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IMG_FileParms Class Reference

File options for manipulating image data on load or save. This class allows you to modify the incoming or outgoing image data by scaling, flipping, converting or cropping the data. It can be optionally passed to IMG_File::open() or IMG_File::create() More...

#include <IMG_FileParms.h>

Public Member Functions

 IMG_FileParms ()
void readAsIs ()
void setDataType (IMG_DataType dt)
 Convert to a different data type convert the image to this data type, if needed (default = use native) More...
void setColorModel (IMG_ColorModel cm)
 Convert to a different number of pixel components convert to a standard color model, if needed (RGB, RGBA, single). When moving from fewer components to more components, the data is either duplicated (1chan->RGB) or generated (RGB-RGBA, A=1). More...
void setComponentOrder (IMG_ComponentOrder order)
 Convert to either an RGBA or ABGR ordering converts the component ordering to RGBA or ABGR (or RGB/BGR, RG/GR) without forcing the color model to a specific number of components. More...
void setInterleaved (IMG_Interleave i)
 Interleaves or deinterleaves pixel data Determines how to format the data. More...
void setLuminanceFunc (PXL_LumFunction f)
void readAlphaAsPlane ()
void selectPlanes (const UT_IntArray &planeindices)
void selectPlanes (const char *pattern)
void selectPlaneNames (const char *name)
void selectMipLevel (int level)
void setEnableMipLevel0Cache (bool val)
 optimizes mipmap generation by caching level0 More...
void setMipRoundMode (IMG_MipRoundMode mode)
 mipmap rounding mode (ie how next resolution down is calculated) More...
void scaleImageTo (int x, int y, UT_FilterType ft=UT_FILTER_BOX)
 If the color model is set to IMG_1CHAN, and the actual color model. More...
void scaleImageBy (fpreal x, fpreal y, UT_FilterType ft=UT_FILTER_BOX)
 scale the image by scaling factors (x,y). More...
void limitImageRes (int x, int y, UT_FilterType ft=UT_FILTER_BOX, bool preserve_aspect=true)
void powerTwoOnly ()
 images must be read as powers of two. Does not preserve aspect ratio. More...
void setDataWindowOnly ()
void setWindow (const UT_DimRect &area)
void setWindow (float u1, float v1, float u2, float v2)
 read the image region in 'area' in UV coords. Used only for reading. More...
void orientImage (IMG_XOrientation x, IMG_YOrientation y)
void flopImage ()
 rotate the image 90', flopping it on its side. More...
void applyLUT (const char *lut, const UT_StringHolder &plane_scope=UT_StringHolder(), bool ocio=false)
 Color correct an image using a LUT apply a lookup table to the data, but only those planes that match the scope (ie, "C spec diff", "C*", "*beauty*") If no plane_scope is specified, "*" is used. More...
void applyGamma (fpreal gamma, const UT_StringHolder &gamma_scope=UT_StringHolder())
 Color correct an image using a gamma setting Apply gamma to the planes matching the scope (ie, "C spec diff", "C*", "*beauty*") If no gamma_scope is specified, "*" is ued. More...
void adjustGammaForFormat (IMG_Stat &stat, const IMG_Format *format, IMG_DataType override_type=IMG_DT_ANY)
void setOCIODestColorSpace (const UT_StringHolder &ocio_colorspace)
void setOCIOLooks (const UT_StringHolder &looks)
void setOCIOSourceDisplay (const UT_StringHolder &display, const UT_StringHolder &view)
void detectAlphaDetails ()
 Returns information about the image's alpha channel Checks to see if the alpha plane is constant 1, cutout 0/1, constant valued, varying, out-of-range (>1 or <0) or absent. Load only. More...
void setOption (const char *option, const char *value)
 set an input/output tag option for the format. More...
void setOptions (const char **options)
void setOptionsString (const char *option_pair_string)
 options are in a whitespace separated string "Artist 'Tom Jones'" More...
void setOptions (const IMG_TileOptions &info_with_options)
 options are specified in the IMG_TileOptions structure More...
void setOptions (const UT_Options &options)
void setOption (const UT_StringHolder &key, const IMG_MetadataItem &item)
 Set metadata option. More...
void useTileInterface ()
 Enable the tile inteface for reading or writing If called, we're reading or writing tiles using IMG_File::readTile and IMG_File::writeTile. The scanline versions will not work. More...
void setContinueOnError ()
SYS_NO_DISCARD_RESULT bool continueOnError () const
IMG_DataType dataType () const
IMG_ColorModel colorModel () const
IMG_ComponentOrder componentOrder () const
IMG_Interleave interleaved () const
const UT_StringHolderselectPlaneName () const
const UT_IntArrayselectPlaneIndex () const
bool alphaSplit () const
bool alphaDetect () const
PXL_LumFunction lumFunc () const
IMG_XOrientation orientX () const
IMG_YOrientation orientY () const
bool flipVertical () const
bool flipHorizontal () const
bool flopImage () const
bool useTiles () const
exint xres () const
exint yres () const
fpreal xscale () const
fpreal yscale () const
bool preserveAspect () const
bool resLimit () const
exint maxXres () const
exint maxYres () const
bool powerTwoRes () const
UT_FilterType filterType () const
bool enableMipLevel0Cache () const
bool readDataWindowOnly () const
bool isReadArea () const
const UT_DimRect getReadArea () const
bool isReadUVArea () const
const fprealgetReadUVArea () const
void flipImageVertical ()
 Flip the image in either direction. flip the images in either direction. May cancel out any orientation flipping. More...
void flipImageHorizontal ()
 Flip the image in either direction. flip the images in either direction. May cancel out any orientation flipping. More...
void setOCIOTransform (const UT_StringHolder &sspace, const UT_StringHolder &dspace, const UT_StringHolder &looks, const UT_StringHolder &lut_scope=UT_StringHolder())
void setOCIOTransformView (const UT_StringHolder &sspace, const UT_StringHolder &display, const UT_StringHolder &view, bool forward, const UT_StringHolder &lut_scope=UT_StringHolder())
void setFileParm (const UT_StringHolder &key, const UT_JSONValue &val)
void setFileParm (const UT_StringHolder &key, bool val)
void setFileParm (const UT_StringHolder &key, int64 val)
void setFileParm (const UT_StringHolder &key, fpreal64 val)
void setFileParm (const UT_StringHolder &key, const UT_StringHolder &val)
UT_StringArray options () const
UT_StringArray optionValues () const
const IMG_Metadatametadata () const
void merge (const IMG_Metadata &opts, bool overwrite=true)
bool import (const UT_StringRef &name, bool &val) const
bool import (const UT_StringRef &name, int32 &val) const
bool import (const UT_StringRef &name, int64 &val) const
bool import (const UT_StringRef &name, fpreal32 &val) const
bool import (const UT_StringRef &name, fpreal64 &val) const
bool import (const UT_StringRef &name, UT_StringHolder &val) const
void dump () const
void dump (UT_JSONWriter &w) const
const UT_StringHolderlutFilename () const
const UT_StringHolderlutScope () const
bool lutIsOCIO () const
fpreal gamma () const
const UT_StringHoldergammaScope () const
const UT_StringHolderocioDestSpace () const
const UT_StringHolderocioLooks () const
const UT_StringHolderocioView () const
const UT_StringHolderocioSourceDisplay () const
const UT_StringHolderocioSourceView () const
bool ocioForward () const
void setGainOffset (fpreal gain, fpreal offset)
fpreal gain () const
fpreal offset () const
bool isNormal () const
const UT_SharedPtr
< img_MipCache > & 
mipCache () const
void setMipCache (const UT_SharedPtr< img_MipCache > &c)

