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1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
4 /*!
5  @file HostBuffer.h
7  @date April 20, 2021
9  @brief HostBuffer - a buffer that contains a shared or private bump
10  pool to either externally or internally managed host memory.
12  @details This HostBuffer can be used in multiple ways, most of which are
13  demonstrated in the examples below. Memory in the pool can
14  be managed or unmanged (e.g. internal or external) and can
15  be shared between multiple buffers or belong to a single buffer.
17  Example that uses HostBuffer::create inside io::readGrids to create a
18  full self-managed buffer, i.e. not shared and without padding, per grid in the file.
19  @code
20  auto handles = nanovdb::io::readGrids("file.nvdb");
21  @endcode
23  Example that uses HostBuffer::createFull. Assuming you have a raw pointer
24  to a NanoVDB grid of unknown type, this examples shows how to create its
25  GridHandle which can be used to enquire about the grid type and meta data.
26  @code
27  void *data;// pointer to a NanoVDB grid of unknown type
28  uint64_t size;// byte size of NanoVDB grid of unknown type
29  auto buffer = nanovdb::HostBuffer::createFull(size, data);
30  nanovdb::GridHandle<> gridHandle(std::move(buffer));
31  @endcode
33  Example that uses HostBuffer::createPool for internally managed host memory.
34  Suppose you want to read multiple grids in multiple files, but reuse the same
35  fixed sized memory buffer to both avoid memory fragmentation as well as
36  exceeding the fixed memory ceiling!
37  @code
38  auto pool = nanovdb::HostBuffer::createPool(1 << 30);// 1 GB memory pool
39  std::vector<std::string>> frames;// vector of grid names
40  for (int i=0; i<frames.size(); ++i) {
41  auto handles = nanovdb::io::readGrids(frames[i], 0, pool);// throws if grids in file exceed 1 GB
42  ...
43  pool.reset();// clears all handles and resets the memory pool for reuse
44  }
45  @endcode
47  Example that uses HostBuffer::createPool for externally managed host memory.
48  Note that in this example @c handles are allowed to outlive @c pool since
49  they internally store a shared pointer to the memory pool. However @c data
50  MUST outlive @c handles since the pool does not own its memory in this example.
51  @code
52  const size_t poolSize = 1 << 30;// 1 GB
53  uint8_t *data = static_cast<uint8_t*>(std::malloc(size)+NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT);// 1 GB pool
54  uint8_t *buffer = nanovdb::alignPtr(data);// 32B aligned buffer
55  //uint8_t *buffer = std::aligned_alloc(NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT, poolSize);// in C++17
56  auto pool = nanovdb::HostBuffer::createPool(poolSize, buffer);
57  auto handles1 = nanovdb::io::readGrids("file1.nvdb", 0, pool);
58  auto handles2 = nanovdb::io::readGrids("file2.nvdb", 0, pool);
59  ....
60  std::free(data);
61  @endcode
63  Example that uses HostBuffer::createPool for externally managed host memory.
64  Note that in this example @c handles are allowed to outlive @c pool since
65  they internally store a shared pointer to the memory pool. However @c array
66  MUST outlive @c handles since the pool does not own its memory in this example.
67  @code
68  const size_t poolSize = 1 << 30;// 1 GB
69  std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> array(new uint8_t[size+NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT]);// scoped pool of 1 GB
70  //std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> array(std::aligned_alloc(NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT, size));// in C++17
71  uint8_t *buffer = nanovdb::alignPtr(array.get());// 32B aligned buffer
72  auto pool = nanovdb::HostBuffer::createPool(poolSize, buffer);
73  auto handles = nanovdb::io::readGrids("file.nvdb", 0, pool);
74  @endcode
75 */
80 #include <nanovdb/NanoVDB.h>// for NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT;
81 #include <stdint.h> // for types like int32_t etc
82 #include <cstdio> // for fprintf
83 #include <cstdlib> // for std::malloc/std::realloc/std::free
84 #include <memory>// for std::make_shared
85 #include <mutex>// for std::mutex
86 #include <unordered_set>// for std::unordered_set
87 #include <cassert>// for assert
88 #include <sstream>// for std::stringstream
89 #include <cstring>// for memcpy
91 #define checkPtr(ptr, msg) \
92  { \
93  ptrAssert((ptr), (msg), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
94  }
96 namespace nanovdb {
98 template<typename BufferT>
100 {
101  static constexpr bool hasDeviceDual = false;
102 };
104 // ----------------------------> HostBuffer <--------------------------------------
106 /// @brief This is a buffer that contains a shared or private pool
107 /// to either externally or internally managed host memory.
