, I decided to deep in .deb side.
I am a long time linux user, just wanted to check if there is a specific version which gives satisfaction around our ecosystem.