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1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
3 //
4 /// @file tree/TreeIterator.h
9 #include <tbb/blocked_range.h>
10 #include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
11 #include <openvdb/version.h>
12 #include <openvdb/Types.h>
13 #include <algorithm>
14 #include <sstream>
15 #include <string>
16 #include <type_traits>
18 // Prior to 0.96.1, depth-bounded value iterators always descended to the leaf level
19 // and iterated past leaf nodes. Now, they never descend past the maximum depth.
20 // Comment out the following line to restore the older, less-efficient behavior:
24 namespace openvdb {
27 namespace tree {
29 namespace iter {
31 template<typename HeadT, int HeadLevel>
32 struct InvertedTree {
33  using SubtreeT = typename InvertedTree<typename HeadT::ChildNodeType, HeadLevel-1>::Type;
34  using Type = typename SubtreeT::template Append<HeadT>;
35 };
36 template<typename HeadT>
37 struct InvertedTree<HeadT, /*HeadLevel=*/1> {
39 };
41 } // namespace iter
44 ////////////////////////////////////////
47 /// IterTraits provides the following for iterators of the standard types,
48 /// i.e., for {Child,Value}{On,Off,All}{Iter,CIter}:
49 /// - a NodeConverter template to convert an iterator for one type of node
50 /// to an iterator of the same type for another type of node; for example,
51 /// IterTraits<RootNode, RootNode::ValueOnIter>::NodeConverter<LeafNode>::Type
52 /// is synonymous with LeafNode::ValueOnIter.
53 /// - a begin(node) function that returns a begin iterator for a node of arbitrary type;
54 /// for example, IterTraits<LeafNode, LeafNode::ValueOnIter>::begin(leaf) returns
55 /// leaf.beginValueOn()
56 /// - a getChild() function that returns a pointer to the child node to which the iterator
57 /// is currently pointing (always null if the iterator is a Value iterator)
58 template<typename NodeT, typename IterT>
59 struct IterTraits
60 {
61  template<typename ChildT> static ChildT* getChild(const IterT&) { return nullptr; }
62 };
64 template<typename NodeT>
65 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ChildOnIter>
66 {
67  using IterT = typename NodeT::ChildOnIter;
68  static IterT begin(NodeT& node) { return node.beginChildOn(); }
69  template<typename ChildT> static ChildT* getChild(const IterT& iter) {
70  return &iter.getValue();
71  }
72  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
73  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ChildOnIter;
74  };
75 };
77 template<typename NodeT>
78 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ChildOnCIter>
79 {
80  using IterT = typename NodeT::ChildOnCIter;
81  static IterT begin(const NodeT& node) { return node.cbeginChildOn(); }
82  template<typename ChildT> static const ChildT* getChild(const IterT& iter) {
83  return &iter.getValue();
84  }
85  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
86  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ChildOnCIter;
87  };
88 };
90 template<typename NodeT>
91 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ChildOffIter>
92 {
93  using IterT = typename NodeT::ChildOffIter;
94  static IterT begin(NodeT& node) { return node.beginChildOff(); }
95  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
96  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ChildOffIter;
97  };
98 };
100 template<typename NodeT>
101 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ChildOffCIter>
102 {
103  using IterT = typename NodeT::ChildOffCIter;
104  static IterT begin(const NodeT& node) { return node.cbeginChildOff(); }
105  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
106  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ChildOffCIter;
107  };
108 };
110 template<typename NodeT>
111 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ChildAllIter>
112 {
113  using IterT = typename NodeT::ChildAllIter;
114  static IterT begin(NodeT& node) { return node.beginChildAll(); }
115  template<typename ChildT> static ChildT* getChild(const IterT& iter) {
116  typename IterT::NonConstValueType val;
117  return iter.probeChild(val);
118  }
119  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
120  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ChildAllIter;
121  };
122 };
124 template<typename NodeT>
125 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ChildAllCIter>
126 {
127  using IterT = typename NodeT::ChildAllCIter;
128  static IterT begin(const NodeT& node) { return node.cbeginChildAll(); }
129  template<typename ChildT> static ChildT* getChild(const IterT& iter) {
130  typename IterT::NonConstValueType val;
131  return iter.probeChild(val);
132  }
133  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
134  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ChildAllCIter;
135  };
136 };
138 template<typename NodeT>
139 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ValueOnIter>
140 {
141  using IterT = typename NodeT::ValueOnIter;
142  static IterT begin(NodeT& node) { return node.beginValueOn(); }
143  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
144  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ValueOnIter;
145  };
146 };
148 template<typename NodeT>
149 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ValueOnCIter>
150 {
151  using IterT = typename NodeT::ValueOnCIter;
152  static IterT begin(const NodeT& node) { return node.cbeginValueOn(); }
153  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
154  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ValueOnCIter;
155  };
156 };
158 template<typename NodeT>
159 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ValueOffIter>
160 {
161  using IterT = typename NodeT::ValueOffIter;
162  static IterT begin(NodeT& node) { return node.beginValueOff(); }
163  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
164  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ValueOffIter;
165  };
166 };
168 template<typename NodeT>
169 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ValueOffCIter>
170 {
171  using IterT = typename NodeT::ValueOffCIter;
172  static IterT begin(const NodeT& node) { return node.cbeginValueOff(); }
173  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
174  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ValueOffCIter;
175  };
176 };
178 template<typename NodeT>
179 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ValueAllIter>
180 {
181  using IterT = typename NodeT::ValueAllIter;
182  static IterT begin(NodeT& node) { return node.beginValueAll(); }
183  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
184  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ValueAllIter;
185  };
186 };
188 template<typename NodeT>
189 struct IterTraits<NodeT, typename NodeT::ValueAllCIter>
190 {
191  using IterT = typename NodeT::ValueAllCIter;
192  static IterT begin(const NodeT& node) { return node.cbeginValueAll(); }
193  template<typename OtherNodeT> struct NodeConverter {
194  using Type = typename OtherNodeT::ValueAllCIter;
195  };
196 };
199 ////////////////////////////////////////
202 /// @brief An IterListItem is an element of a compile-time linked list of iterators
203 /// to nodes of different types.
204 ///
205 /// The list is constructed by traversing the template hierarchy of a Tree in reverse order,
206 /// so typically the elements will be a LeafNode iterator of some type (e.g., ValueOnCIter),
207 /// followed by one or more InternalNode iterators of the same type, followed by a RootNode
208 /// iterator of the same type.
209 ///
210 /// The length of the list is fixed at compile time, and because it is implemented using
211 /// nested, templated classes, much of the list traversal logic can be optimized away.
212 template<typename PrevItemT, typename NodeVecT, size_t VecSize, Index _Level>
214 {
215 public:
216  /// The type of iterator stored in the previous list item
217  using PrevIterT = typename PrevItemT::IterT;
218  /// The type of node (non-const) whose iterator is stored in this list item
219  using _NodeT = typename NodeVecT::Front;
220  /// The type of iterator stored in this list item (e.g., InternalNode::ValueOnCIter)
224  /// The type of node (const or non-const) over which IterT iterates (e.g., const RootNode<...>)
225  using NodeT = typename IterT::NodeType;
226  /// The type of the node with const qualifiers removed ("Non-Const")
227  using NCNodeT = typename IterT::NonConstNodeType;
228  /// The type of value (with const qualifiers removed) to which the iterator points
229  using NCValueT = typename IterT::NonConstValueType;
230  /// NodeT's child node type, with the same constness (e.g., const InternalNode<...>)
232  /// NodeT's child node type with const qualifiers removed
235  /// NodeT's level in its tree (0 = LeafNode)
236  static const Index Level = _Level;
238  IterListItem(PrevItemT* prev): mNext(this), mPrev(prev) {}
240  IterListItem(const IterListItem& other):
241  mIter(other.mIter), mNext(other.mNext), mPrev(nullptr) {}
243  {
244  if (&other != this) {
245  mIter = other.mIter;
246  mNext = other.mNext;
247  mPrev = nullptr; ///< @note external call to updateBackPointers() required
248  }
249  return *this;
250  }
252  void updateBackPointers(PrevItemT* prev) { mPrev = prev; mNext.updateBackPointers(this); }
254  void setIter(const IterT& iter) { mIter = iter; }
255  template<typename OtherIterT>
256  void setIter(const OtherIterT& iter) { mNext.setIter(iter); }
258  /// Return the node over which this list element's iterator iterates.