108 ///
109 /// @note Terminology:
110 /// Pool: 0 = buffer.size() < buffer.poolSize()
111 /// Buffer: 0 < buffer.size() < buffer.poolSize()
112 /// Full: 0 < buffer.size() = buffer.poolSize()
113 /// Empty: 0 = buffer.size() = buffer.poolSize()
115 {
116  struct Pool;// forward declaration of private pool struct
117  std::shared_ptr<Pool> mPool;
118  uint64_t mSize; // total number of bytes for the NanoVDB grid.
119  uint8_t* mData; // raw buffer for the NanoVDB grid.
121 #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG)
122  static inline void ptrAssert(void* ptr, const char* msg, const char* file, int line, bool abort = true)
123  {
124  if (ptr == nullptr) {
125  fprintf(stderr, "NULL pointer error: %s %s %d\n", msg, file, line);
126  if (abort)
127  exit(1);
128  }
129  if (uint64_t(ptr) % NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT) {
130  fprintf(stderr, "Alignment pointer error: %s %s %d\n", msg, file, line);
131  if (abort)
132  exit(1);
133  }
134  }
135 #else
136  static inline void ptrAssert(void*, const char*, const char*, int, bool = true)
137  {
138  }
139 #endif
141 public:
142  /// @brief Return a full buffer or an empty buffer
143  HostBuffer(uint64_t bufferSize = 0);
145  /// @brief Move copy-constructor
146  HostBuffer(HostBuffer&& other);
148  /// @brief Custom descructor
149  ~HostBuffer() { this->clear(); }
151  /// @brief Move copy assignment operation
152  HostBuffer& operator=(HostBuffer&& other);
154  /// @brief Disallow copy-construction
155  HostBuffer(const HostBuffer&) = delete;
157  /// @brief Disallow copy assignment operation
158  HostBuffer& operator=(const HostBuffer&) = delete;
160  /// @brief Return a pool buffer which satisfies: buffer.size == 0,
161  /// buffer.poolSize() == poolSize, and buffer.data() == nullptr.
162  /// If data==nullptr, memory for the pool will be allocated.
163  ///
164  /// @throw If poolSize is zero.
165  static HostBuffer createPool(uint64_t poolSize, void *data = nullptr);
167  /// @brief Return a full buffer which satisfies: buffer.size == bufferSize,
168  /// buffer.poolSize() == bufferSize, and buffer.data() == data.
169  /// If data==nullptr, memory for the pool will be allocated.
170  ///
171  /// @throw If bufferSize is zero.
172  static HostBuffer createFull(uint64_t bufferSize, void *data = nullptr);
174  /// @brief Return a buffer with @c bufferSize bytes managed by
175  /// the specified memory @c pool. If none is provided, i.e.
176  /// @c pool == nullptr or @c pool->poolSize() == 0, one is
177  /// created with size @c bufferSize, i.e. a full buffer is returned.
178  ///
179  /// @throw If the specified @c pool has insufficient memory for
180  /// the requested buffer size.
181  static HostBuffer create(uint64_t bufferSize, const HostBuffer* pool = nullptr);
183  /// @brief Initialize as a full buffer with the specified size. If data is NULL
184  /// the memory is internally allocated.
185  void init(uint64_t bufferSize, void *data = nullptr);
187  //@{
188  /// @brief Retuns a pointer to the raw memory buffer managed by this allocator.
189  ///
190  /// @warning Note that the pointer can be NULL if the allocator was not initialized!
191  const uint8_t* data() const { return mData; }
192  uint8_t* data() { return mData; }
193  //@}
195  //@{
196  /// @brief Returns the size in bytes associated with this buffer.
197  uint64_t bufferSize() const { return mSize; }
198  uint64_t size() const { return this->bufferSize(); }
199  //@}
201  /// @brief Returns the size in bytes of the memory pool shared with this instance.
202  uint64_t poolSize() const;
204  /// @brief Return true if memory is managed (using std::malloc and std:free) by the
205  /// shared pool in this buffer. Else memory is assumed to be managed externally.
