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GU_USD.h File Reference
#include "api.h"
#include "defaultArray.h"
#include "stageCache.h"
#include "USD_Traverse.h"
#include "USD_Utils.h"
#include "GU_PackedUSD.h"
#include <GA/GA_Attribute.h>
#include <GA/GA_Handle.h>
#include <GA/GA_Names.h>
#include <GA/GA_Range.h>
#include <UT/UT_ErrorManager.h>
#include <UT/UT_StringHolder.h>
#include "pxr/pxr.h"
+ Include dependency graph for GU_USD.h:

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class  GusdGU_USD


#define GUSD_PATH_ATTR   "usdpath"
#define GUSD_PRIMPATH_ATTR   "usdprimpath"
#define GUSD_FRAME_ATTR   "frame"
#define GUSD_VARIANTS_ATTR   "usdvariants"
#define GUSD_CONSTRAINT_ATTR   "usdconstraint"
#define GUSD_PURPOSE_ATTR   "usdpurpose"
#define GUSD_ACTIVE_ATTR   "usdactive"
#define GUSD_VISIBLE_ATTR   "usdvisible"
#define GUSD_OVERTRANSFORMS_ATTR   "usdovertransforms"
#define GUSD_OVERPOINTS_ATTR   "usdoverpoints"
#define GUSD_OVERPRIMVARS_ATTR   "usdoverprimvars"
#define GUSD_OVERALL_ATTR   "usdoverall"
#define GUSD_WRITESTATICTOPOLOGY_ATTR   "usdwritestatictopology"
#define GUSD_WRITESTATICPRIMVARS_ATTR   "usdwritestaticprimvars"
#define GUSD_WRITESTATICGEO_ATTR   "usdwritestaticgeo"
#define GUSD_REFINE_ADDPATHATTRIB   "usd:addPathAttribute"
#define GUSD_REFINE_PATHATTRIB   "usd:pathAttribute"
#define GUSD_REFINE_ADDPRIMPATHATTRIB   "usd:addPrimPathAttribute"
#define GUSD_REFINE_PRIMPATHATTRIB   "usd:primPathAttribute"
#define GUSD_REFINE_ADDINSTANCELEVELATTRIB   "usd:addInstanceLevelAttrib"_UTsh
#define GUSD_REFINE_INSTANCELEVELATTRIB   "usd:instanceLevelAttrib"_UTsh
#define GUSD_REFINE_ADDMATERIALPATHATTRIB   "usd:addMaterialPathAttribute"
#define GUSD_REFINE_ADDVISIBILITYATTRIB   "usd:addVisibilityAttribute"
#define GUSD_REFINE_IMPORTCOMPUTEDVISIBILITY   "usd:importComputedVisibility"
#define GUSD_REFINE_ADDXFORMATTRIB   "usd:addXformAttribute"
#define GUSD_REFINE_NONTRANSFORMINGPATTERN   "usd:nonTransformingPrimvarPattern"
#define GUSD_REFINE_PRIMVARPATTERN   "usd:primvarPattern"
#define GUSD_REFINE_IMPORTINHERITEDPRIMVARS   "usd:importInheritedPrimvars"
#define GUSD_REFINE_ATTRIBUTEPATTERN   "usd:attributePattern"
#define GUSD_REFINE_TRANSLATESTTOUV   "usd:translateSTtoUV"
#define GUSD_REFINE_ITERATIONS   "usd:iterations"_UTsh
#define GUSD_REFINE_UNPACKTOPOLYGONS   "usd:unpacktopolygons"_UTsh
#define GUSD_REFINE_PIVOTLOCATION   "usd:pivotlocation"_UTsh

Macro Definition Documentation

#define GUSD_ACTIVE_ATTR   "usdactive"

The default names of the USD ref attributes.

Definition at line 58 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_CONSTRAINT_ATTR   "usdconstraint"

The default names of the USD ref attributes.

Definition at line 56 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_FRAME_ATTR   "frame"

The default names of the USD ref attributes.

Definition at line 54 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_OVERALL_ATTR   "usdoverall"

The default names of the USD ref attributes.

Definition at line 64 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_OVERPOINTS_ATTR   "usdoverpoints"

The default names of the USD ref attributes.

Definition at line 62 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_OVERPRIMVARS_ATTR   "usdoverprimvars"

The default names of the USD ref attributes.

Definition at line 63 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_OVERTRANSFORMS_ATTR   "usdovertransforms"

The default names of the USD ref attributes.

Definition at line 61 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_PATH_ATTR   "usdpath"

The default names of the USD ref attributes.

Definition at line 52 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_PRIMPATH_ATTR   "usdprimpath"

The default names of the USD ref attributes.

Definition at line 53 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_PURPOSE_ATTR   "usdpurpose"

The default names of the USD ref attributes.

Definition at line 57 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_ADDINSTANCELEVELATTRIB   "usd:addInstanceLevelAttrib"_UTsh

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 77 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_ADDMATERIALPATHATTRIB   "usd:addMaterialPathAttribute"

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 79 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_ADDPATHATTRIB   "usd:addPathAttribute"

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 73 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_ADDPRIMPATHATTRIB   "usd:addPrimPathAttribute"

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 75 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_ADDVISIBILITYATTRIB   "usd:addVisibilityAttribute"

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 80 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_ADDXFORMATTRIB   "usd:addXformAttribute"

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 82 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_ATTRIBUTEPATTERN   "usd:attributePattern"

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 86 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_IMPORTCOMPUTEDVISIBILITY   "usd:importComputedVisibility"

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 81 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_IMPORTINHERITEDPRIMVARS   "usd:importInheritedPrimvars"

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 85 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_INSTANCELEVELATTRIB   "usd:instanceLevelAttrib"_UTsh

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 78 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_ITERATIONS   "usd:iterations"_UTsh

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 88 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_NONTRANSFORMINGPATTERN   "usd:nonTransformingPrimvarPattern"

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 83 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_PATHATTRIB   "usd:pathAttribute"

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 74 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_PIVOTLOCATION   "usd:pivotlocation"_UTsh

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 90 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_PRIMPATHATTRIB   "usd:primPathAttribute"

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 76 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_PRIMVARPATTERN   "usd:primvarPattern"

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 84 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_TRANSLATESTTOUV   "usd:translateSTtoUV"

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 87 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_REFINE_UNPACKTOPOLYGONS   "usd:unpacktopolygons"_UTsh

USD-related options for GT_RefineParms.

Definition at line 89 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_VARIANTS_ATTR   "usdvariants"

The default names of the USD ref attributes.

Definition at line 55 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_VISIBLE_ATTR   "usdvisible"

The default names of the USD ref attributes.

Definition at line 59 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_WRITESTATICGEO_ATTR   "usdwritestaticgeo"

The default names of the USD ref attributes.

Definition at line 68 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_WRITESTATICPRIMVARS_ATTR   "usdwritestaticprimvars"

The default names of the USD ref attributes.

Definition at line 67 of file GU_USD.h.

#define GUSD_WRITESTATICTOPOLOGY_ATTR   "usdwritestatictopology"

The default names of the USD ref attributes.

Definition at line 66 of file GU_USD.h.