259  void getNode(Index lvl, NodeT*& node) const
260  {
261  node = (lvl <= Level) ? mIter.getParentNode() : nullptr;
262  }
263  /// Return the node over which one of the following list elements' iterator iterates.
264  template<typename OtherNodeT>
265  void getNode(Index lvl, OtherNodeT*& node) const { mNext.getNode(lvl, node); }
267  /// @brief Initialize the iterator for level @a lvl of the tree with the node
268  /// over which the corresponding iterator of @a otherListItem is iterating.
269  ///
270  /// For example, if @a otherListItem contains a LeafNode::ValueOnIter,
271  /// initialize this list's leaf iterator with the same LeafNode.
272  template<typename OtherIterListItemT>
273  void initLevel(Index lvl, OtherIterListItemT& otherListItem)
274  {
275  if (lvl == Level) {
276  const NodeT* node = nullptr;
277  otherListItem.getNode(lvl, node);
278  mIter = (node == nullptr) ? IterT() : ITraits::begin(*const_cast<NodeT*>(node));
279  } else {
280  // Forward to one of the following list elements.
281  mNext.initLevel(lvl, otherListItem);
282  }
283  }
285  /// Return The table offset of the iterator at level @a lvl of the tree.
286  Index pos(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.pos() : mNext.pos(lvl); }
288  /// Return @c true if the iterator at level @a lvl of the tree has not yet reached its end.
289  bool test(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.test() : mNext.test(lvl); }
291  /// Increment the iterator at level @a lvl of the tree.
292  bool next(Index lvl) { return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.next() : mNext.next(lvl); }
294  /// @brief If the iterator at level @a lvl of the tree points to a child node,
295  /// initialize the next iterator in this list with that child node.
296  bool down(Index lvl)
297  {
298  if (lvl == Level && mPrev != nullptr && mIter) {
299  if (ChildT* child = ITraits::template getChild<ChildT>(mIter)) {
300  mPrev->setIter(PrevItemT::ITraits::begin(*child));
301  return true;
302  }
303  }
304  return (lvl > Level) ? mNext.down(lvl) : false;
305  }
307  /// @brief Return the global coordinates of the voxel or tile to which the iterator
308  /// at level @a lvl of the tree is currently pointing.
309  Coord getCoord(Index lvl) const
310  {
311  return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.getCoord() : mNext.getCoord(lvl);
312  }
314  {
315  return (lvl == Level) ? NodeT::getChildDim() : mNext.getChildDim(lvl);
316  }
317  /// Return the number of (virtual) voxels spanned by a tile value or child node
319  {
320  return (lvl == Level) ? ChildT::NUM_VOXELS : mNext.getVoxelCount(lvl);
321  }
323  /// Return @c true if the iterator at level @a lvl of the tree points to an active value.
324  bool isValueOn(Index lvl) const
325  {
326  return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.isValueOn() : mNext.isValueOn(lvl);
327  }
329  /// Return the value to which the iterator at level @a lvl of the tree points.
330  const NCValueT& getValue(Index lvl) const
331  {
332  if (lvl == Level) return mIter.getValue();
333  return mNext.getValue(lvl);
334  }
336  /// @brief Set the value (to @a val) to which the iterator at level @a lvl
337  /// of the tree points and mark the value as active.
338  /// @note Not valid when @c IterT is a const iterator type
339  void setValue(Index lvl, const NCValueT& val) const
340  {
341  if (lvl == Level) mIter.setValue(val); else mNext.setValue(lvl, val);
342  }
343  /// @brief Set the value (to @a val) to which the iterator at level @a lvl of the tree
344  /// points and mark the value as active if @a on is @c true, or inactive otherwise.
345  /// @note Not valid when @c IterT is a const iterator type
346  void setValueOn(Index lvl, bool on = true) const
347  {
348  if (lvl == Level) mIter.setValueOn(on); else mNext.setValueOn(lvl, on);
349  }
350  /// @brief Mark the value to which the iterator at level @a lvl of the tree points
351  /// as inactive.
352  /// @note Not valid when @c IterT is a const iterator type
353  void setValueOff(Index lvl) const
354  {
355  if (lvl == Level) mIter.setValueOff(); else mNext.setValueOff(lvl);
356  }
358  /// @brief Apply a functor to the item to which this iterator is pointing.
359  /// @note Not valid when @c IterT is a const iterator type
360  template<typename ModifyOp>
361  void modifyValue(Index lvl, const ModifyOp& op) const
362  {
363  if (lvl == Level) mIter.modifyValue(op); else mNext.modifyValue(lvl, op);
364  }
366 private:
367  using RestT = typename NodeVecT::PopFront; // NodeVecT minus its first item
368  using NextItem = IterListItem<IterListItem, RestT, VecSize - 1, Level + 1>;
370  IterT mIter;
371  NextItem mNext;
372  PrevItemT* mPrev;
373 };
376 /// The initial element of a compile-time linked list of iterators to nodes of different types
377 template<typename PrevItemT, typename NodeVecT, size_t VecSize>
378 class IterListItem<PrevItemT, NodeVecT, VecSize, /*Level=*/0U>
379 {
380 public:
381  /// The type of iterator stored in the previous list item
382  using PrevIterT = typename PrevItemT::IterT;
383  /// The type of node (non-const) whose iterator is stored in this list item
384  using _NodeT = typename NodeVecT::Front;
385  /// The type of iterator stored in this list item (e.g., InternalNode::ValueOnCIter)
389  /// The type of node (const or non-const) over which IterT iterates (e.g., const RootNode<...>)
390  using NodeT = typename IterT::NodeType;
391  /// The type of the node with const qualifiers removed ("Non-Const")
392  using NCNodeT = typename IterT::NonConstNodeType;
393  /// The type of value (with const qualifiers removed) to which the iterator points
394  using NCValueT = typename IterT::NonConstValueType;
396  /// NodeT's level in its tree (0 = LeafNode)
397  static const Index Level = 0;
399  IterListItem(PrevItemT*): mNext(this), mPrev(nullptr) {}
401  IterListItem(const IterListItem& other):
402  mIter(other.mIter), mNext(other.mNext), mPrev(nullptr) {}
404  {
405  if (&other != this) {
406  mIter = other.mIter;
407  mNext = other.mNext;
408  mPrev = nullptr;
409  }
410  return *this;
411  }
413  void updateBackPointers(PrevItemT* = nullptr)
414  {
415  mPrev = nullptr; mNext.updateBackPointers(this);
416  }
418  void setIter(const IterT& iter) { mIter = iter; }
419  template<typename OtherIterT>
420  void setIter(const OtherIterT& iter) { mNext.setIter(iter); }
422  void getNode(Index lvl, NodeT*& node) const
423  {
424  node = (lvl == 0) ? mIter.getParentNode() : nullptr;
425  }
426  template<typename OtherNodeT>
427  void getNode(Index lvl, OtherNodeT*& node) const { mNext.getNode(lvl, node); }
429  template<typename OtherIterListItemT>
430  void initLevel(Index lvl, OtherIterListItemT& otherListItem)
431  {
432  if (lvl == 0) {
433  const NodeT* node = nullptr;
434  otherListItem.getNode(lvl, node);
435  mIter = (node == nullptr) ? IterT() : ITraits::begin(*const_cast<NodeT*>(node));