206  bool isManaged() const;
208  //@{
209  /// @brief Returns true if this buffer has no memory associated with it
210  bool isEmpty() const { return !mPool || mSize == 0 || mData == nullptr; }
211  bool empty() const { return this->isEmpty(); }
212  //@}
214  /// @brief Return true if this is a pool, i.e. an empty buffer with a nonempty
215  /// internal pool, i.e. this->size() == 0 and this->poolSize() != 0
216  bool isPool() const { return mSize == 0 && this->poolSize() > 0; }
218  /// @brief Return true if the pool exists, is nonempty but has no more available memory
219  bool isFull() const;
221  /// @brief Clear this buffer so it is empty.
222  void clear();
224  /// @brief Clears all existing buffers that are registered against the memory pool
225  /// and resets the pool so it can be reused to create new buffers.
226  ///
227  /// @throw If this instance is not empty or contains no pool.
228  ///
229  /// @warning This method is not thread-safe!
230  void reset();
232  /// @brief Total number of bytes from the pool currently in use by buffers
233  uint64_t poolUsage() const;
235  /// @brief resize the pool size. It will attempt to resize the existing
236  /// memory block, but if that fails a deep copy is performed.
237  /// If @c data is not NULL it will be used as new externally
238  /// managed memory for the pool. All registered buffers are
239  /// updated so GridHandle::grid might return a new address (if
240  /// deep copy was performed).
241  ///
242  /// @note This method can be use to resize the memory pool and even
243  /// change it from internally to externally managed memory or vice versa.
244  ///
245  /// @throw if @c poolSize is less than this->poolUsage() the used memory
246  /// or allocations fail.
247  void resizePool(uint64_t poolSize, void *data = nullptr);
249 }; // HostBuffer class
251 // --------------------------> Implementation of HostBuffer::Pool <------------------------------------
253 // This is private struct of HostBuffer so you can safely ignore the API
255 {
256  using HashTableT = std::unordered_set<HostBuffer*>;
257  std::mutex mMutex; // mutex for updating mRegister and mFree
259  uint8_t* mData;
260  uint8_t* mFree;
261  uint64_t mSize;
262  uint64_t mPadding;
263  bool mManaged;
265  /// @brief External memory ctor
266  Pool(uint64_t size = 0, void* data = nullptr)
267  : mData((uint8_t*)data)
268  , mFree(mData)
269  , mSize(size)
270  , mPadding(0)
271  , mManaged(data == nullptr)
272  {
273  if (mManaged) {
274  mData = static_cast<uint8_t*>(Pool::alloc(mSize));
275  if (mData == nullptr) {
276  throw std::runtime_error("Pool::Pool malloc failed");
277  }
278  }
279  mPadding = alignmentPadding(mData);
280  if (!mManaged && mPadding != 0) {
281  throw std::runtime_error("Pool::Pool: external memory buffer is not aligned to " +
283  " bytes.\nHint: use nanovdb::alignPtr or std::aligned_alloc (C++17 only)");
284  }
285  mFree = mData + mPadding;
286  }
288  /// @brief Custom destructor
290  {
291  assert(mRegister.empty());
292  if (mManaged) {
293  std::free(mData);
294  }
295  }
297  /// @brief Disallow copy-construction
298  Pool(const Pool&) = delete;
300  /// @brief Disallow move-construction
301  Pool(const Pool&&) = delete;
303  /// @brief Disallow copy assignment operation
304  Pool& operator=(const Pool&) = delete;
306  /// @brief Disallow move assignment operation
307  Pool& operator=(const Pool&&) = delete;
309  /// @brief Return the total number of bytes used from this Pool by buffers
310  uint64_t usage() const { return static_cast<uint64_t>(mFree - mData) - mPadding; }
312  /// @brief Allocate a buffer of the specified size and add it to the register
313  void add(HostBuffer* buffer, uint64_t size)
314  {
315  auto* alignedFree = mFree + alignmentPadding(mFree);
317  if (alignedFree + size > mData + mPadding + mSize) {
318  std::stringstream ss;
319  ss << "HostBuffer::Pool: insufficient memory\n"
320  << "\tA buffer requested " << size << " bytes with " << NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT
321  << "-bytes alignment from a pool with "
322  << mSize << " bytes of which\n\t" << (alignedFree - mData - mPadding)
323  << " bytes are used by " << mRegister.size() << " other buffer(s). "
324  << "Pool is " << (mManaged ? "internally" : "externally") << " managed.\n";
325  //std::cerr << ss.str();
326  throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
327  }
328  buffer->mSize = size;
329  const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
330  mRegister.insert(buffer);
331  buffer->mData = alignedFree;
332  mFree = alignedFree + size;
333  }
335  /// @brief Remove the specified buffer from the register
336  void remove(HostBuffer *buffer)
337  {
338  const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
339  mRegister.erase(buffer);
340  }
342  /// @brief Replaces buffer1 with buffer2 in the register
343  void replace(HostBuffer *buffer1, HostBuffer *buffer2)
344  {
345  const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
346  mRegister.erase( buffer1);
347  mRegister.insert(buffer2);
348  }
350  /// @brief Reset the register and all its buffers
351  void reset()
352  {
353  for (HostBuffer *buffer : mRegister) {
354  buffer->mPool.reset();
355  buffer->mSize = 0;
356  buffer->mData = nullptr;
357  }
358  mRegister.clear();
359  mFree = mData + mPadding;
360  }
362  /// @brief Resize this Pool and update registered buffers as needed. If data is no NULL
363  /// it is used as externally managed memory.
