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Dynamics from scratch 2016年4月24日17:12

Dear Houdini Users,

I'm trying to recreate a basic dynamics (soft body with a floor) setup in Houdini without luck. I made the grid for the floor intentionally.

I uploaded the scene file.

Thanks if you helping me. Have a nice day all of you.

Expressions not working 2016年1月19日19:10

Dear Houdini Users,

first of all sorry for my english.

I use the non-commercial edition of Houdini and as I see most of the expressions not work. I tried several things like changing the expression languages, the objects. The weirdest thing that in examples downloaded from the internet the expression works and when I'd like to use it and cases when I make a circle don't. I do not understand. It's my mistake?

Thanks for the answers.