static bool | OffsetArrayFromRange (const GA_Range &r, GA_OffsetArray &offsets) |
static bool | ComputeRangeIndexMap (const GA_Range &r, GA_OffsetArray &indexMap) |
static bool | BindPrims (GusdStageCacheReader &cache, UT_Array< UsdPrim > &prims, const GA_Detail &gd, const GA_Range &rng, UT_Array< SdfPath > *variants=nullptr, GusdDefaultArray< GusdPurposeSet > *purposes=nullptr, GusdDefaultArray< UsdTimeCode > *times=nullptr, UT_ErrorSeverity sev=UT_ERROR_ABORT) |
static bool | BindPrimsFromAttrs (GusdStageCacheReader &cache, UT_Array< UsdPrim > &prims, const GA_Range &rng, const GA_Attribute &pathAttr, const GA_Attribute &primPathAttr, const GA_Attribute *variantsAttr, UT_Array< SdfPath > *variants=nullptr, UT_ErrorSeverity sev=UT_ERROR_ABORT) |
static bool | BindPrimsFromPackedPrims (UT_Array< UsdPrim > &prims, const GA_Range &rng, UT_Array< SdfPath > *variants=nullptr, UT_Array< GusdPurposeSet > *purposes=nullptr, UT_ErrorSeverity sev=UT_ERROR_ABORT) |
static bool | GetTimeCodesFromAttr (const GA_Range &rng, const GA_Attribute &attr, UT_Array< UsdTimeCode > ×) |
static bool | GetTimeCodesFromPackedPrims (const GA_Range &rng, UT_Array< UsdTimeCode > ×) |
static GA_Offset | AppendRefPoints (GU_Detail &gd, const UT_Array< UsdPrim > &prims, const char *pathAttrName=GUSD_PATH_ATTR, const char *primPathAttrName=GUSD_PRIMPATH_ATTR) |
static void | RegisterPackedPrimBuildFunc (const TfToken &typeName, PackedPrimBuildFunc func) |
static bool | AppendPackedPrims (GU_Detail &gd, const UT_Array< UsdPrim > &prims, const UT_Array< SdfPath > &variants, const GusdDefaultArray< UsdTimeCode > ×, const GusdDefaultArray< UT_StringHolder > &lods, const GusdDefaultArray< GusdPurposeSet > &purposes, GusdGU_PackedUSD::PivotLocation pivotloc) |
static bool | AppendPackedPrimsFromLopNode (GU_Detail &gd, const UT_Array< UsdPrim > &prims, const GusdDefaultArray< UT_StringHolder > &stageids, const GusdDefaultArray< UsdTimeCode > ×, const GusdDefaultArray< UT_StringHolder > &lods, const GusdDefaultArray< GusdPurposeSet > &purposes, GusdGU_PackedUSD::PivotLocation pivotloc) |
static GA_Offset | AppendExpandedRefPoints (GU_Detail &gd, const GA_Detail &srcGd, const GA_Range &srcRng, const UT_Array< PrimIndexPair > &prims, const GA_AttributeFilter &filter, const char *pathAttrName=GUSD_PATH_ATTR, const char *primPathAttrName=GUSD_PRIMPATH_ATTR) |
static bool | AppendExpandedPackedPrims (GU_Detail &gd, const GA_Detail &srcGd, const GA_Range &srcRng, const UT_Array< PrimIndexPair > &primIndexPairs, const UT_Array< SdfPath > &variants, const GusdDefaultArray< UsdTimeCode > ×, const GA_AttributeFilter &filter, bool unpackToPolygons, const UT_String &primvarPattern, const UT_String &attributePattern, bool translateSTtoUV, const UT_StringRef &nonTransformingPrimvarPattern, GusdGU_PackedUSD::PivotLocation pivotloc) |
static bool | AppendExpandedPackedPrimsFromLopNode (GU_Detail &gd, const GA_Detail &srcGd, const GA_Range &srcRng, const UT_Array< PrimIndexPair > &primIndexPairs, const GusdDefaultArray< UsdTimeCode > ×, const GA_AttributeFilter &filter, bool unpackToPolygons, const UT_String &primvarPattern, bool importInheritedPrimvars, const UT_String &attributePattern, bool translateSTtoUV, const UT_StringRef &nonTransformingPrimvarPattern, GusdGU_PackedUSD::PivotLocation pivotloc, const UT_StringHolder &filePathAttrib=GUSD_PATH_ATTR, const UT_StringHolder &primPathAttrib=GUSD_PRIMPATH_ATTR, const GT_RefineParms *refineParms=nullptr) |