436  } else {
437  mNext.initLevel(lvl, otherListItem);
438  }
439  }
441  Index pos(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == 0) ? mIter.pos() : mNext.pos(lvl); }
443  bool test(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == 0) ? mIter.test() : mNext.test(lvl); }
445  bool next(Index lvl) { return (lvl == 0) ? mIter.next() : mNext.next(lvl); }
447  bool down(Index lvl) { return (lvl == 0) ? false : mNext.down(lvl); }
449  Coord getCoord(Index lvl) const
450  {
451  return (lvl == 0) ? mIter.getCoord() : mNext.getCoord(lvl);
452  }
454  {
455  return (lvl == 0) ? NodeT::getChildDim() : mNext.getChildDim(lvl);
456  }
459  {
460  return (lvl == 0) ? 1 : mNext.getVoxelCount(lvl);
461  }
463  bool isValueOn(Index lvl) const
464  {
465  return (lvl == 0) ? mIter.isValueOn() : mNext.isValueOn(lvl);
466  }
468  const NCValueT& getValue(Index lvl) const
469  {
470  if (lvl == 0) return mIter.getValue();
471  return mNext.getValue(lvl);
472  }
474  void setValue(Index lvl, const NCValueT& val) const
475  {
476  if (lvl == 0) mIter.setValue(val); else mNext.setValue(lvl, val);
477  }
478  void setValueOn(Index lvl, bool on = true) const
479  {
480  if (lvl == 0) mIter.setValueOn(on); else mNext.setValueOn(lvl, on);
481  }
482  void setValueOff(Index lvl) const
483  {
484  if (lvl == 0) mIter.setValueOff(); else mNext.setValueOff(lvl);
485  }
487  template<typename ModifyOp>
488  void modifyValue(Index lvl, const ModifyOp& op) const
489  {
490  if (lvl == 0) mIter.modifyValue(op); else mNext.modifyValue(lvl, op);
491  }
493 private:
494  using RestT = typename NodeVecT::PopFront; // NodeVecT minus its first item
495  using NextItem = IterListItem<IterListItem, RestT, VecSize - 1, /*Level=*/1>;
497  IterT mIter;
498  NextItem mNext;
499  PrevItemT* mPrev;
500 };
503 /// The final element of a compile-time linked list of iterators to nodes of different types
504 template<typename PrevItemT, typename NodeVecT, Index _Level>
505 class IterListItem<PrevItemT, NodeVecT, /*VecSize=*/1, _Level>
506 {
507 public:
508  using _NodeT = typename NodeVecT::Front;
509  /// The type of iterator stored in the previous list item
510  using PrevIterT = typename PrevItemT::IterT;
511  /// The type of iterator stored in this list item (e.g., RootNode::ValueOnCIter)
515  /// The type of node over which IterT iterates (e.g., const RootNode<...>)
516  using NodeT = typename IterT::NodeType;
517  /// The type of the node with const qualifiers removed ("Non-Const")
518  using NCNodeT = typename IterT::NonConstNodeType;
519  /// The type of value (with const qualifiers removed) to which the iterator points
520  using NCValueT = typename IterT::NonConstValueType;
521  /// NodeT's child node type, with the same constness (e.g., const InternalNode<...>)
523  /// NodeT's child node type with const qualifiers removed
526  /// NodeT's level in its tree (0 = LeafNode)
527  static const Index Level = _Level;
529  IterListItem(PrevItemT* prev): mPrev(prev) {}
531  IterListItem(const IterListItem& other): mIter(other.mIter), mPrev(nullptr) {}
533  {
534  if (&other != this) {
535  mIter = other.mIter;
536  mPrev = nullptr; ///< @note external call to updateBackPointers() required
537  }
538  return *this;
539  }
541  void updateBackPointers(PrevItemT* prev) { mPrev = prev; }
543  // The following method specializations differ from the default template
544  // implementations mainly in that they don't forward.
546  void setIter(const IterT& iter) { mIter = iter; }
548  void getNode(Index lvl, NodeT*& node) const
549  {
550  node = (lvl <= Level) ? mIter.getParentNode() : nullptr;
551  }
553  template<typename OtherIterListItemT>
554  void initLevel(Index lvl, OtherIterListItemT& otherListItem)
555  {
556  if (lvl == Level) {
557  const NodeT* node = nullptr;
558  otherListItem.getNode(lvl, node);
559  mIter = (node == nullptr) ? IterT() : ITraits::begin(*const_cast<NodeT*>(node));
560  }
561  }
563  Index pos(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.pos() : Index(-1); }
565  bool test(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.test() : false; }
567  bool next(Index lvl) { return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.next() : false; }
569  bool down(Index lvl)
570  {
571  if (lvl == Level && mPrev != nullptr && mIter) {
572  if (ChildT* child = ITraits::template getChild<ChildT>(mIter)) {
573  mPrev->setIter(PrevItemT::ITraits::begin(*child));
574  return true;
575  }
576  }
577  return false;
578  }
580  Coord getCoord(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.getCoord() : Coord(); }
581  Index getChildDim(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == Level) ? NodeT::getChildDim() : 0; }
582  Index64 getVoxelCount(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == Level) ? ChildT::NUM_VOXELS : 0; }
584  bool isValueOn(Index lvl) const { return (lvl == Level) ? mIter.isValueOn() : false; }
586  const NCValueT& getValue(Index lvl) const
587  {
588  assert(lvl == Level);
589  (void)lvl; // avoid unused variable warning in optimized builds
590  return mIter.getValue();
591  }
593  void setValue(Index lvl, const NCValueT& val) const { if (lvl == Level) mIter.setValue(val); }
594  void setValueOn(Index lvl, bool on = true) const { if (lvl == Level) mIter.setValueOn(on); }
595  void setValueOff(Index lvl) const { if (lvl == Level) mIter.setValueOff(); }
597  template<typename ModifyOp>
598  void modifyValue(Index lvl, const ModifyOp& op) const
599  {
600  if (lvl == Level) mIter.modifyValue(op);
601  }
603 private:
604  IterT mIter;
605  PrevItemT* mPrev;
606 };
609 ////////////////////////////////////////
614 /// @brief Base class for tree-traversal iterators over tile and voxel values
615 template<typename _TreeT, typename _ValueIterT>
617 {
618 public:
619  using TreeT = _TreeT;
620  using ValueIterT = _ValueIterT;
621  using NodeT = typename ValueIterT::NodeType;
622  using ValueT = typename ValueIterT::NonConstValueType;
623  using ChildOnIterT = typename NodeT::ChildOnCIter;
624  static const Index ROOT_LEVEL = NodeT::LEVEL;
625  static_assert(ValueIterT::NodeType::LEVEL == ROOT_LEVEL, "invalid value iterator node type");
626  static const Index LEAF_LEVEL = 0, ROOT_DEPTH = 0, LEAF_DEPTH = ROOT_LEVEL;
633  /// Specify the depth of the highest level of the tree to which to ascend (depth 0 = root).
634  void setMinDepth(Index minDepth);
635  /// Return the depth of the highest level of the tree to which this iterator ascends.
636  Index getMinDepth() const { return ROOT_LEVEL - Index(mMaxLevel); }
637  /// Specify the depth of the lowest level of the tree to which to descend (depth 0 = root).
638  void setMaxDepth(Index maxDepth);
639  /// Return the depth of the lowest level of the tree to which this iterator ascends.
640  Index getMaxDepth() const { return ROOT_LEVEL - Index(mMinLevel); }
642  //@{
643  /// Return @c true if this iterator is not yet exhausted.