364  void resize(uint64_t size, void *data = nullptr)
365  {
366  const uint64_t memUsage = this->usage();
368  const bool managed = (data == nullptr);
370  if (!managed && alignmentPadding(data) != 0) {
371  throw std::runtime_error("Pool::resize: external memory buffer is not aligned to " +
373  }
375  if (memUsage > size) {
376  throw std::runtime_error("Pool::resize: insufficient memory");
377  }
379  uint64_t padding = 0;
380  if (mManaged && managed && size != mSize) { // managed -> managed
381  padding = mPadding;
382  data = Pool::realloc(mData, memUsage, size, padding); // performs both copy and free of mData
383  } else if (!mManaged && managed) { // un-managed -> managed
384  data = Pool::alloc(size);
385  padding = alignmentPadding(data);
386  }
388  if (data == nullptr) {
389  throw std::runtime_error("Pool::resize: allocation failed");
390  } else if (data != mData) {
391  auto* paddedData = static_cast<uint8_t*>(data) + padding;
393  if (!(mManaged && managed)) { // no need to copy if managed -> managed
394  memcpy(paddedData, mData + mPadding, memUsage);
395  }
397  for (HostBuffer* buffer : mRegister) { // update registered buffers
398  buffer->mData = paddedData + ptrdiff_t(buffer->mData - (mData + mPadding));
399  }
400  mFree = paddedData + memUsage; // update the free pointer
401  if (mManaged && !managed) {// only free if managed -> un-managed
402  std::free(mData);
403  }
405  mData = static_cast<uint8_t*>(data);
406  mPadding = padding;
407  }
408  mSize = size;
409  mManaged = managed;
410  }
411  /// @brief Return true is all the memory in this pool is in use.
412  bool isFull() const
413  {
414  assert(mFree <= mData + mPadding + mSize);
415  return mSize > 0 ? mFree == mData + mPadding + mSize : false;
416  }
418 private:
420  static void* alloc(uint64_t size)
421  {
422 //#if (__cplusplus >= 201703L)
423 // return std::aligned_alloc(NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT, size);//C++17 or newer
424 //#else
425  // make sure we alloc enough space to align the result
426  return std::malloc(size + NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT);
427 //#endif
428  }
430  static void* realloc(void* const origData,
431  uint64_t origSize,
432  uint64_t desiredSize,
433  uint64_t& padding)
434  {
435  // make sure we alloc enough space to align the result
436  void* data = std::realloc(origData, desiredSize + NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT);
438  if (data != nullptr && data != origData) {
439  uint64_t newPadding = alignmentPadding(data);
440  // Number of padding bytes may have changed -- move data if that's the case
441  if (newPadding != padding) {
442  // Realloc should not happen when shrinking down buffer, but let's be safe
443  std::memmove(static_cast<uint8_t*>(data) + newPadding,
444  static_cast<uint8_t*>(data) + padding,
445  Min(origSize, desiredSize));
446  padding = newPadding;
447  }
448  }
450  return data;
451  }
453 };// struct HostBuffer::Pool
455 // --------------------------> Implementation of HostBuffer <------------------------------------
457 inline HostBuffer::HostBuffer(uint64_t size) : mPool(nullptr), mSize(size), mData(nullptr)
458 {
459  if (size>0) {
460  mPool = std::make_shared<Pool>(size);
461  mData = mPool->mFree;
462  mPool->mRegister.insert(this);
463  mPool->mFree += size;
464  }
465 }
