Class to perform evaluation of the curve spline types.
const GT_CurveEval
int nspans =
Note: There only dependency on GT is the basis
type. This can likely be
moved to
a lower library (i.e. UT).
static int maximumBezierOrder();
static void orderRange(
GT_Basis basis,
int &min_order,
int &max_order);
GT_Basis basis,
bool periodic);
const GT_CurveEval &
Class to hold non-uniform knot vector.
class Knots
: myKnots(0)
, mySize(0)
The knots passed in are not owned by this class, so they must stay
in existence while the Knots object is in existence.
: myKnots(knots)
, mySize(length)
Test validity
bool valid() const { return myKnots && mySize > 1; }
Return the full knot vector
const fpreal *knots()
const {
return myKnots; }
Return the knots
for the given
a given @
c span, and interpolant @
c t (between 0 and 1),
the proper knot
value for interpolation.
int n = span + order - 1;
return SYSlerp(myKnots[n], myKnots[n+1], t);
Return the
length of the knot vector
int size()
const {
return mySize; }
fpreal operator()(
int i)
return myKnots[i];
fpreal operator[](
int i)
return myKnots[i];
myKnots = knots;
void dump(const char *msg="");
int mySize;
Test if there's a valid count for the given curve type (of the given
bool validCount(int nvertices, int order) const;
Access member data
GT_Basis basis() const { return myBasis; }
bool periodic() const { return myPeriodic; }
Return the step size for iterating through spans
int step() const { return myStep; }
Return the number of spans for a given hull
int spanCount(int nvtx, int order) const
{ return GTbasisSpans(myBasis, nvtx, myPeriodic, order); }
The EvalBuffer class is used to store state for evaluation
class EvalBuffer
EvalBuffer() {}
~EvalBuffer() {}
// This size is tied to constants in GT_Binomial.h
Weights for each element in the span
const fpreal *w() const { return myW; }
fpreal *w() { return myW; }
Which element in the span contributes the most
int conditional() const { return myConditional; }
void setConditional(int c) { myConditional = c; }
Find the element which contributes the most in the span
void computeConditional(int nvals)
myConditional = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < nvals; ++i)
if (myW[i] > myW[myConditional])
myConditional = i;
fpreal myW[EVAL_BUF_SIZE];
int myConditional;
Evaluate a the hull of a curve at a given parametric coordinate.
There should be @c order elements in the hull.
The default template implementation performs conditional copying.
template <typename DATA_T>
inline DATA_T eval(int order, const EvalBuffer &ebuf,
const DATA_T *hull, int stride=1) const
{ return hull[ebuf.conditional()*stride]; }
Evaluate a the hull of a curve at a given parametric coordinate and an
indirection array. The elements in the indirection array are used to
perform the lookup.
There should be @c order elements in the index array.
template <typename DATA_T>
inline DATA_T evalIndex(int order, const EvalBuffer &ebuf,
const DATA_T *hull, const int *index) const
{ return hull[index[ebuf.conditional()]]; }
Precompute the evaluation buffer for a span
void preCompute(int order, EvalBuffer &ebuf, fpreal t) const;
Refine to numeric arrays
- @c dest must be an array of GT_DANumeric sub-classes
- @c dest_offset into the dest arrays to begin writing the evaluated
- @c dest_count the number of evaluations
- @c hull The attributes to be evaluated
- @c hull_offset the offset into the hull arrays
- @c hull_count is the number of elements in the array for the hull
For example, given a GT_PrimCurveMesh with a two curves: @code
// Refine 1st curve to 10 points and the second to 32
int dpts[] = { 10, 32 }
UT_Array<GT_DataArrayHandle> arrays;
const GT_AttributeListHandle &vertex = curve->getcVertexAttributes();
eval.allocateNumericArrays(arrays, vertex, 42);
refineToNumeric(arrays, 0, 10, vertex,
refineToNumeric(arrays, 10, 32, vertex,
// Create a destination attribute list
GT_AttributeListHandle dest(new GT_AttributeListHandle(*vertex));
// And copy the array data into the attribute list
copyToAttributes(dest, arrays);