644  bool test() const { return mValueIterList.test(mLevel); }
645  operator bool() const { return this->test(); }
646  //@}
648  /// @brief Advance to the next tile or voxel value.
649  /// Return @c true if this iterator is not yet exhausted.
650  bool next();
651  /// Advance to the next tile or voxel value.
652  TreeValueIteratorBase& operator++() { this->next(); return *this; }
654  /// @brief Return the level in the tree (0 = leaf) of the node to which
655  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
656  Index getLevel() const { return mLevel; }
657  /// @brief Return the depth in the tree (0 = root) of the node to which
658  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
659  Index getDepth() const { return ROOT_LEVEL - mLevel; }
660  static Index getLeafDepth() { return LEAF_DEPTH; }
662  /// @brief Return in @a node a pointer to the node over which this iterator is
663  /// currently iterating or one of that node's parents, as determined by @a NodeType.
664  /// Sets @a node to null pointer if @a NodeType specifies a node at a lower level
665  /// of the tree than that given by getLevel().
666  template<typename NodeType>
667  void getNode(NodeType*& node) const { mValueIterList.getNode(mLevel, node); }
669  /// @brief Return the global coordinates of the voxel or tile to which
670  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
671  Coord getCoord() const { return mValueIterList.getCoord(mLevel); }
672  /// @brief Return in @a bbox the axis-aligned bounding box of
673  /// the voxel or tile to which this iterator is currently pointing.
674  /// @return false if the bounding box is empty.
675  bool getBoundingBox(CoordBBox&) const;
676  /// @brief Return the axis-aligned bounding box of the voxel or tile to which
677  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
678  CoordBBox getBoundingBox() const { CoordBBox b; this->getBoundingBox(b); return b; }
680  /// Return the number of (virtual) voxels corresponding to the value
681  Index64 getVoxelCount() const { return mValueIterList.getVoxelCount(mLevel);}
683  /// Return @c true if this iterator is currently pointing to a (non-leaf) tile value.
684  bool isTileValue() const { return mLevel != 0 && this->test(); }
685  /// Return @c true if this iterator is currently pointing to a (leaf) voxel value.
686  bool isVoxelValue() const { return mLevel == 0 && this->test(); }
687  /// Return @c true if the value to which this iterator is currently pointing is active.
688  bool isValueOn() const { return mValueIterList.isValueOn(mLevel); }
690  //@{
691  /// Return the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently pointing.
692  const ValueT& getValue() const { return mValueIterList.getValue(mLevel); }
693  const ValueT& operator*() const { return this->getValue(); }
694  const ValueT* operator->() const { return &(this->operator*()); }
695  //@}
697  /// @brief Change the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently pointing
698  /// and mark it as active.
699  void setValue(const ValueT& val) const { mValueIterList.setValue(mLevel, val); }
700  /// @brief Change the active/inactive state of the tile or voxel value to which
701  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
702  void setActiveState(bool on) const { mValueIterList.setValueOn(mLevel, on); }
703  /// Mark the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently pointing as inactive.
704  void setValueOff() const { mValueIterList.setValueOff(mLevel); }
706  /// @brief Apply a functor to the item to which this iterator is pointing.
707  /// (Not valid for const iterators.)
708  /// @param op a functor of the form <tt>void op(ValueType&) const</tt> that modifies
709  /// its argument in place
710  /// @see Tree::modifyValue()
711  template<typename ModifyOp>
712  void modifyValue(const ModifyOp& op) const { mValueIterList.modifyValue(mLevel, op); }
714  /// Return a pointer to the tree over which this iterator is iterating.
715  TreeT* getTree() const { return mTree; }
717  /// Return a string (for debugging, mainly) describing this iterator's current state.
718  std::string summary() const;
720 private:
721  bool advance(bool dontIncrement = false);
723  using InvTreeT = typename iter::InvertedTree<NodeT, NodeT::LEVEL>::Type;
724  struct PrevChildItem { using IterT = ChildOnIterT; };
725  struct PrevValueItem { using IterT = ValueIterT; };
727  IterListItem<PrevChildItem, InvTreeT, /*VecSize=*/ROOT_LEVEL+1, /*Level=*/0> mChildIterList;
728  IterListItem<PrevValueItem, InvTreeT, /*VecSize=*/ROOT_LEVEL+1, /*Level=*/0> mValueIterList;
729  Index mLevel;
730  int mMinLevel, mMaxLevel;
731  TreeT* mTree;
732 }; // class TreeValueIteratorBase
735 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
736 inline
738  mChildIterList(nullptr),
739  mValueIterList(nullptr),
740  mLevel(ROOT_LEVEL),
741  mMinLevel(int(LEAF_LEVEL)),
742  mMaxLevel(int(ROOT_LEVEL)),
743  mTree(&tree)
744 {
745  mChildIterList.setIter(IterTraits<NodeT, ChildOnIterT>::begin(tree.root()));
746  mValueIterList.setIter(IterTraits<NodeT, ValueIterT>::begin(tree.root()));
747  this->advance(/*dontIncrement=*/true);
748 }
751 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
752 inline
754  mChildIterList(other.mChildIterList),
755  mValueIterList(other.mValueIterList),
756  mLevel(other.mLevel),
757  mMinLevel(other.mMinLevel),
758  mMaxLevel(other.mMaxLevel),
759  mTree(other.mTree)
760 {
761  mChildIterList.updateBackPointers();
762  mValueIterList.updateBackPointers();
763 }
766 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
769 {
770  if (&other != this) {
771  mChildIterList = other.mChildIterList;
772  mValueIterList = other.mValueIterList;
773  mLevel = other.mLevel;
774  mMinLevel = other.mMinLevel;
775  mMaxLevel = other.mMaxLevel;
776  mTree = other.mTree;
777  mChildIterList.updateBackPointers();
778  mValueIterList.updateBackPointers();
779  }
780  return *this;
781 }
784 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
785 inline void
787 {
788  mMaxLevel = int(ROOT_LEVEL - minDepth); // level = ROOT_LEVEL - depth
789  if (int(mLevel) > mMaxLevel) this->next();
790 }
793 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
794 inline void
796 {
797  // level = ROOT_LEVEL - depth
798  mMinLevel = int(ROOT_LEVEL - std::min(maxDepth, this->getLeafDepth()));
799  if (int(mLevel) < mMinLevel) this->next();
800 }
803 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
804 inline bool
806 {
807  do {
808  if (!this->advance()) return false;
809  } while (int(mLevel) < mMinLevel || int(mLevel) > mMaxLevel);
810  return true;
811 }
814 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
815 inline bool
817 {
818  bool recurse = false;
819  do {
820  recurse = false;
821  Index
822  vPos = mValueIterList.pos(mLevel),
823  cPos = mChildIterList.pos(mLevel);
824  if (vPos == cPos && mChildIterList.test(mLevel)) {
825  /// @todo Once ValueOff iterators properly skip child pointers, remove this block.
826  mValueIterList.next(mLevel);
827  vPos = mValueIterList.pos(mLevel);
828  }
829  if (vPos < cPos) {
830  if (dontIncrement) return true;
831  if (mValueIterList.next(mLevel)) {
832  if (mValueIterList.pos(mLevel) == cPos && mChildIterList.test(mLevel)) {
833  /// @todo Once ValueOff iterators properly skip child pointers,
834  /// remove this block.
835  mValueIterList.next(mLevel);
836  }
837  // If there is a next value and it precedes the next child, return.
838  if (mValueIterList.pos(mLevel) < cPos) return true;
839  }
840  } else {
841  // Advance to the next child, which may or may not precede the next value.
