The Static Fracture Houdini Digital Asset (HDA)essentially takes static geometry data from sop level, and separates them into newly generated geometry containers on object level, based on a piece attribute. You can therefore use it to quickly generate static geometry containers for further modifications ob /obj level, or to simply export this as an FBX to be used in The Nvidia Physx lab tool, or any game engine.
This tool does not keep any animations!! If you want to export a simulation, use the RBD>FBX tool instead!
Features / Changes
The previous version of the Static Fracture Export was sometimes a bit hard to use, and threw errors that didn't really make sense. The new version of this tool aims to improve upon those, based on user feedback we have received. The tool now allows the user to specify what frame to extract information from, and enables the user to specify a name for the generated /obj level container. This basically means the tool now allows users to plug it into a batch process.
The tool now also automatically removes any geometry that is not needed for the static fracture export. Be it unpacked geometry merged with packed geo, or just regular geometry not matching the piece attribute filter.
The tool now also allows the user to not only export packed primitives, but also unpacked geometry based on a piece attribute. (Like the name attribute the assemble sop generates)
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