In this course we will be creating a basic network in Houdini to generate the mesh and use KineFX to generate the skeleton. After that we will export the resulting character to Unreal Engine using a custom HDA that I created to fix errors and speed up the process. With this course we cover the basics of what are characters, and how to setup a system to create them procedurally.
This course will eventually become available for everyone on the 22/11/2023, with each chapter releasing on each Wednesday starting from 25/10/2023. Purchasing the course gives you access to all the chapters and the project files. We will be creating a basic network in Houdini to generate the mesh and use KineFX to generate the skeleton. After that we will export the resulting character to Unreal Engine using a custom HDA that I created to fix errors and speed up the process. That HDA is also include in the project files.
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