842  if (!dontIncrement) mChildIterList.next(mLevel);
843  }
845  std::cout << "\n" << this->summary() << std::flush;
846 #endif
848  // Descend to the lowest level at which the next value precedes the next child.
849  while (mChildIterList.pos(mLevel) < mValueIterList.pos(mLevel)) {
851  if (int(mLevel) == mMinLevel) {
852  // If the current node lies at the lowest allowed level, none of its
853  // children can be visited, so just advance its child iterator.
854  mChildIterList.next(mLevel);
855  if (mValueIterList.pos(mLevel) == mChildIterList.pos(mLevel)
856  && mChildIterList.test(mLevel))
857  {
858  /// @todo Once ValueOff iterators properly skip child pointers,
859  /// remove this block.
860  mValueIterList.next(mLevel);
861  }
862  } else
863 #endif
864  if (mChildIterList.down(mLevel)) {
865  --mLevel; // descend one level
866  mValueIterList.initLevel(mLevel, mChildIterList);
867  if (mValueIterList.pos(mLevel) == mChildIterList.pos(mLevel)
868  && mChildIterList.test(mLevel))
869  {
870  /// @todo Once ValueOff iterators properly skip child pointers,
871  /// remove this block.
872  mValueIterList.next(mLevel);
873  }
874  } else break;
876  std::cout << "\n" << this->summary() << std::flush;
877 #endif
878  }
879  // Ascend to the nearest level at which one of the iterators is not yet exhausted.
880  while (!mChildIterList.test(mLevel) && !mValueIterList.test(mLevel)) {
881  if (mLevel == ROOT_LEVEL) return false;
882  ++mLevel;
883  mChildIterList.next(mLevel);
884  dontIncrement = true;
885  recurse = true;
886  }
887  } while (recurse);
888  return true;
889 }
892 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
893 inline bool
895 {
896  if (!this->test()) {
897  bbox = CoordBBox();
898  return false;
899  }
900  bbox.min() = mValueIterList.getCoord(mLevel);
901  bbox.max() = bbox.min().offsetBy(mValueIterList.getChildDim(mLevel) - 1);
902  return true;
903 }
906 template<typename TreeT, typename ValueIterT>
907 inline std::string
909 {
910  std::ostringstream ostr;
911  for (int lvl = int(ROOT_LEVEL); lvl >= 0 && lvl >= int(mLevel); --lvl) {
912  if (lvl == 0) ostr << "leaf";
913  else if (lvl == int(ROOT_LEVEL)) ostr << "root";
914  else ostr << "int" << (ROOT_LEVEL - lvl);
915  ostr << " v" << mValueIterList.pos(lvl)
916  << " c" << mChildIterList.pos(lvl);
917  if (lvl > int(mLevel)) ostr << " / ";
918  }
919  if (this->test() && mValueIterList.pos(mLevel) < mChildIterList.pos(mLevel)) {
920  if (mLevel == 0) {
921  ostr << " " << this->getCoord();
922  } else {
923  ostr << " " << this->getBoundingBox();
924  }
925  }
926  return ostr.str();
927 }
930 ////////////////////////////////////////
933 /// @brief Base class for tree-traversal iterators over all nodes
934 template<typename _TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
936 {
937 public:
938  using TreeT = _TreeT;
939  using RootIterT = RootChildOnIterT;
940  using RootNodeT = typename RootIterT::NodeType;
941  using NCRootNodeT = typename RootIterT::NonConstNodeType;
942  static const Index ROOT_LEVEL = RootNodeT::LEVEL;
944  static const Index LEAF_LEVEL = 0, ROOT_DEPTH = 0, LEAF_DEPTH = ROOT_LEVEL;
951  NodeIteratorBase(const NodeIteratorBase& other);
954  /// Specify the depth of the highest level of the tree to which to ascend (depth 0 = root).
955  void setMinDepth(Index minDepth);
956  /// Return the depth of the highest level of the tree to which this iterator ascends.
957  Index getMinDepth() const { return ROOT_LEVEL - Index(mMaxLevel); }
958  /// Specify the depth of the lowest level of the tree to which to descend (depth 0 = root).
959  void setMaxDepth(Index maxDepth);
960  /// Return the depth of the lowest level of the tree to which this iterator ascends.
961  Index getMaxDepth() const { return ROOT_LEVEL - Index(mMinLevel); }
963  //@{
964  /// Return @c true if this iterator is not yet exhausted.
965  bool test() const { return !mDone; }
966  operator bool() const { return this->test(); }
967  //@}
969  /// @brief Advance to the next tile or voxel value.
970  /// @return @c true if this iterator is not yet exhausted.
971  bool next();
972  /// Advance the iterator to the next leaf node.
973  void increment() { this->next(); }
974  NodeIteratorBase& operator++() { this->increment(); return *this; }
975  /// Increment the iterator n times.
976  void increment(Index n) { for (Index i = 0; i < n && this->next(); ++i) {} }
978  /// @brief Return the level in the tree (0 = leaf) of the node to which
979  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
980  Index getLevel() const { return mLevel; }
981  /// @brief Return the depth in the tree (0 = root) of the node to which
982  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
983  Index getDepth() const { return ROOT_LEVEL - mLevel; }
984  static Index getLeafDepth() { return LEAF_DEPTH; }
986  /// @brief Return the global coordinates of the voxel or tile to which
987  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
988  Coord getCoord() const;
989  /// @brief Return in @a bbox the axis-aligned bounding box of
990  /// the voxel or tile to which this iterator is currently pointing.
991  /// @return false if the bounding box is empty.
992  bool getBoundingBox(CoordBBox& bbox) const;
993  /// @brief Return the axis-aligned bounding box of the voxel or tile to which
994  /// this iterator is currently pointing.
995  CoordBBox getBoundingBox() const { CoordBBox b; this->getBoundingBox(b); return b; }
997  //@{
998  /// @brief Return the node to which the iterator is pointing.
999  /// @note This iterator doesn't have the usual dereference operators (* and ->),
1000  /// because they would have to be overloaded by the returned node type.
1001  template<typename NodeT>
1002  void getNode(NodeT*& node) const { node = nullptr; mIterList.getNode(mLevel, node); }
1003  template<typename NodeT>
1004  void getNode(const NodeT*& node) const { node = nullptr; mIterList.getNode(mLevel, node); }
1005  //@}
1007  TreeT* getTree() const { return mTree; }
1009  std::string summary() const;
1011 private:
1012  struct PrevItem { using IterT = RootIterT; };
1014  IterListItem<PrevItem, InvTreeT, /*VecSize=*/ROOT_LEVEL+1, LEAF_LEVEL> mIterList;
1015  Index mLevel;
1016  int mMinLevel, mMaxLevel;
1017  bool mDone;
1018  TreeT* mTree;
1019 }; // class NodeIteratorBase
1022 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1023 inline
1025  mIterList(nullptr),
1026  mLevel(ROOT_LEVEL),
1027  mMinLevel(int(LEAF_LEVEL)),
1028  mMaxLevel(int(ROOT_LEVEL)),
1029  mDone(true),
1030  mTree(nullptr)
1031 {
1032 }
1035 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1036 inline
1038  mIterList(nullptr),
1039  mLevel(ROOT_LEVEL),
1040  mMinLevel(int(LEAF_LEVEL)),
1041  mMaxLevel(int(ROOT_LEVEL)),
1042  mDone(false),
1043  mTree(&tree)
1044 {
1045  mIterList.setIter(RootIterTraits::begin(tree.root()));
1046 }
1049 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1050 inline
1052  mIterList(other.mIterList),
1053  mLevel(other.mLevel),
1054  mMinLevel(other.mMinLevel),
1055  mMaxLevel(other.mMaxLevel),
1056  mDone(other.mDone),
1057  mTree(other.mTree)
1058 {
1059  mIterList.updateBackPointers();
1060 }
1063 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1066 {
1067  if (&other != this) {
1068  mLevel = other.mLevel;
1069  mMinLevel = other.mMinLevel;
1070  mMaxLevel = other.mMaxLevel;
1071  mDone = other.mDone;
1072  mTree = other.mTree;
1073  mIterList = other.mIterList;
1074  mIterList.updateBackPointers();
1075  }
1076  return *this;
1077 }
1080 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1081 inline void
1083 {
1084  mMaxLevel = int(ROOT_LEVEL - minDepth); // level = ROOT_LEVEL - depth
1085  if (int(mLevel) > mMaxLevel) this->next();
1086 }
1089 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1090 inline void
1092 {
1093  // level = ROOT_LEVEL - depth
1094  mMinLevel = int(ROOT_LEVEL - std::min(maxDepth, this->getLeafDepth()));
1095  if (int(mLevel) < mMinLevel) this->next();
1096 }
1099 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1100 inline bool
1102 {
1103  do {
1104  if (mDone) return false;
1106  // If the iterator over the current node points to a child,
1107  // descend to the child (depth-first traversal).
