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Diffuse Filter (No Lighting info) pass is missing. 2020年2月15日13:46
Oh, that's one of the layer exports, isn't it? It's normally disabled for non-baking renders. It's enabled by adding “Add Baking Exports to Shader Layers (vm_bake_layerexport)” to the mantra node and setting it True. This setting can be expensive though, in some cases making renders take 2-3x longer. It might get better performance to export it manually be appending a bind export to the texture going into the principled shader's basecolor input.
See the attached scene for examples of adding the proper exports.
Thanks A lot Jonathan! that was what i am looking for, the first wsy is a bit too long to setup especially considering i have 40+ materials in the master scene but baking export should do the trick! thanks again
Diffuse Filter (No Lighting info) pass is missing. 2020年2月15日11:31
Does it go away when you append a surface exports to the problematic one?
Thanks for your reply! i tried literally everything no luck
Diffuse Filter (No Lighting info) pass is missing. 2020年2月14日17:03
Hey guys, I'm trying to do multi pass rendering but diffuse filter pass seems not working (same for specular roughness etc), I use “Surface Unlit Diffuse Color” component but its rendering dark. What i noticed is if I use the build in texture parameter in the principled material diffuse filter shows up and working but when i wire texture nodes to principled shader it doesnt work any tips?
I attached a scene which i have 2 individual spheres one with working shader the other one is the problematic one.
I attached a scene which i have 2 individual spheres one with working shader the other one is the problematic one.