天义 张


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Split Geos to Different Game Objects 2022年6月22日22:21

Hey~ We can use “pack” node by string type attribute ,to split geo to multi obj in Unity Engine!

This method always used to instance meshes

It's about Fluid 2018年2月5日1:12

Hello everyone~
According to the official Unreal4 code, I used the AmplifyShaderEditor to reimplement the FluidVertexAnimation Shader(for Unity3D) and add some normals and additional deformation controls based on the local coordinate system.
I know many artists do not write the code, but I hope to be able to maintain the basis of the official Shader, so I did it.
Thanks to the tools provided by the hardworking staff of SideFX and looking forward to 2018 Houdini more amazing features updated.

It's about Fluid 2017年12月11日1:53

HI ~

I have a suggestion:
Can developers try Shader for Producing Official Cases using ShaderForge or AmplifyShaderEditor? Shader edits extensibility for technical art or anyone else's visualization.

Just suggestions, thanks!