Detailed Description

File options for manipulating image data on load or save. This class allows you to modify the incoming or outgoing image data by scaling, flipping, converting or cropping the data. It can be optionally passed to IMG_File::open() or IMG_File::create()

Definition at line 38 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMG_FileParms::IMG_FileParms ( )

Member Function Documentation

void IMG_FileParms::adjustGammaForFormat ( IMG_Stat stat,
const IMG_Format format,
IMG_DataType  override_type = IMG_DT_ANY 

Set the gamma and scope to apply any needed gamma correction to planes being written. This overwrites any applyGamma() changes.

bool IMG_FileParms::alphaDetect ( ) const


Definition at line 122 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

bool IMG_FileParms::alphaSplit ( ) const


Definition at line 121 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::applyGamma ( fpreal  gamma,
const UT_StringHolder gamma_scope = UT_StringHolder() 

Color correct an image using a gamma setting Apply gamma to the planes matching the scope (ie, "C spec diff", "C*", "*beauty*") If no gamma_scope is specified, "*" is ued.

void IMG_FileParms::applyLUT ( const char *  lut,
const UT_StringHolder plane_scope = UT_StringHolder(),
bool  ocio = false 

Color correct an image using a LUT apply a lookup table to the data, but only those planes that match the scope (ie, "C spec diff", "C*", "*beauty*") If no plane_scope is specified, "*" is used.