467 inline HostBuffer::HostBuffer(HostBuffer&& other) : mPool(other.mPool), mSize(other.mSize), mData(other.mData)
468 {
469  if (mPool && mSize != 0) {
470  mPool->replace(&other, this);
471  }
472  other.mPool.reset();
473  other.mSize = 0;
474  other.mData = nullptr;
475 }
477 inline void HostBuffer::init(uint64_t bufferSize, void *data)
478 {
479  if (bufferSize == 0) {
480  throw std::runtime_error("HostBuffer: invalid buffer size");
481  }
482  if (mPool) {
483  mPool.reset();
484  }
485  if (!mPool || mPool->mSize != bufferSize) {
486  mPool = std::make_shared<Pool>(bufferSize, data);
487  }
488  mPool->add(this, bufferSize);
489 }
492 {
493  if (mPool) {
494  mPool->remove(this);
495  }
496  mPool = other.mPool;
497  mSize = other.mSize;
498  mData = other.mData;
499  if (mPool && mSize != 0) {
500  mPool->replace(&other, this);
501  }
502  other.mPool.reset();
503  other.mSize = 0;
504  other.mData = nullptr;
505  return *this;
506 }
508 inline uint64_t HostBuffer::poolSize() const
509 {
510  return mPool ? mPool->mSize : 0u;
511 }
513 inline uint64_t HostBuffer::poolUsage() const
514 {
515  return mPool ? mPool->usage(): 0u;
516 }
518 inline bool HostBuffer::isManaged() const
519 {
520  return mPool ? mPool->mManaged : false;
521 }
523 inline bool HostBuffer::isFull() const
524 {
525  return mPool ? mPool->isFull() : false;
526 }
528 inline HostBuffer HostBuffer::createPool(uint64_t poolSize, void *data)
529 {
530  if (poolSize == 0) {
531  throw std::runtime_error("HostBuffer: invalid pool size");
532  }
534  buffer.mPool = std::make_shared<Pool>(poolSize, data);
535  // note the buffer is NOT registered by its pool since it is not using its memory
536  buffer.mSize = 0;
537  buffer.mData = nullptr;
538  return buffer;
539 }
541 inline HostBuffer HostBuffer::createFull(uint64_t bufferSize, void *data)
542 {
543  if (bufferSize == 0) {
544  throw std::runtime_error("HostBuffer: invalid buffer size");
545  }
547  buffer.mPool = std::make_shared<Pool>(bufferSize, data);
548  buffer.mPool->add(&buffer, bufferSize);
549  return buffer;
550 }
552 inline HostBuffer HostBuffer::create(uint64_t bufferSize, const HostBuffer* pool)
553 {
555  if (pool == nullptr || !pool->mPool) {
556  buffer.mPool = std::make_shared<Pool>(bufferSize);
557  } else {
558  buffer.mPool = pool->mPool;
559  }
560  buffer.mPool->add(&buffer, bufferSize);
561  return buffer;
562 }
564 inline void HostBuffer::clear()
565 {
566  if (mPool) {// remove self from the buffer register in the pool
567  mPool->remove(this);
568  }
569  mPool.reset();
570  mSize = 0;
571  mData = nullptr;
572 }
574 inline void HostBuffer::reset()
575 {
576  if (this->size()>0) {
577  throw std::runtime_error("HostBuffer: only empty buffers can call reset");
578  }
579  if (!mPool) {
580  throw std::runtime_error("HostBuffer: this buffer contains no pool to reset");
581  }
582  mPool->reset();
583 }
585 inline void HostBuffer::resizePool(uint64_t size, void *data)
586 {
587  if (!mPool) {
588  throw std::runtime_error("HostBuffer: this buffer contains no pool to resize");
589  }
590  mPool->resize(size, data);
591 }
593 } // namespace nanovdb
Custom descructor.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:149
void init(uint64_t bufferSize, void *data=nullptr)
Initialize as a full buffer with the specified size. If data is NULL the memory is internally allocat...
