このチュートリアルは、Houdini でのカーブの作成方法と Houdini におけるカーブと他のモデリングプログラムでの違いについての説明から始め、次にカーブの作成や編集に使う Line, Curve, Curve Draw, Add and Ends ノードについて説明します。


このチュートリアルで新しく扱うノードは Sweep と Ray ノードです。



Houdini Kitchen tutorials are aimed at experienced 3D artists who are new to Houdini, and focus on creating procedural geometry for video games. Each tutorial covers a single node or concept, and will usually finish with a demonstration of how that tool might be used in asset creation. There are easier ways to use Houdini – commonly used nodes can be set up automatically using shelf tools, and useful networks are now embedded in higher level nodes – but I believe that to be able to fully harness the power of Houdini it is important to understand the basics. I have worked as a Technical Artist in the Video Game industry for 15 years, and my credits include Killzone 2 & 3, The Getaway 1 & 2 and Playstation VR Worlds. I have been learning Houdini since 2005, and have been using it in production for the last 5 years. I also have a degree in Archaeology and have completed several 3D projects for the British Museum.

More from Susie Green


  • absorbentghost 5 年, 4 ヶ月 前  | 

    Can some one go in depth about real world scaling work flows from nuke ,maya and houdini scaling setup please , these are great video , really wish to see workflows on bring in and simulating particles for real scale objects

  • Alex Amos 5 年, 1 ヶ月 前  | 

    Tutorial is great, network is crazy messy however.

  • 3dvrman 4 年, 5 ヶ月 前  | 

    Please use a mouse pad. We hear annoying sound when you move your mouse all the time.

  • theodoredaley 3 年, 11 ヶ月 前  | 

    Has anybody tried to redo this and gotten stuck on the Add point (middle group) + Sweep node to create the middle hash lines on the road section? When I follow and recreate it, the sweep does not work as expected. I opened the scene example file and recreated based on that but still gives the issue.

    A CopytoPoints node works as expected but does not orient to the path. Also have to select on the Sweep node "Construction / Up Vectors / Use Target End Up Vector" for the sweep to follow the surface.

  • SerjKirchano 3 年, 10 ヶ月 前  | 

    same here, stuck on the first add

    I think my sweep not looks like from the newer version and might not work like the one from 17.5

  • SerjKirchano 3 年, 10 ヶ月 前  | 

    Tutorial is great tho!

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