Today it’s about dynamically generating a piece of woven fabric. Manuel explains how to write a VEX wrangle in the DOP context to generate connecting yarns in every frame.

This setup is quite simple but nice-looking. Not only do you learn how to recreate the effect, but the tutorial gives you some insight on how to use geometry wrangles in DOPs.


  • VasaRolnik 7 年 前  | 

    Hello, thanks for wonderful tutorial as always!
    Just a little note - You could also sort the scattered points (around 3rd minute of the video) by Z Axis.. Without the necessity of creating the curveU attribute. Off course you loose a bit of proceduralism, since the source will always need to be arranged in this way for the setup to work, but for an example like this I think it is a lot quicker and simpler..
    Keep up the good work and thanks again!

  • AndyW 7 年 前  | 

    Great stuff thanks for that!

    Looking at the set up, how would you go about grouping all the lines as they're stitched? It's easy enough to add some code to the geometry wrangle to group the stitching lines, but I'm scratching my head about how to group the full lines that the target points are connected to at the same time. This would to to create the effect of the yarn stitching out of nothing

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