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総再生時間: 22m 41s
Houdini には、地形を生成したり、形状変更するための専用のツールセットが備わっています。これらのツールは、 Height Field と呼ばれる 2D ボリュームを使って地形を表現します。このボリュームの各ボクセルには、そのグリッドポイントでの地形の高さが含まれています。Houdini のビューポートでは、2D Height Field を 3D サーフェスとして視覚化できます。また、Mask Field をセットアップして、地形の特定の部分に編集を集中させることもできます。 このレッスンでは、パターン、ノイズ、侵食を使用して地形を構築し、その結果をゲームエンジンで使用できるようにエクスポートします。
Houdini の Height Field ツール を使用して地形を作成し、Unreal Engine に取り込みます。
Houdini 19.5 用の Houdini Foundations のすべての章は PDF としてダウンロードすることも印刷書籍として購入することも可能です。この本は 224ページ、9章で構成され、Houdini への第一歩を踏み出すのに最適です。
josuamostert 1 年, 9 ヶ月 前 |
Hello Robert I hope you are well.
I am busy with the Foundations / Terrain turtorial. In the first video (Shape the terrain using heightfield) you add an erode node called Slump , but for some reason when I do it it displays an error message. Are there any tips that you can perhaps give me, any help will be appreciated.
Kind regards
User of your turtorial of Foundations of Houdini.
rmagee 1 年, 9 ヶ月 前 |
Can you please post your scene file to the Learning Material forum - then I can take a look and see what might be the issue - I just went through the steps myself and everything seems OK with the latest version of Houdini. Be sure to explain what computer system you are using when you post the file.
harunpamuji 1 年, 8 ヶ月 前 |
Harun 3D Digital Artist
0 seconds ago
I can not import HDA extension file into Unreal content browser. Why ?
natrianvfx 1 年, 4 ヶ月 前 |
This terrain tutorial was a little bit confusing overall. Most of the time I had problems following the use of nodes because I didn't understand what they were doing. Eventually, when I tried to import the hda to Unreal, it did'nt recognize the .hdnac file, but it was interesting to see the possibilities of Houdini for terrain creation.
Seyonce 1 年, 3 ヶ月 前 |
Thanks for the course. it was simple and easy to understand as a refresher after watching more difficult terrain tutorials.
0ldsl0 1 年, 2 ヶ月 前 |
I'm still not exactly clear on how the remap node was used to achieve that specific result. Robert seems to have deliberately chose which points he would need for that specific ridge.
I'm following along but have my own set up where I want my ridge to slope down the Y-Axis and slightly bend towards the X. The remap node doesn't seem to afford me the control changing the position and value of points seems to make a lot of sweeping changes to the heightfield as a whole.
I suppose just painting a mask and flattening it could be a way to go?
J Mart 1 年 前 |
For those of you having issues with UE not recognizing the HDA file format, you likely need to install Houdini Engine to your game project /plugin folder. You can do this to Unreal Engine itself, but the documentation from SideFX recommends installing the Houdini Engine plugin to each project. https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/unreal/install_houdiniengine.html
The issue I've run into now with this tutorial is that HEngine is importing my instanced trees slightly out of scale or translation, and as one big group of static meshes instead of an instance of the tree cone geo that can then be replaced. Seems to be a different type of houdini "output" in UE.
newkinostudio 11 ヶ月, 2 週間 前 |
Were you able to find a solution to Unreal having just one big group of static meshes instead of an instance of the tree cone geo.
Currently I'm unable to then be replace the cone & would love to understand the solve here.
miditato_r 11 ヶ月, 1 週間 前 |
In CopyToPoints node Pack and Instance checkbox
miditato_r 11 ヶ月, 1 週間 前 |
Please help me,
in Unreal my cones do not match with the ground and hang in the air (
in Houddini all is ok
Division369 10 ヶ月, 1 週間 前 |
Thank you for sharing this video Robert!
erook73 2 ヶ月, 1 週間 前 |
Hello! I have an interest in learning terrain building. I was surprised how easy this was to follow and not feel too overwhelmed since I'm new to Houdini. The only issue though that I ran into was the tree line. For some reason the red i could not get removed from marking that area. I've reconstructed this a few times over and still the same issue. I'm not sure what I am missing, but I had thought maybe it was tied to the mesh, when i was adjusting it. Not sure, but I'll continue to practice. Thanks for sharing!
KieranLatham 1 ヶ月, 4 週間 前 |
Have you tried using a "HeightField Mask Clear"? You may be retaining some mask data from previous passes, in which case a Mask Clear should help.
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