1108  if (int(mLevel) > mMinLevel && mIterList.test(mLevel)) {
1109  if (!mIterList.down(mLevel)) return false;
1110  --mLevel;
1111  } else {
1112  // Ascend to the nearest ancestor that has other children.
1113  while (!mIterList.test(mLevel)) {
1114  if (mLevel == ROOT_LEVEL) {
1115  // Can't ascend higher than the root.
1116  mDone = true;
1117  return false;
1118  }
1119  ++mLevel; // ascend one level
1120  mIterList.next(mLevel); // advance to the next child, if there is one
1121  }
1122  // Descend to the child.
1123  if (!mIterList.down(mLevel)) return false;
1124  --mLevel;
1125  }
1126  } while (int(mLevel) < mMinLevel || int(mLevel) > mMaxLevel);
1127  return true;
1128 }
1131 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1132 inline Coord
1134 {
1135  if (mLevel != ROOT_LEVEL) return mIterList.getCoord(mLevel + 1);
1136  RootNodeT* root = nullptr;
1137  this->getNode(root);
1138  return root ? root->getMinIndex() : Coord::min();
1139 }
1142 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1143 inline bool
1145 {
1146  if (mLevel == ROOT_LEVEL) {
1147  RootNodeT* root = nullptr;
1148  this->getNode(root);
1149  if (root == nullptr) {
1150  bbox = CoordBBox();
1151  return false;
1152  }
1153  root->getIndexRange(bbox);
1154  return true;
1155  }
1156  bbox.min() = mIterList.getCoord(mLevel + 1);
1157  bbox.max() = bbox.min().offsetBy(mIterList.getChildDim(mLevel + 1) - 1);
1158  return true;
1159 }
1162 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1163 inline std::string
1165 {
1166  std::ostringstream ostr;
1167  for (int lvl = int(ROOT_LEVEL); lvl >= 0 && lvl >= int(mLevel); --lvl) {
1168  if (lvl == 0) ostr << "leaf";
1169  else if (lvl == int(ROOT_LEVEL)) ostr << "root";
1170  else ostr << "int" << (ROOT_LEVEL - lvl);
1171  ostr << " c" << mIterList.pos(lvl);
1172  if (lvl > int(mLevel)) ostr << " / ";
1173  }
1174  CoordBBox bbox;
1175  this->getBoundingBox(bbox);
1176  ostr << " " << bbox;
1177  return ostr.str();
1178 }
1181 ////////////////////////////////////////
1184 /// @brief Base class for tree-traversal iterators over all leaf nodes (but not leaf voxels)
1185 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1187 {
1188 public:
1189  using RootIterT = RootChildOnIterT;
1190  using RootNodeT = typename RootIterT::NodeType;
1191  using NCRootNodeT = typename RootIterT::NonConstNodeType;
1192  static const Index ROOT_LEVEL = RootNodeT::LEVEL;
1194  using NCLeafNodeT = typename InvTreeT::Front;
1200  LeafIteratorBase(): mIterList(nullptr), mTree(nullptr) {}
1202  LeafIteratorBase(TreeT& tree): mIterList(nullptr), mTree(&tree)
1203  {
1204  // Initialize the iterator list with a root node iterator.
1205  mIterList.setIter(RootIterTraits::begin(tree.root()));
1206  // Descend along the first branch, initializing the node iterator at each level.
1207  Index lvl = ROOT_LEVEL;
1208  for ( ; lvl > 0 && mIterList.down(lvl); --lvl) {}
1209  // If the first branch terminated above the leaf level, backtrack to the next branch.
1210  if (lvl > 0) this->next();
1211  }
1213  LeafIteratorBase(const LeafIteratorBase& other): mIterList(other.mIterList), mTree(other.mTree)
1214  {
1215  mIterList.updateBackPointers();
1216  }
1218  {
1219  if (&other != this) {
1220  mTree = other.mTree;
1221  mIterList = other.mIterList;
1222  mIterList.updateBackPointers();
1223  }
1224  return *this;
1225  }
1227  //@{
1228  /// Return the leaf node to which the iterator is pointing.
1230  {
1231  LeafNodeT* n = nullptr;
1232  mIterList.getNode(LEAF_LEVEL, n);
1233  return n;
1234  }
1235  LeafNodeT& operator*() const { return *this->getLeaf(); }
1236  LeafNodeT* operator->() const { return this->getLeaf(); }
1237  //@}
1239  bool test() const { return mIterList.test(LEAF_PARENT_LEVEL); }
1240  operator bool() const { return this->test(); }
1242  //@{
1243  /// Advance the iterator to the next leaf node.
1244  bool next();
1245  void increment() { this->next(); }
1246  LeafIteratorBase& operator++() { this->increment(); return *this; }
1247  //@}
1248  /// Increment the iterator n times.
1249  void increment(Index n) { for (Index i = 0; i < n && this->next(); ++i) {} }
1251  TreeT* getTree() const { return mTree; }
1253 private:
1254  struct PrevItem { using IterT = RootIterT; };
1256  /// @note Even though a LeafIterator doesn't iterate over leaf voxels,
1257  /// the first item of this linked list of node iterators is a leaf node iterator,
1258  /// whose purpose is only to provide access to its parent leaf node.
1259  IterListItem<PrevItem, InvTreeT, /*VecSize=*/ROOT_LEVEL+1, LEAF_LEVEL> mIterList;
1260  TreeT* mTree;
1261 }; // class LeafIteratorBase
1264 template<typename TreeT, typename RootChildOnIterT>
1265 inline bool
1267 {
1268  // If the iterator is valid for the current node one level above the leaf level,
1269  // advance the iterator to the node's next child.
1270  if (mIterList.test(LEAF_PARENT_LEVEL) && mIterList.next(LEAF_PARENT_LEVEL)) {
1271  mIterList.down(LEAF_PARENT_LEVEL); // initialize the leaf iterator
1272  return true;
1273  }
1275  Index lvl = LEAF_PARENT_LEVEL;
1276  while (!mIterList.test(LEAF_PARENT_LEVEL)) {
1277  if (mIterList.test(lvl)) {
1278  mIterList.next(lvl);
1279  } else {
1280  do {
1281  // Ascend to the nearest level at which
1282  // one of the iterators is not yet exhausted.
1283  if (lvl == ROOT_LEVEL) return false;
1284  ++lvl;
1285  if (mIterList.test(lvl)) mIterList.next(lvl);
1286  } while (!mIterList.test(lvl));
1287  }
1288  // Descend to the lowest child, but not as far as the leaf iterator.
