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1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
4 /*!
5  \file GridValidator.h
7  \author Ken Museth
9  \date August 30, 2020
11  \brief Checks the validity of an existing NanoVDB grid.
12 */
17 #include <nanovdb/NanoVDB.h>
18 #include "GridChecksum.h"
20 namespace nanovdb {
22 /// @brief Return true if the specified grid passes several validation tests.
23 ///
24 /// @param grid Grid to validate
25 /// @param detailed If true the validation test is detailed and relatively slow.
26 /// @param verbose If true information about the first failed test is printed to std::cerr
27 template <typename ValueT>
28 bool isValid(const NanoGrid<ValueT> &grid, bool detailed = true, bool verbose = false);
30 /// @brief Allows for the construction of NanoVDB grids without any dependecy
31 template <typename ValueT>
33 {
34  using GridT = NanoGrid<ValueT>;
35  inline static void checkTree( const GridT&, std::string&, bool);
36  inline static void checkRoot( const GridT&, std::string&, bool);
37  inline static void checkNodes(const GridT&, std::string&);
39 public:
40  /// @brief Returns an error message (an empty string means no error)
41  ///
42  /// @param grid NanoVDB grid to be tested
43  /// @param detailed If true the checksum is computed and validated as well as all the node pointers
44  ///
45  /// @note The validation is much slower if @c detailed == true!
46  static std::string check(const GridT &grid, bool detailed = true);
48 };// GridValidator
50 //================================================================================================
52 template <typename ValueT>
53 std::string GridValidator<ValueT>::check(const GridT &grid, bool detailed)
54 {
55  std::string errorStr;
57  // First check the Grid
58  auto *data = reinterpret_cast<const typename GridT::DataType*>(&grid);
59  std::stringstream ss;
60  if (!isValid(data)) {
61  errorStr.assign("Grid is not 32B aligned");
62  } else if (data->mMagic != NANOVDB_MAGIC_NUMBER && data->mMagic != NANOVDB_MAGIC_GRID) {
63  const uint64_t magic1 = NANOVDB_MAGIC_NUMBER, magic2 = NANOVDB_MAGIC_GRID;
64  const char *c0 = (const char*)&(data->mMagic), *c1=(const char*)&magic1, *c2=(const char*)&magic2;
65  ss << "Incorrect magic number: Expected \"";
66  for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) ss << c1[i];
67  ss << "\" or \"";
68  for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) ss << c2[i];
69  ss << "\", but found \"";
70  for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) ss << c0[i];
71  ss << "\"";
72  errorStr = ss.str();
73  } else if (!validateChecksum(grid, detailed ? ChecksumMode::Full : ChecksumMode::Partial)) {
74  errorStr.assign("Mis-matching checksum");
75  } else if (data->mVersion >= Version(29,0,0) && data->mVersion.getMajor() != NANOVDB_MAJOR_VERSION_NUMBER) {
76  ss << "Invalid major version number: Expected " << NANOVDB_MAJOR_VERSION_NUMBER << ", but read " << data->mVersion.c_str();
77  errorStr = ss.str();
78  } else if (data->mVersion < Version(29,0,0) && data->mVersion.id() != 28u) {
79  ss << "Invalid old major version number: Expected 28 or newer, but read " << data->mVersion.id();
80  errorStr = ss.str();
81  } else if (data->mGridClass >= GridClass::End) {
82  errorStr.assign("Invalid GridClass");
83  } else if (data->mGridType >= GridType::End) {
84  errorStr.assign("Invalid GridType");
85  } else if (data->mGridType != mapToGridType<ValueT>()) {
86  errorStr.assign("Invalid combination of ValueType and GridType");
87  } else if (!isValid(data->mGridType, data->mGridClass)) {
88  errorStr.assign("Invalid combination of GridType and GridClass");
89  } else if ( (const uint8_t*)(&(grid.tree())) != (const uint8_t*)(&grid+1) ) {
90  errorStr.assign("Invalid Tree pointer");
91  } else {
92  checkTree(grid, errorStr, detailed);
93  }
94  return errorStr;
95 }
97 //================================================================================================
99 template<typename ValueT>
100 void GridValidator<ValueT>::checkTree(const GridT &grid, std::string &errorStr, bool detailed)
101 {
102  if (!isValid(&grid.tree())) {
103  errorStr.assign("Tree is not 32B aligned");
104  } else if ( (const uint8_t*)(&grid.tree().root()) < (const uint8_t*)(&grid.tree()+1)) {
105  errorStr.assign("Invalid root pointer (should be located after the Grid and Tree)");
106  } else if ( (const uint8_t*)(&grid.tree().root()) > (const uint8_t*)(&grid) + grid.gridSize() - sizeof(grid.tree().root()) ) {
107  errorStr.assign("Invalid root pointer (appears to be located after the end of the buffer)");
