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Rendering Smoke 2012年8月12日10:05

Thanks for the suggestions…those are very interesting concepts to explore.

Would definitely try them..but at another time perhaps.

I have some pointers from bunker in odforce and you might like to follow the thread if you're interested in some basic approaches to rendering volumes/smoke over here

http://forums.odforce.net/index.php?/topic/15976-render-smoke-issue/ [forums.odforce.net]

Rendering Smoke 2012年8月11日10:17

Hi im trying to render smoke and it seems to run of out memory when im trying to test render in render view or even if i use the hrender from terminal.

I cached out my smoke to bgeo.gz and it hit the 100mil voxels about 1gb per frame size on disk and covers a distance of about 300units

So far i have tried,
-increasing volume step size from 1, 10 and 100
-test render at 1/2 HD rez
-changing pixel samples to 5 5
-volume shadow quality at 1.5
-microploygon method with 3 lights using depth map shadows of 1024
-default motion blur values

but i cant seem to get any tests…am i doing something wrong?

Specs of machine is 2.66ghz quad core and 8gb ram.

Is there another way i could render and maintain the level of detail?


Optimizing/Render RBD point objects 2012年8月8日13:23

well i'm killing in popnet

and in rbdpointobject i am using $F on creation…i would like for it to be emitting continuously throughout the shot..