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総再生時間: 1h 51m 16s
Houdini 20.5 APEX でリグをつけた KineFX キャラクタのアニメーション作業のためのツールや機能、ワークフローを詳しく解説しています。選択セットのセットアップなどの基礎を最初に学んでから、より高度な機能へ進みます。このワークショップを最後まで見ると、 Houdini でのアニメーションに対する知識と理解が深まります。
このワークショップはトロントで開催された Houdini HIVE Horizon イベントの際に行われたもので、このページのレッスンは、このツールセットに対する理解を深めたいアニメータのために録画された動画によって構成されています。
Jimmy は Tumblehead 作の短編映像《Turbulence》に登場するキャラクタです。この作品に関する詳細は、HIVE Horizon 内の講演「Avoiding a Crash Landing: Finishing "Turbulence"」でご覧になれます。
LukeP 4 ヶ月, 1 週間 前 |
This is amazing!
LukeP 4 ヶ月, 1 週間 前 |
Honestly, fantastic intro. Thanks so much for putting this together. Really looking forward to what the future of animation in Houdini holds.
Seyonce 4 ヶ月 前 |
Thanks for the tutorial. Please will you be sharing the files for the Retarget and FX section. It's not included in the download file.
mackerBaehr 4 ヶ月 前 |
Hmmm.. In the last lesson, although the title mentions "Build your own tools", Warren just quickly says he build his own and doesn't share how he did that. The HDA is also NOT included in the project files nor in the hip-file. Also the network view of it is so small in the movie that the structure is not readable. This is very frustrating because the subject is very important to me. Therefore this lesson 15 seems more a show off then something we can learn from. Can the (structure of) the HDA also be shared, please?
Mirko Jankovic 3 ヶ月, 4 週間 前 |
Exactly what I was looking for!
Next step or one of them is for SideFX to provide range of good rigged characters for people to work and practice on, until we get proper autorigging tool, like mgear for Maya or similar ones for blender that are more user friendly and straight forward :)
bskochii 3 ヶ月, 3 週間 前 |
Wonderful series, thank you so much!!!
SHo0N 3 ヶ月, 3 週間 前 |
Will the retarget tool not going to be shared? If not then that's a bummer. I really need a way to retarget animation to Apex since I'm not that savvy to create my own tools as an animator.
warrenl 3 ヶ月, 3 週間 前 |
Part 15 was actually only intended to show other possibilities you could do when using houdini, and not part of the animation workshop per se, as retargetting and pyro are sections unto themselves. The HDA I have setup for myself is very rough, and built only for my limited needs and uses, and as such, not ideal for a retargetting tutorial. It was more to demonstrate that you can build tools for yourself, specific to your needs, and use them when needed.
If you are interested in retargetting, a good place to start would be in the content library example :
https://www.sidefx.com/contentlibrary/kinefxapex-workflow/ [www.sidefx.com]
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