David Johnson


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VFX Artist


United States

Houdini Engine


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CSV exporter only giving me a single frame of data. 2021年5月21日19:47

I'm trying to export an objects position over time via the SideFXLabs CSV Exporter.

But I'm only getting a single frame of data. It looks like it keeps writing each frames data into "line 2" of the file over and over again during the render process, leaving me with the position on the last frame.

If I change the filename to "filenameX_$F.hcsv", I will get a csv per frame exported, each with the correct data.

But I'd like to get it into a single file. Anyone else run in to this or have Ideas on how to address?

what is the different between $F and $FF 2021年3月25日20:07

-Int (short for "Integer") are whole numbers, ie: 1, 2, 5, 34950, -7

-Float (short for "floating point numbers")are decimal numbers, ie: 3.123, 9.5874, -2364.987123

These terms are used in computer science / coding. int, float, char, half, double, bool are the c++ "words" that in the end... determine how many "bits" are used to represent the data, the ranges that are covered, the precision and how much memory to use/reserve for storing that data.

bit = 1 bit of information. on or off

bool = boolean = 2 values = 1 bit. (on or off)

byte = 8 bits of information. 256 possible values.

int = integer = a "whole number" (no decimal values allowed) = 32 bits.

float = floating point number = a decimal number = 32 bits.

double = a 64 bit float.


https://www.iitk.ac.in/esc101/05Aug/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html [www.iitk.ac.in]

There are three kinds of integer and two kinds of float. The differences lie in "how many bits are used to represent them", and whether or not they are "positive only" vs. "positive and negative"

exporting digital asset 2018年7月12日3:03

If I've made a change to a digital asset in Houdini. How to I re-export?