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output variable questions.. 2004年11月20日12:45


I don't seem to see anything about a velocity attribute in the deep raster options. Do you have to define the variable elsewhere in order to render it through deep raster? I would also assume that it would be a “vector” type, correct?

Thanks again!!

Will Atkin
Savannah College of Art and Design

output variable questions.. 2004年11月19日16:25

Hi everyone,

I am wondering about uses for the surface VEX output variable. I'd like to see if I can use it to do a custom motion blur in compositing. Anyone have any info on how to do this?

Also I will be trying to match up zdepth from houdini with zdepth from lightwave. Has anyone ran into any problems with this?

Any insights would be greatly apprciated.

Will Atkin
Savannah College of Art and Design

ambient occlusion and shadowmatte shop 2004年2月5日8:30

Hello again,

If anyone is wondering the workaround that I found is to turn the shadow into a luminance pass that I can then use as an alpha channel for the shadow itself.

I removed all of my shaders from the ground objects and replaced them with a lambert white. The variation in the lumination is enough to bring it into shake and create the matte for the shadow.

Thanks for the help in figuring out the shadowmatte.