108  } else {
109  checkRoot(grid, errorStr, detailed);
110  }
111 }// GridValidator::checkTree
113 //================================================================================================
115 template<typename ValueT>
116 void GridValidator<ValueT>::checkRoot(const GridT &grid, std::string &errorStr, bool detailed)
117 {
118  auto &root = grid.tree().root();
119  auto *data = root.data();
120  if (!isValid(data)) {
121  errorStr.assign("Root is not 32B aligned");
122  }
123  const uint8_t *minPtr = (const uint8_t*)(&root + 1);
124  const uint8_t *maxPtr = (const uint8_t*)(&root) + root.memUsage();
125  for (uint32_t i = 0; errorStr.empty() && i<data->mTableSize; ++i) {
126  const auto *tile = data->tile(i);
127  if ( (const uint8_t *) tile < minPtr ) {
128  errorStr.assign("Invalid root tile pointer (below lower bound");
129  } else if ( (const uint8_t *) tile > maxPtr - sizeof(*tile) ) {
130  errorStr.assign("Invalid root tile pointer (above higher bound");
131  }
132  }
133  if (detailed && errorStr.empty()) {
134  checkNodes(grid, errorStr);
135  }
136 }// GridValidator::processRoot
138 //================================================================================================
139 template<typename ValueT>
140 void GridValidator<ValueT>::checkNodes(const GridT &grid, std::string &errorStr)
141 {
142  auto &root = grid.tree().root();// note, the root node was already checked
143  const uint8_t *minPtr = (const uint8_t*)(&root) + root.memUsage();
144  const uint8_t *maxPtr = (const uint8_t*)(&grid) + grid.gridSize();
146  auto check = [&](const void * ptr, size_t ptrSize) -> bool {
147  if (!isValid(ptr)) {
148  errorStr.assign("Invalid node pointer: not 32B aligned");
149  } else if ( (const uint8_t *) ptr < minPtr ) {
150  errorStr.assign("Invalid node pointer: below lower bound");
151  } else if ( (const uint8_t *) ptr > maxPtr - ptrSize ) {
152  errorStr.assign("Invalid node pointer: above higher bound");
153  }
154  return errorStr.empty();
155  };
157  for (auto it2 = grid.tree().root().cbeginChild(); it2; ++it2) {
158  auto &node2 = *it2;
159  if (!check(&node2, sizeof(node2))) return;
160  for (auto it1 = node2.cbeginChild(); it1; ++it1) {
161  auto &node1 = *it1;
162  if (!check(&node1, sizeof(node1))) return;
163  for (auto it0 = node1.cbeginChild(); it0; ++it0) {
164  auto &node0 = *it0;
165  if (!check(&node2, sizeof(node2))) return;
166  }// loop over child nodes of the lower internal node
167  }// loop over child nodes of the upper internal node
168  }// loop over child nodes of the root node
170 } // GridValidator::processNodes
173 //================================================================================================
175 template <typename ValueT>
176 bool isValid(const NanoGrid<ValueT> &grid, bool detailed, bool verbose)
177 {
178  const std::string str = GridValidator<ValueT>::check( grid, detailed );
179  if (verbose && !str.empty()) std::cerr << "Validation failed: " << str << std::endl;
180  return str.empty();
181 }
183 } // namespace nanovdb
Definition: NanoVDB.h:126
Definition: NanoVDB.h:133
__hostdev__ const TreeT & tree() const
Return a const reference to the tree.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:3740
Allows for the construction of NanoVDB grids without any dependecy.
Definition: GridValidator.h:32
__hostdev__ bool isValid(GridType gridType, GridClass gridClass)
return true if the combination of GridType and GridClass is valid.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:860
GLsizei const GLchar *const * string
Definition: glcorearb.h:814
Highest level of the data structure. Contains a tree and a world->index transform (that currently onl...
Definition: NanoVDB.h:3685
bool validateChecksum(const NanoGrid< BuildT > &grid, ChecksumMode mode=ChecksumMode::Default)
Return true if the checksum of the grid matches the expected value already encoded into the grid's me...
Computes a pair of 32bit checksums, of a Grid, by means of Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) ...
Implements a light-weight self-contained VDB data-structure in a single file! In other words...
Definition: NanoVDB.h:127
GridData DataType
Definition: NanoVDB.h:3694
auto ptr(T p) -> const void *
Definition: format.h:2448
Bit-compacted representation of all three version numbers.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:924
static std::string check(const GridT &grid, bool detailed=true)
Returns an error message (an empty string means no error)
Definition: GridValidator.h:53
Definition: format.h:895