IMG_ColorModel IMG_FileParms::colorModel ( ) const


Definition at line 114 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

IMG_ComponentOrder IMG_FileParms::componentOrder ( ) const


Definition at line 115 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

SYS_NO_DISCARD_RESULT bool IMG_FileParms::continueOnError ( ) const

Definition at line 337 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

IMG_DataType IMG_FileParms::dataType ( ) const


Definition at line 113 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::detectAlphaDetails ( )

Returns information about the image's alpha channel Checks to see if the alpha plane is constant 1, cutout 0/1, constant valued, varying, out-of-range (>1 or <0) or absent. Load only.

void IMG_FileParms::dump ( ) const


void IMG_FileParms::dump ( UT_JSONWriter w) const


bool IMG_FileParms::enableMipLevel0Cache ( ) const


Definition at line 141 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

UT_FilterType IMG_FileParms::filterType ( ) const


Definition at line 139 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

bool IMG_FileParms::flipHorizontal ( ) const


Definition at line 127 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::flipImageHorizontal ( )

Flip the image in either direction. flip the images in either direction. May cancel out any orientation flipping.

void IMG_FileParms::flipImageVertical ( )

Flip the image in either direction. flip the images in either direction. May cancel out any orientation flipping.

bool IMG_FileParms::flipVertical ( ) const


Definition at line 126 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

bool IMG_FileParms::flopImage ( ) const


Definition at line 128 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::flopImage ( )

rotate the image 90', flopping it on its side.

fpreal IMG_FileParms::gain ( ) const

LUT Accessors

Definition at line 375 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

fpreal IMG_FileParms::gamma ( ) const

LUT Accessors

Definition at line 361 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

const UT_StringHolder& IMG_FileParms::gammaScope ( ) const

LUT Accessors

Definition at line 362 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

const UT_DimRect IMG_FileParms::getReadArea ( ) const


Definition at line 147 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

const fpreal* IMG_FileParms::getReadUVArea ( ) const


Definition at line 150 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

bool IMG_FileParms::import ( const UT_StringRef name,
bool &  val 
) const

Import an option

Definition at line 314 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

bool IMG_FileParms::import ( const UT_StringRef name,
int32 val 
) const

Import an option

Definition at line 316 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

bool IMG_FileParms::import ( const UT_StringRef name,
int64 val 
) const

Import an option

Definition at line 318 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

bool IMG_FileParms::import ( const UT_StringRef name,
fpreal32 val 
) const

Import an option

Definition at line 320 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

bool IMG_FileParms::import ( const UT_StringRef name,
fpreal64 val 
) const

Import an option

Definition at line 322 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

bool IMG_FileParms::import ( const UT_StringRef name,
UT_StringHolder val 
) const

Import an option

Definition at line 324 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

IMG_Interleave IMG_FileParms::interleaved ( ) const


Definition at line 116 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

bool IMG_FileParms::isNormal ( ) const

Definition at line 343 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

bool IMG_FileParms::isReadArea ( ) const


Definition at line 145 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

bool IMG_FileParms::isReadUVArea ( ) const


Definition at line 148 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::limitImageRes ( int  x,
int  y,
UT_FilterType  ft = UT_FILTER_BOX,
bool  preserve_aspect = true 

limit the image to a maximum resolution. Scale to this res, preserving the aspect ratio if requested.

PXL_LumFunction IMG_FileParms::lumFunc ( ) const


Definition at line 123 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

const UT_StringHolder& IMG_FileParms::lutFilename ( ) const

LUT Accessors

Definition at line 358 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

bool IMG_FileParms::lutIsOCIO ( ) const

LUT Accessors

Definition at line 360 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

const UT_StringHolder& IMG_FileParms::lutScope ( ) const

LUT Accessors

Definition at line 359 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

exint IMG_FileParms::maxXres ( ) const


Definition at line 136 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

exint IMG_FileParms::maxYres ( ) const


Definition at line 137 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::merge ( const IMG_Metadata opts,
bool  overwrite = true 

