121 pathname_buffer.
144 virtual std::ostream *
145 virtual int close(std::ostream &os,
const char *
int bin=0,
exint modtime = -1);
149 virtual int open(std::ostream &os,
const char *
int bin=0,
exint modtime = -1);
150 virtual int close(std::ostream &os);
153 virtual int writeTrailer(std::ostream &os,
exint modtime = -1);
int open(UT_IStream &is, UT_String &pathname)
GLsizei const GLchar *const * path
UT_UniquePtr< UT_IStream > myIs
An output stream object that owns its own string buffer storage.
exint getFileSize() const
void copyIntoString(UT_String &str) const
**But if you need a result
std::unique_ptr< T, Deleter > UT_UniquePtr
A smart pointer for unique ownership of dynamically allocated objects.
SYS_FORCE_INLINE void append(char character)
UT_WorkBuffer myCurrentFile
UT_UniquePtr< UT_OStringStream > myOs