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changing default scene illumination? 2013年4月19日17:32

You don't want to start your Houdini-career by annoying the helpful people in the forums so next time think twice before you say things like “time is money” when you just received advice for free from professionals that invested a lot of time in being where they are now and still take the time to help newbies out.

RudiNieuwenhuis, I'm sorry!….. Its not my intent to annoy YOU.

Yes I'm new Houndin. I'm considering bringing Houdini into the workflow of the company I work for. Maybe your lucky enough not to work in a stress free environment, I have never had that luxury, so far. I get paid a bonus based on performance. If I find software that does not deliver I look elsewhere, There is lots of competition in this market.

In the mean time I appreciate forum members taking the time to reply.

changing default scene illumination? 2013年4月18日11:15

I'm familiar with the cube icon: and its settings. Its sad that there is nothing more sophisticated offered in that dropdown list at this time.

On my wishlist I would expect a basic parallel ray, light source like the sun, whose shadows I can be adjusted easily given time of day, and city location.

I don't think too many new users are willing to remember a 6 step procedure to get basic lighting information into a scene, nevertheless I appreciate your How to light a scene contribution


changing default scene illumination? 2013年4月16日18:07

Hi Robert:

Thanks for chiming in. Your words tell me what I already know, my picture is worth a 1000 words! I'm not convinced!

OK! I'm the Artist. Where do I change those settings, or do I have to use another 3d program?

Time is money. I don't always have time to construct renderings. Design is a work in progress, until the client signs off on it. If I'm collaborating with other members on a team, ….I'm using Houdini, ….they're using other 3d programs, and this is the best screen capture I can send them red-lined with comments, of what I'm working on. I'm worried they will not return my call.

Surely we want the scenes we construct with computers to look somewhat like the environment we human beings live in, that's the whole purpose, of computer programs such as Houdini. To mathematically reconstruct the natural environment we live in.