Definition: HostBuffer.h:477
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if this buffer has no memory associated with it.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:210
auto to_string(const T &value) -> std::string
Definition: format.h:2597
static HostBuffer createPool(uint64_t poolSize, void *data=nullptr)
Return a pool buffer which satisfies: buffer.size == 0, buffer.poolSize() == poolSize, and buffer.data() == nullptr. If data==nullptr, memory for the pool will be allocated.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:528
HostBuffer(uint64_t bufferSize=0)
Return a full buffer or an empty buffer.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:457
Pool & operator=(const Pool &)=delete
Disallow copy assignment operation.
HostBuffer & operator=(HostBuffer &&other)
Move copy assignment operation.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:491
static HostBuffer createFull(uint64_t bufferSize, void *data=nullptr)
Return a full buffer which satisfies: buffer.size == bufferSize, buffer.poolSize() == bufferSize...
Definition: HostBuffer.h:541
void replace(HostBuffer *buffer1, HostBuffer *buffer2)
Replaces buffer1 with buffer2 in the register.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:343
void clear()
Clear this buffer so it is empty.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:564
bool empty() const
Returns true if this buffer has no memory associated with it.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:211
This is a buffer that contains a shared or private pool to either externally or internally managed ho...
Definition: HostBuffer.h:114
void add(HostBuffer *buffer, uint64_t size)
Allocate a buffer of the specified size and add it to the register.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:313
GLuint buffer
Definition: glcorearb.h:660
bool isPool() const
Return true if this is a pool, i.e. an empty buffer with a nonempty internal pool, i.e. this->size() == 0 and this->poolSize() != 0.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:216
bool isFull() const
Return true if the pool exists, is nonempty but has no more available memory.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:523
Definition: NanoVDB.h:154
void resize(uint64_t size, void *data=nullptr)
Resize this Pool and update registered buffers as needed. If data is no NULL it is used as externally...
Definition: HostBuffer.h:364
uint64_t bufferSize() const
Returns the size in bytes associated with this buffer.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:197
void clear()
Definition: core.h:814
uint64_t usage() const
Return the total number of bytes used from this Pool by buffers.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:310
__hostdev__ Type Min(Type a, Type b)
Definition: NanoVDB.h:1070
uint8_t * data()
Retuns a pointer to the raw memory buffer managed by this allocator.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:192
Definition: core.h:760
Implements a light-weight self-contained VDB data-structure in a single file! In other words...
static constexpr bool hasDeviceDual
Definition: HostBuffer.h:101
const uint8_t * data() const
Retuns a pointer to the raw memory buffer managed by this allocator.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:191
auto fprintf(std::FILE *f, const S &fmt, const T &...args) -> int
Definition: printf.h:602
uint64_t poolUsage() const
Total number of bytes from the pool currently in use by buffers.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:513
Custom destructor.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:289
bool isManaged() const
Return true if memory is managed (using std::malloc and std:free) by the shared pool in this buffer...
Definition: HostBuffer.h:518
Pool(uint64_t size=0, void *data=nullptr)
External memory ctor.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:266
GLsizeiptr size
Definition: glcorearb.h:664
void reset()
Reset the register and all its buffers.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:351
auto ptr(T p) -> const void *
Definition: format.h:2448
bool isFull() const
Return true is all the memory in this pool is in use.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:412
void resizePool(uint64_t poolSize, void *data=nullptr)
resize the pool size. It will attempt to resize the existing memory block, but if that fails a deep c...
Definition: HostBuffer.h:585
uint64_t size() const
Returns the size in bytes associated with this buffer.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:198
void reset()
Clears all existing buffers that are registered against the memory pool and resets the pool so it can...
Definition: HostBuffer.h:574
uint64_t poolSize() const
Returns the size in bytes of the memory pool shared with this instance.
Definition: HostBuffer.h:508
Definition: format.h:895
**Note that the tasks the is the thread number *for the pool
Definition: thread.h:637
static HostBuffer create(uint64_t bufferSize, const HostBuffer *pool=nullptr)
Return a buffer with bufferSize bytes managed by the specified memory pool. If none is provided...
Definition: HostBuffer.h:552
std::unordered_set< HostBuffer * > HashTableT
Definition: HostBuffer.h:256