Access to options

Definition at line 308 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

const IMG_Metadata& IMG_FileParms::metadata ( ) const

Access to options

Definition at line 307 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

const UT_SharedPtr<img_MipCache>& IMG_FileParms::mipCache ( ) const

Definition at line 344 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

const UT_StringHolder& IMG_FileParms::ocioDestSpace ( ) const

LUT Accessors

Definition at line 363 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

bool IMG_FileParms::ocioForward ( ) const

LUT Accessors

Definition at line 368 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

const UT_StringHolder& IMG_FileParms::ocioLooks ( ) const

LUT Accessors

Definition at line 364 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

const UT_StringHolder& IMG_FileParms::ocioSourceDisplay ( ) const

LUT Accessors

Definition at line 366 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

const UT_StringHolder& IMG_FileParms::ocioSourceView ( ) const

LUT Accessors

Definition at line 367 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

const UT_StringHolder& IMG_FileParms::ocioView ( ) const

LUT Accessors

Definition at line 365 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

fpreal IMG_FileParms::offset ( ) const

LUT Accessors

Definition at line 376 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

UT_StringArray IMG_FileParms::options ( ) const

Access to options

UT_StringArray IMG_FileParms::optionValues ( ) const

Access to options

void IMG_FileParms::orientImage ( IMG_XOrientation  x,
IMG_YOrientation  y 

options for orienting and flipping the image. Default orientation is LEFT_FIRST, BOTTOM_FIRST. You can set each to 'none' if you don't care.

IMG_XOrientation IMG_FileParms::orientX ( ) const


Definition at line 124 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

IMG_YOrientation IMG_FileParms::orientY ( ) const


Definition at line 125 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::powerTwoOnly ( )

images must be read as powers of two. Does not preserve aspect ratio.

bool IMG_FileParms::powerTwoRes ( ) const


Definition at line 138 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

bool IMG_FileParms::preserveAspect ( ) const


Definition at line 134 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::readAlphaAsPlane ( )

If true, alpha will be read into its own plane, instead of an RGBA color plane. Color will be read as its own plane as well, RGB.

void IMG_FileParms::readAsIs ( )

This method turns off any option that would result in image translation.

bool IMG_FileParms::readDataWindowOnly ( ) const


Definition at line 143 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

bool IMG_FileParms::resLimit ( ) const


Definition at line 135 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::scaleImageBy ( fpreal  x,
fpreal  y,
UT_FilterType  ft = UT_FILTER_BOX 

scale the image by scaling factors (x,y).

void IMG_FileParms::scaleImageTo ( int  x,
int  y,
UT_FilterType  ft = UT_FILTER_BOX 

If the color model is set to IMG_1CHAN, and the actual color model.

RESOLUTION -----------------------------------------------------—— using these methods always scales. To crop, use the data window methods Note that the filter is shared, so if more than one of these is called, the last filter setting is used. Scale the image to resolution (x,y). (0 = use original dimension)

void IMG_FileParms::selectMipLevel ( int  level)

Isolate mip level to load (0 being base resolution). IMG_File::open() may return nullptr if invalid mip level is specified. If the file doesn't have pre-generated mipmaps, IMG_File::open() will generate mipmap level on the fly. This object holds the cache for intermediate mip levels if they're being generated, so if you're opening the same file multiple times with different mip level selected, it's recommended that you reuse this parm object (as long as it's within the same thread).

const UT_IntArray& IMG_FileParms::selectPlaneIndex ( ) const


Definition at line 119 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

const UT_StringHolder& IMG_FileParms::selectPlaneName ( ) const


Definition at line 117 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::selectPlaneNames ( const char *  name)

If demoting from a deep raster to an RGB(A) image, these methods allow you to specify the plane(s) to copy to RGB(A), by name or index. Selects serveral planes by name pattern, such as "C", "C A Pz" "P? C*"

void IMG_FileParms::selectPlanes ( const UT_IntArray planeindices)

If demoting from a deep raster to an RGB(A) image, these methods allow you to specify the plane(s) to copy to RGB(A), by name or index. Selects a plane by index. Indices are specified from 1 to # planes.

void IMG_FileParms::selectPlanes ( const char *  pattern)

If demoting from a deep raster to an RGB(A) image, these methods allow you to specify the plane(s) to copy to RGB(A), by name or index. Selects several planes by numeric pattern, ie. "1", "1 3 4", "[1-3] 5"

void IMG_FileParms::setColorModel ( IMG_ColorModel  cm)

Convert to a different number of pixel components convert to a standard color model, if needed (RGB, RGBA, single). When moving from fewer components to more components, the data is either duplicated (1chan->RGB) or generated (RGB-RGBA, A=1).

void IMG_FileParms::setComponentOrder ( IMG_ComponentOrder  order)

Convert to either an RGBA or ABGR ordering converts the component ordering to RGBA or ABGR (or RGB/BGR, RG/GR) without forcing the color model to a specific number of components.

void IMG_FileParms::setContinueOnError ( )

If set, files will not report errors and subsequent scanlines will be returned as black.