1289  while (lvl > LEAF_PARENT_LEVEL && mIterList.down(lvl)) --lvl;
1290  }
1291  mIterList.down(LEAF_PARENT_LEVEL); // initialize the leaf iterator
1292  return true;
1293 }
1296 ////////////////////////////////////////
1299 /// An IteratorRange wraps a tree or node iterator, giving the iterator TBB
1300 /// splittable range semantics.
1301 template<typename IterT>
1303 {
1304 public:
1305  /// @brief Constructor from iterator and grain size
1306  /// @param iter Iterator from which the range is constructed
1307  /// @param grainSize Grain size which controls the granularity of range splitting
1308  IteratorRange(const IterT& iter, size_t grainSize = 8):
1309  mIter(iter),
1310  mGrainSize(grainSize),
1311  mSize(0)
1312  {
1313  mSize = this->size();
1314  }
1316  /// @brief Split constructor used by tbb (should rarely be called directly)
1317  /// @param other IteratorRange to be split
1318  /// @param tbb::split Dummy class used to create a unique signature for this constructor
1320  mIter(other.mIter),
1321  mGrainSize(other.mGrainSize),
1322  mSize(other.mSize >> 1)
1323  {
1324  other.increment(mSize);
1325  }
1327  /// @brief Return a reference to this range's iterator.
1328  /// @note The reference is const, because the iterator should not be
1329  /// incremented directly. Use this range object's increment() instead.
1330  const IterT& iterator() const { return mIter; }
1332  bool empty() const { return mSize == 0 || !mIter.test(); }
1333  bool test() const { return !this->empty(); }
1334  operator bool() const { return !this->empty(); }
1336  /// @brief Return @c true if this range is splittable (i.e., if the iterator
1337  /// can be advanced more than mGrainSize times).
1338  bool is_divisible() const { return mSize > mGrainSize; }
1340  /// Advance the iterator @a n times.
1341  void increment(size_t n = 1) { for ( ; n > 0 && mSize > 0; --n, --mSize, ++mIter) {} }
1342  /// Advance the iterator to the next item.
1343  IteratorRange& operator++() { this->increment(); return *this; }
1344  /// @brief Advance the iterator to the next item.
1345  /// @return @c true if the iterator is not yet exhausted.
1346  bool next() { this->increment(); return this->test(); }
1348 private:
1349  size_t size() const { size_t n = 0; for (IterT it(mIter); it.test(); ++n, ++it) {} return n; }
1351  IterT mIter;
1352  size_t mGrainSize, mSize;
1353  /// @note mSize is only an estimate of the number of times mIter can be incremented
1354  /// before it is exhausted (because the topology of the underlying tree could change
1355  /// during iteration). For the purpose of range splitting, though, that should be
1356  /// sufficient, since the two halves need not be of exactly equal size.
1357 };// class IteratorRange
1360 ////////////////////////////////////////
1363 /// @brief Base class for tree-traversal iterators over real and virtual voxel values
1364 /// @todo class TreeVoxelIteratorBase;
1366 } // namespace tree
1367 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
1368 } // namespace openvdb
Index getMaxDepth() const
Return the depth of the lowest level of the tree to which this iterator ascends.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:640
Coord getCoord() const
Return the global coordinates of the voxel or tile to which this iterator is currently pointing...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:671
std::string summary() const
Return a string (for debugging, mainly) describing this iterator's current state. ...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:908
const NCValueT & getValue(Index lvl) const
Return the value to which the iterator at level lvl of the tree points.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:330
Index getMinDepth() const
Return the depth of the highest level of the tree to which this iterator ascends. ...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:957
Index getDepth() const
Return the depth in the tree (0 = root) of the node to which this iterator is currently pointing...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:983
cvex test(vector P=0;int unbound=3;export float s=0;export vector Cf=0;)
Definition: test.vfl:11
const IterT & iterator() const
Return a reference to this range's iterator.
bool down(Index lvl)
If the iterator at level lvl of the tree points to a child node, initialize the next iterator in this...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:296
typename iter::InvertedTree< NCRootNodeT, ROOT_LEVEL >::Type InvTreeT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:943
bool is_divisible() const
Return true if this range is splittable (i.e., if the iterator can be advanced more than mGrainSize t...
Definition: png.h:1083
bool next()
Advance to the next tile or voxel value. Return true if this iterator is not yet exhausted.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:805
void getNode(const NodeT *&node) const
Return the node to which the iterator is pointing.
Index getLevel() const
Return the level in the tree (0 = leaf) of the node to which this iterator is currently pointing...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:980
LeafNodeT & operator*() const
Return the leaf node to which the iterator is pointing.
GLsizei const GLchar *const * string
Definition: glcorearb.h:814
typename SubtreeT::template Append< HeadT > Type
Definition: TreeIterator.h:34
void setValueOff() const
Mark the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently pointing as inactive.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:704
Index getMinDepth() const
Return the depth of the highest level of the tree to which this iterator ascends. ...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:636
typename CopyConstness< NCNodeT, typename NCNodeT::ChildNodeType >::Type NCChildT
NodeT's child node type with const qualifiers removed.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:233
Base class for tree-traversal iterators over all nodes.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:935
Definition: version.h:239
ImageBuf OIIO_API min(Image_or_Const A, Image_or_Const B, ROI roi={}, int nthreads=0)
**But if you need a or simply need to know when the task has note that the like this
Definition: thread.h:617
Coord getCoord() const
Return the global coordinates of the voxel or tile to which this iterator is currently pointing...
typename CopyConstness< NCNodeT, typename NCNodeT::ChildNodeType >::Type NCChildT
NodeT's child node type with const qualifiers removed.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:524
bool isValueOn(Index lvl) const
Return true if the iterator at level lvl of the tree points to an active value.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:324
void increment()
Advance the iterator to the next leaf node.
void getNode(Index lvl, NodeT *&node) const
Return the node over which this list element's iterator iterates.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:259
Coord getCoord(Index lvl) const
Return the global coordinates of the voxel or tile to which the iterator at level lvl of the tree is ...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:309
bool isValueOn() const
Return true if the value to which this iterator is currently pointing is active.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:688
typename IterT::NonConstNodeType NCNodeT
The type of the node with const qualifiers removed ("Non-Const")
Definition: TreeIterator.h:392
typename IterT::NonConstNodeType NCNodeT
The type of the node with const qualifiers removed ("Non-Const")
Definition: TreeIterator.h:518
void setActiveState(bool on) const
Change the active/inactive state of the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently point...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:702
bool test(Index lvl) const
Return true if the iterator at level lvl of the tree has not yet reached its end. ...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:289
TreeValueIteratorBase & operator++()
Advance to the next tile or voxel value.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:652
typename IterT::NonConstValueType NCValueT
The type of value (with const qualifiers removed) to which the iterator points.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:394
typename IterT::NodeType NodeT
The type of node (const or non-const) over which IterT iterates (e.g., const RootNode<...>)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:225
void setMinDepth(Index minDepth)
Specify the depth of the highest level of the tree to which to ascend (depth 0 = root).
typename IterT::NonConstNodeType NCNodeT
The type of the node with const qualifiers removed ("Non-Const")
Definition: TreeIterator.h:227
void initLevel(Index lvl, OtherIterListItemT &otherListItem)
Initialize the iterator for level lvl of the tree with the node over which the corresponding iterator...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:273
const ValueT & operator*() const
Return the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently pointing.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:693
void increment(Index n)
Increment the iterator n times.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:976
NodeIteratorBase & operator=(const NodeIteratorBase &other)
GLdouble n
Definition: glcorearb.h:2008
Index64 getVoxelCount(Index lvl) const
Return the number of (virtual) voxels spanned by a tile value or child node.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:318
bool next()
Advance the iterator to the next item.
