Houdini for the New Artist II is perfect for beginners because it offers a fun project that gets you moving around the interface quickly.  It's not just about making cool FX with our friend "Tweaki" though.  This course is specifically designed to help you build a solid foundation of Houdini skills that sets you off on the right path towards independence and confidence when working with any task.

Throughout the course, you'll find useful diagrams, multiple choice review that helps re-enforce information at the end of each chapter, node bible references which allow you to look up important nodes as they are introduced, support if you ever get stuck, interesting scene files, useful diagrams, and tutorials that are though, simplified, and straight-to-the-point.  All of these features make this course the best when it comes to jump-starting your journey quickly as a beginner.
So if you're looking for a course that's fun, easy to work with, professional, and gets you started in the right direction, then Houdini For the New Artist II is perfect for you.  

Thanks for watching!

-  Tyler



Tyler Bay is the owner of cgforge.com - which is an online Houdini school that offers high quality courses, resources, and individual mentorships to help you achieve your Houdini goals.

More from Tyler Bay


  • LukeP 4 ヶ月, 2 週間 前  | 

    I’m refusing to buy an Intro to Houdini course that uses a third party renderer. Is there a reason why the tutorials don’t use Karma?

    • tbay312 4 ヶ月, 2 週間 前  | 

      Hey Luke, if you visit the course page, I made a video explaining why Redshift is being used instead of Karma. If you haven't done so yet, check that out and shoot me a message if you have any other questions.

  • LukeP 4 ヶ月, 2 週間 前  | 

    Other than that this course looks pretty amazing.

  • 3DGolum 3 ヶ月, 2 週間 前  | 

    Using a third party render engine is a no go for me too.

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