Tyler Britton


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Houdini Engine


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TOPs Partition with random index 2024年7月23日11:33

I think you can get a similar randomization pattern with Partition by Combination.

Hmmm I tried that, however it does not always match partitions between the two nodes. Also the partitioning is very linear, and not random.

TOPs Partition with random index 2024年7月23日4:47

Let's say I have two nodes, one with 5 work items (A B C D E) and another with 3 work items (A B C), how do I partition the work items of my first node with random indexes of work items from the second node? I can do a Partition by Attribute, but how would I find the maximum number of work items in the 2nd node from within the first node's pipe?

Services not being used? 2024年7月11日1:40

I started some 'ropfetch' services for PDG and also set my ROP Fetch node to use that service. Despite this however, Houdini is spinning up it's own additional hython applications and does not look like it is using the the initial ones I spun up from my PDG Service.
Am I mistaken?