typename iter::InvertedTree< NCRootNodeT, ROOT_LEVEL >::Type InvTreeT
typename RootIterT::NonConstNodeType NCRootNodeT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:941
CoordBBox getBoundingBox() const
Return the axis-aligned bounding box of the voxel or tile to which this iterator is currently pointin...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:995
const ValueT & getValue() const
Return the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently pointing.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:692
BBox< Coord > CoordBBox
Definition: NanoVDB.h:2516
TreeValueIteratorBase & operator=(const TreeValueIteratorBase &other)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:768
bool test() const
Return true if this iterator is not yet exhausted.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:965
typename std::remove_const< ToType >::type Type
Definition: Types.h:439
const ValueT * operator->() const
Return the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently pointing.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:694
bool test() const
Return true if this iterator is not yet exhausted.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:644
typename IterTraits< typename PrevIterT::NonConstNodeType, PrevIterT >::template NodeConverter< _NodeT >::Type IterT
The type of iterator stored in this list item (e.g., InternalNode::ValueOnCIter)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:222
typename IterT::NodeType NodeT
The type of node over which IterT iterates (e.g., const RootNode<...>)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:516
typename IterT::NodeType NodeT
The type of node (const or non-const) over which IterT iterates (e.g., const RootNode<...>)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:390
#define ROOT_LEVEL
Definition: CNanoVDB.h:53
typename CopyConstness< NodeT, typename NodeT::ChildNodeType >::Type ChildT
NodeT's child node type, with the same constness (e.g., const InternalNode<...>)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:522
void getNode(NodeType *&node) const
Return in node a pointer to the node over which this iterator is currently iterating or one of that n...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:667
void setMaxDepth(Index maxDepth)
Specify the depth of the lowest level of the tree to which to descend (depth 0 = root).
typename InvertedTree< typename HeadT::ChildNodeType, HeadLevel-1 >::Type SubtreeT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:33
void setValue(Index lvl, const NCValueT &val) const
Set the value (to val) to which the iterator at level lvl of the tree points and mark the value as ac...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:339
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
Definition: glcorearb.h:1222
void setValueOn(Index lvl, bool on=true) const
Set the value (to val) to which the iterator at level lvl of the tree points and mark the value as ac...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:346
typename PrevItemT::IterT PrevIterT
The type of iterator stored in the previous list item.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:510
typename ValueIterT::NonConstValueType ValueT
Definition: TreeIterator.h:622
IterListItem & operator=(const IterListItem &other)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:242
typename NodeVecT::Front _NodeT
The type of node (non-const) whose iterator is stored in this list item.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:384
void getNode(NodeT *&node) const
Return the node to which the iterator is pointing.
Index64 getVoxelCount() const
Return the number of (virtual) voxels corresponding to the value.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:681
typename IterTraits< typename PrevIterT::NonConstNodeType, PrevIterT >::template NodeConverter< _NodeT >::Type IterT
The type of iterator stored in this list item (e.g., RootNode::ValueOnCIter)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:513
LeafNodeT * operator->() const
Return the leaf node to which the iterator is pointing.
bool isVoxelValue() const
Return true if this iterator is currently pointing to a (leaf) voxel value.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:686
void getNode(Index lvl, OtherNodeT *&node) const
Return the node over which one of the following list elements' iterator iterates. ...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:265
LeafIteratorBase & operator++()
Advance the iterator to the next leaf node.
GLsizeiptr size
Definition: glcorearb.h:664
typename PrevItemT::IterT PrevIterT
The type of iterator stored in the previous list item.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:382
LeafIteratorBase & operator=(const LeafIteratorBase &other)
typename IterT::NonConstValueType NCValueT
The type of value (with const qualifiers removed) to which the iterator points.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:229
Library and file format version numbers.
typename IterTraits< typename PrevIterT::NonConstNodeType, PrevIterT >::template NodeConverter< _NodeT >::Type IterT
The type of iterator stored in this list item (e.g., InternalNode::ValueOnCIter)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:387
Index pos(Index lvl) const
Return The table offset of the iterator at level lvl of the tree.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:286
bool next(Index lvl)
Increment the iterator at level lvl of the tree.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:292
IteratorRange(const IterT &iter, size_t grainSize=8)
Constructor from iterator and grain size.
void increment()
Advance the iterator to the next leaf node.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:973
void setMaxDepth(Index maxDepth)
Specify the depth of the lowest level of the tree to which to descend (depth 0 = root).
Definition: TreeIterator.h:795
bool next()
Advance to the next tile or voxel value.
Base class for tree-traversal iterators over tile and voxel values.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:616
bool isTileValue() const
Return true if this iterator is currently pointing to a (non-leaf) tile value.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:684
GLuint GLfloat * val
Definition: glcorearb.h:1608
bool next()
Advance the iterator to the next leaf node.
void modifyValue(const ModifyOp &op) const
Apply a functor to the item to which this iterator is pointing. (Not valid for const iterators...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:712
IteratorRange & operator++()
Advance the iterator to the next item.
typename PrevItem::IterT PrevIterT
The type of iterator stored in the previous list item.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:217
typename CopyConstness< RootNodeT, NCLeafNodeT >::Type LeafNodeT
CoordBBox getBoundingBox() const
Return the axis-aligned bounding box of the voxel or tile to which this iterator is currently pointin...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:678
IteratorRange(IteratorRange &other, tbb::split)
Split constructor used by tbb (should rarely be called directly)
void setValue(const ValueT &val) const
Change the tile or voxel value to which this iterator is currently pointing and mark it as active...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:699
void increment(size_t n=1)
Advance the iterator n times.
void modifyValue(Index lvl, const ModifyOp &op) const
Apply a functor to the item to which this iterator is pointing.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:361
typename IterT::NonConstValueType NCValueT
The type of value (with const qualifiers removed) to which the iterator points.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:520
void OIIO_UTIL_API split(string_view str, std::vector< string_view > &result, string_view sep=string_view(), int maxsplit=-1)
void increment(Index n)
Increment the iterator n times.
An IterListItem is an element of a compile-time linked list of iterators to nodes of different types...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:213
typename RootIterT::NonConstNodeType NCRootNodeT
typename CopyConstness< NodeT, typename NodeT::ChildNodeType >::Type ChildT
NodeT's child node type, with the same constness (e.g., const InternalNode<...>)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:231
LeafNodeT * getLeaf() const
Return the leaf node to which the iterator is pointing.
The version namespace name for this library version.
Definition: version.h:119
TreeT * getTree() const
Return a pointer to the tree over which this iterator is iterating.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:715
A list of types (not necessarily unique)
Definition: TypeList.h:577
static const Index Level
NodeT's level in its tree (0 = LeafNode)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:236
typename InvTreeT::Front _NodeT
The type of node (non-const) whose iterator is stored in this list item.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:219
static ChildT * getChild(const IterT &)
Definition: TreeIterator.h:61
void setMinDepth(Index minDepth)
Specify the depth of the highest level of the tree to which to ascend (depth 0 = root).
Definition: TreeIterator.h:786
Index getLevel() const
Return the level in the tree (0 = leaf) of the node to which this iterator is currently pointing...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:656
Base class for tree-traversal iterators over all leaf nodes (but not leaf voxels) ...
void setValueOff(Index lvl) const
Mark the value to which the iterator at level lvl of the tree points as inactive. ...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:353
Index getDepth() const
Return the depth in the tree (0 = root) of the node to which this iterator is currently pointing...
Definition: TreeIterator.h:659
Index getMaxDepth() const
Return the depth of the lowest level of the tree to which this iterator ascends.
Definition: TreeIterator.h:961
PcpNodeRef_ChildrenIterator begin(const PcpNodeRef::child_const_range &r)
Support for range-based for loops for PcpNodeRef children ranges.
Definition: node.h:558