static bool | WriteVariantSelectionsToAttr (GU_Detail &gd, const GA_Range &rng, const UT_Array< UsdPrim > &prims, const GusdUSD_Utils::VariantSelArray &selections, const char *variantsAttr=GUSD_VARIANTS_ATTR, const UT_Array< SdfPath > *prevVariants=nullptr) |
static bool | WriteVariantSelectionsToPackedPrims (GU_Detail &gd, const GA_Range &rng, const UT_Array< UsdPrim > &prims, const GusdUSD_Utils::VariantSelArray &selections, const UT_Array< SdfPath > *prevVariants=nullptr) |
static GA_Offset | AppendRefPointsForExpandedVariants (GU_Detail &gd, const GA_Detail &srcGd, const GA_Range &srcRng, const UT_Array< UT_StringHolder > &orderedVariants, const GusdUSD_Utils::IndexPairArray &variantIndices, const GA_AttributeFilter &filter, const char *variantsAttr=GUSD_VARIANTS_ATTR) |
static GA_Offset | AppendPackedPrimsForExpandedVariants (GU_Detail &gd, const GA_Detail &srcGd, const GA_Range &srcRng, const UT_Array< UT_StringHolder > &orderedVariants, const GusdUSD_Utils::IndexPairArray &variantIndices, const GA_AttributeFilter &filter) |
static bool | GetPackedPrimStageIdsViewportLODsAndPurposes (const GA_Detail &gd, const GA_OffsetArray &offsets, UT_StringArray &stageIds, UT_StringArray &viewportLODs, UT_Array< GusdPurposeSet > &purposes) |
static bool | ComputeTransformsFromAttrs (const GA_Detail &gd, GA_AttributeOwner owner, const GA_OffsetArray &offsets, UT_Matrix4D *xforms) |
static bool | ComputeTransformsFromPackedPrims (const GA_Detail &gd, const GA_OffsetArray &offsets, UT_Matrix4D *xforms) |
static bool | SetTransformAttrs (GU_Detail &gd, const GA_Range &r, const GA_OffsetArray &indexMap, OrientAttrRepresentation orientRep, ScaleAttrRepresentation scaleRep, const UT_Matrix4D *xforms) |
static bool | SetPackedPrimTransforms (GU_Detail &gd, const GA_Range &r, const UT_Matrix4D *xforms) |
static bool | MultTransformableAttrs (GU_Detail &gd, const GA_Range &r, const GA_OffsetArray &indexMap, const UT_Matrix4D *xforms, bool keepLengths=false, const GA_AttributeFilter *filter=nullptr) |
static bool | ImportPrimUnpacked (GU_Detail &gd, const UsdPrim &prim, UsdTimeCode time, const char *lod=nullptr, GusdPurposeSet purpose=GusdPurposeSet(GUSD_PURPOSE_DEFAULT|GUSD_PURPOSE_PROXY), const UT_StringRef &primvarPattern="*", const UT_StringRef &attributePattern=UT_StringHolder::theEmptyString, bool translateSTtoUV=true, const UT_StringRef &nonTransformingPrimvarPattern=GA_Names::rest, const UT_Matrix4D *xform=nullptr, const GT_RefineParms *refineParms=nullptr) |
| Imports prim as unpacked geometry in gd . More...
static bool | GetPrimPathsFromStringAttr (const GA_Attribute &attr, UT_Array< SdfPath > &paths, UT_ErrorSeverity sev=UT_ERROR_ABORT) |
static bool | GetPrimPathsFromStringAttr (const GA_Attribute &attr, const GA_Range &rng, UT_Array< SdfPath > &paths, UT_ErrorSeverity sev=UT_ERROR_ABORT) |
static bool | GetTokensFromStringAttr (const GA_Attribute &attr, UT_Array< TfToken > &tokens, const char *nameSpace=nullptr) |
static bool | GetTokensFromStringAttr (const GA_Attribute &attr, const GA_Range &rng, UT_Array< TfToken > &tokens, const char *nameSpace=nullptr) |
Set of helpers for working with ranges of prims/points, etc.
Definition at line 94 of file GU_USD.h.