Definition at line 335 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::setDataType ( IMG_DataType  dt)

Convert to a different data type convert the image to this data type, if needed (default = use native)

void IMG_FileParms::setDataWindowOnly ( )

Normally, a data window is expanded or cropped to the image resolution. calling this will always read only the data window. Used only for reading.

void IMG_FileParms::setEnableMipLevel0Cache ( bool  val)

optimizes mipmap generation by caching level0

void IMG_FileParms::setFileParm ( const UT_StringHolder key,
const UT_JSONValue val 

Set metadata

Definition at line 290 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::setFileParm ( const UT_StringHolder key,
bool  val 

Set metadata

Definition at line 292 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::setFileParm ( const UT_StringHolder key,
int64  val 

Set metadata

Definition at line 294 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::setFileParm ( const UT_StringHolder key,
fpreal64  val 

Set metadata

Definition at line 296 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::setFileParm ( const UT_StringHolder key,
const UT_StringHolder val 

Set metadata

Definition at line 298 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::setGainOffset ( fpreal  gain,
fpreal  offset 

LUT Accessors

Definition at line 370 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::setInterleaved ( IMG_Interleave  i)

Interleaves or deinterleaves pixel data Determines how to format the data.

  • IMG_INTERLEAVE_AS_IS - leave it interleaved or non, as in the file.
  • IMG_INTERLEAVED - always interleave (rgbrgbrgb). Default.
  • IMG_NON_INTERLEAVED - always non-interleaved (rrrgggbbb)
void IMG_FileParms::setLuminanceFunc ( PXL_LumFunction  f)

is RGB or higher, this method determines how to convert the vector into a scalar. By default, the luminance is taken.

void IMG_FileParms::setMipCache ( const UT_SharedPtr< img_MipCache > &  c)

Definition at line 345 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::setMipRoundMode ( IMG_MipRoundMode  mode)

mipmap rounding mode (ie how next resolution down is calculated)

void IMG_FileParms::setOCIODestColorSpace ( const UT_StringHolder ocio_colorspace)

Specifies the destination colorspace when reading, and the source colorspace when writing (ie, the colorspace the raster is in, not the file contents). Default colorspace is the scene linear role. Only active if an OCIO LUT is used.

void IMG_FileParms::setOCIOLooks ( const UT_StringHolder looks)

One or more looks (color transforms) that are applied to the image after reading or before writing, in order of specification (whitespace separated list).

void IMG_FileParms::setOCIOSourceDisplay ( const UT_StringHolder display,
const UT_StringHolder view 

Set OCIO Source display/view (if the image data already has tone mapping baked in).

void IMG_FileParms::setOCIOTransform ( const UT_StringHolder sspace,
const UT_StringHolder dspace,
const UT_StringHolder looks,
const UT_StringHolder lut_scope = UT_StringHolder() 

Set up OCIO information fully

void IMG_FileParms::setOCIOTransformView ( const UT_StringHolder sspace,
const UT_StringHolder display,
const UT_StringHolder view,
bool  forward,
const UT_StringHolder lut_scope = UT_StringHolder() 

Set up OCIO information fully

void IMG_FileParms::setOption ( const char *  option,
const char *  value 

set an input/output tag option for the format.

void IMG_FileParms::setOption ( const UT_StringHolder key,
const IMG_MetadataItem item 

Set metadata option.

Definition at line 284 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

void IMG_FileParms::setOptions ( const char **  options)

options are a list of argument pairs, such as "artist", "Tom Smith". The options list is terminated by a NULL.

void IMG_FileParms::setOptions ( const IMG_TileOptions info_with_options)

options are specified in the IMG_TileOptions structure

void IMG_FileParms::setOptions ( const UT_Options options)

set options based on a UT_Options (this is similar to using IMG_TileOptions)

void IMG_FileParms::setOptionsString ( const char *  option_pair_string)

options are in a whitespace separated string "Artist 'Tom Jones'"

void IMG_FileParms::setWindow ( const UT_DimRect area)

read the image region in 'area' only (even if we need to crop or expand the image to fill it). Used only for reading.

void IMG_FileParms::setWindow ( float  u1,
float  v1,
float  u2,
float  v2 

read the image region in 'area' in UV coords. Used only for reading.

void IMG_FileParms::useTileInterface ( )

Enable the tile inteface for reading or writing If called, we're reading or writing tiles using IMG_File::readTile and IMG_File::writeTile. The scanline versions will not work.

bool IMG_FileParms::useTiles ( ) const


Definition at line 129 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

exint IMG_FileParms::xres ( ) const


Definition at line 130 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

fpreal IMG_FileParms::xscale ( ) const


Definition at line 132 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

exint IMG_FileParms::yres ( ) const


Definition at line 131 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

fpreal IMG_FileParms::yscale ( ) const


Definition at line 133 of file IMG_FileParms.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: