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PRM_Parm Class Reference

#include <PRM_Parm.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for PRM_Parm:

Public Member Functions

 PRM_Parm (PRM_Template *thetemplate, PRM_ParmList *owner)
 PRM_Parm (PRM_Parm *theprm, PRM_ParmList *owner)
 ~PRM_Parm ()
void adopt (PRM_Parm &thesrcparm)
void adoptOverrides (PRM_Parm &srcparm)
void revertToDefaults (fpreal time)
void revertToDefault (fpreal time, int index, bool propagate=true)
void restoreFactoryDefaults ()
void restoreFactoryDefault (int index)
int isDefault () const
int isDefault (int index) const
int isFactoryDefault () const
int isFactoryDefault (int index) const
int isTrueFactoryDefault (int index) const
int isTrueFactoryDefault () const
int isFactoryDefaultUI (int index) const
int isFactoryDefaultUI () const
void overwriteDefaults (fpreal time)
void overwriteDefault (fpreal time, int index)
void buildOpDependencies (const PRM_RefId &ref_id, int thread)
void changeOpRef (const char *new_fullpath, const char *old_fullpath, const char *old_cwd, const char *chan_name, const char *old_chan_name, void(*undo_callback)(void *), void *undo_data, int thread)
void getValue (fpreal time, int32 &value, int index, int thread) const
void getValue (fpreal time, int64 &value, int index, int thread) const
void getValue (fpreal time, fpreal &value, int index, int thread) const
void getValue (fpreal time, UT_String &value, int index, bool expand, int thread) const
void getValue (fpreal time, UT_StringHolder &value, int index, bool expand, int thread) const
void getValue (fpreal time, PRM_DataItemHandle &value, int index, int thread) const
void getValue (fpreal time, UT_JSONValueMap &value, int index, bool expand, int thread) const
void getValues (fpreal time, fpreal32 *value, int thread) const
void getValues (fpreal time, fpreal64 *value, int thread) const
void getValues (fpreal time, int32 *value, int thread) const
void getValues (fpreal time, int64 *value, int thread) const
void getDefaultValue (fpreal &value, int index) const
void getDefaultValue (UT_String &value, int index) const
void getExpressionStringForUI (fpreal time, UT_String &value, int index, int thread) const
void getExpressionOrValue (fpreal time, UT_String &value, int index, int thread) const
void getExpressionOrValue (fpreal time, UT_StringHolder &value, int index, int thread) const
void getExpressionOnly (fpreal time, UT_String &value, int index, int thread) const
bool setExpression (fpreal time, const char *value, CH_ExprLanguage language, int index, bool evaluate=true, bool rmchannel=false, bool propagate=true)
bool setValues (fpreal time, const fpreal32 *values, bool kill_expr=false, PRM_AddKeyType add_key=PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING, bool propagate=true)
bool setValues (fpreal time, const fpreal64 *values, bool kill_expr=false, PRM_AddKeyType add_key=PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING, bool propagate=true)
bool setValues (fpreal time, const int32 *values, bool kill_expr=false, PRM_AddKeyType add_key=PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING, bool propagate=true)
bool setValues (fpreal time, const int64 *values, bool kill_expr=false, PRM_AddKeyType add_key=PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING, bool propagate=true)
bool isMultiParm () const
void insertMultiParmItem (int index, bool propagate=1)
void removeMultiParmItem (int index, bool propagate=1)
void revertMultiParmItem (int index)
void revertAllMultiParmItems ()
void assignMultiParmItem (int from, int to)
void swapMultiParmItem (int from, int to)
void moveMultiParmItems (const UT_Array< std::pair< int, int >> &moves)
int getMultiParmNumItems () const
int getMultiParmInstancesPerItem () const
const char * getMultiParmToken (int p, int index) const
int getMultiParmUIEntries () const
const PRM_TemplategetMultiParmTemplate (int idx) const
PRM_TemplategetMultiParmTemplate (int idx)
PRM_ParmgetMultiParm (int idx) const
int getMultiParmCount () const
void valueChanged (int vec_idx, bool propagate)
void sendValueChanged (int vec_idx, bool propagate)
void indirectChange (int vec_idx, bool expr_changed, bool update_multi=true)
PRM_Callback getCallback ()
int setOverride (int index, int data_idx, const char *source, PRM_OverrideType type)
const char * getOverride (int index) const
int getOverrideDataIndex (int index) const
bool getOverrideNodePath (int index, UT_String &path) const
bool getOverrideTrackName (int index, UT_String &trackname) const
bool getOverrideType (int index, PRM_OverrideType &type) const
int setOverrideDisable (int index, int onoff)
int getIsOverrideActive (int index) const
void copyParm (const PRM_Parm &src)
void copyValue (fpreal t, int dest_vi, const PRM_Parm &src_parm, int src_vi, bool set_name_alias, bool current_value_only, bool set_value_to_default=false, PRM_AddKeyType add_key=PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING, PRM_KeySetType key_set_type=PRM_USE_PREFERENCES)
void addChannels ()
void addChannel (int index, bool propagate=true)
void addChannel (int index, const char *theexpr, CH_ExprLanguage language, bool propagate=true)
int addChannel (const char *name)
int addChannel (const char *name, const char *expr, CH_ExprLanguage language)
void clearAndDestroyChannels (bool force=false)
void removeChannel (int index, bool propagage=true)
void clearAndDestroyUnrefChannels (const PRM_Parm &repl_parm)
CH_ChannelgetChannel (int subindex) const
int getChannelCount () const
void reloadChannelPtrs ()
int channelPtrModified (const char *name)
int isTimeDependent () const
bool isTimeDependent (int subindex) const
int isDataDependent (fpreal gtime) const
bool isDataDependent (fpreal gtime, int subindex) const
void forceTimeDependent (int subindex)
bool hasContextOptionDeps (int subindex) const
const DEP_ContextOptionDepsgetContextOptionDeps (int subindex) const
void forceContextOptionDep (int subindex, const UT_StringHolder &opt)
const PRM_TypegetType () const
PRM_TypeExtended getTypeExtended () const
PRM_MultiType getMultiType () const
fpreal getMultiSize () const
int getMultiStartOffset () const
bool isRampType () const
bool isRampTypeColor () const
int getVectorSize () const
void getChannelToken (UT_String &thestrref, int index=0) const
void getChannelLabel (UT_String &thestrref, int index=0) const
void getToken (UT_String &thestrref) const
void getLabel (UT_String &thestrref) const
void getHelpText (UT_String &helptext) const
void getHelpUrl (UT_String &helptext) const
void getHelpTitle (UT_String &helptext) const
const char * getToken () const
const char * getLabel () const
const UT_StringRefgetTokenRef () const
const UT_StringHoldergetChannelToken (int vi=0) const
const UT_StringHoldergetDecodedChannelToken (int vi=0) const
void getChannelLabelForUI (UT_String &thestrref, int vec_idx) const
const PRM_SpareDatagetSparePtr () const
unsigned getTokenHash () const
bool hasChannelAlias (int subindex) const
void getChannelAlias (UT_String &stringref, int subindex) const
const UT_StringHoldergetChannelAlias (int subindex) const
bool canAccess (uint mask) const
bool setChannelAlias (const char *token_alias, int subindex)
PRM_ChoiceListgetChoiceListPtr ()
const PRM_ChoiceListgetChoiceListPtr () const
PRM_ValueinputNotifyValue ()
void createInputNotifyValue ()
DEP_MicroNodemicroNode (int vi)
bool hasMicroNodes () const
int isDirty (int vector_idx=0) const
int areAllFlagsClean () const
void clearAllDirtyFlags ()
bool isSendExtra (int vi) const
bool hasAnySendExtraFlags () const
int findSubIndex (const char *thechannelname, bool allow_alias) const
const PRM_TemplategetTemplatePtr () const
PRM_TemplategetTemplatePtr ()
const PRM_InstancegetInstancePtr () const
PRM_InstancegetInstancePtr ()
CH_CollectiongetChannelGroupPtr () const
unsigned getEnableState (int comp=-1) const
unsigned getInstanceEnableState (int comp=-1) const
int setEnableState (int thestate, int comp=-1)
bool getActiveTakeFlag () const
bool getAlwaysTakeFlag () const
void setActiveTakeFlag (int onoff)
bool getBypassFlag () const
void setBypassFlag (bool v)
bool getVisibleState (int comp=-1) const
bool setVisibleState (bool f, int comp=-1)
int getExpressionState ()
void setExpressionState (int state)
int getValueState ()
void setValueState (int state)
bool isValueEditableByUI (fpreal time, int index) const
bool isExpressionEditableByUI (fpreal time, int index) const
void hardenChanges (fpreal time, bool forceflag=0, const char *patt=0, CH_ChannelRefList *list=0)
void hardenChanges (fpreal time, int index, bool forceflag=0, const char *patt=0, CH_ChannelRefList *list=0)
void setKey (fpreal time, int index)
void setKey (fpreal time, int index, const char *exp, CH_ExprLanguage language, const char *patt=0, CH_ChannelRefList *list=0)
void setFullKey (fpreal gtime, int index, CH_FullKey const &key, bool accel_ratios=true)
CH_StringMeaning getStringMeaning (fpreal time, int index) const
CH_ExprLanguage getExprLanguageIfMadeAnExpression (fpreal time, int index) const
bool isLanguageOldExprOrLiteral (fpreal time, int index)
int changePending (int index)
PRM_ChanState getChanState (fpreal time) const
PRM_ChanState getChanState (fpreal time, int index) const
void save (std::ostream &os, int binary, bool compiled) const
bool load (UT_IStream &is)
void saveUndoData (PRM_UndoDataHandle &data) const
bool loadUndoData (const PRM_UndoDataHandle &data)
void saveCommand (std::ostream &os, int values=0, int index=-1) const
int loadCommand (int argc, const char *const argv[], int index, bool values_only, PRM_KeySetType set_type)
fpreal findNextKey (fpreal theoldtime, int index=-1)
fpreal findPrevKey (fpreal theoldtime, int index=-1)
int findString (const char *str, bool fullword, bool usewildcards) const
int changeString (const char *from, const char *to, bool fullword)
bool notifyVarChange (const char *varname)
bool getUndoSavedFlag ()
void setUndoSavedFlag (bool f)
bool getAutoTakeUndoSavedFlag ()
void setAutoTakeUndoSavedFlag (bool f)
bool getLockedFlag (int vec_idx) const
bool areAllComponentsLocked () const
void setLockedFlag (int vec_idx, bool f)
unsigned int getLockedField () const
bool getAutoScopedFlag (int vec_idx) const
void setAutoScopedFlag (int vec_idx, bool f)
unsigned int getAutoScopedField () const
bool getMagicString (UT_TokenString &string, fpreal t, int parm_group_mask, bool add_if_default, bool ignore_group, int thread)
void destroyChildParms ()
PRM_ParmListgetOwner () const
PRM_ParmOwnergetParmOwner () const
bool isCompatible (const PRM_Parm &other_parm) const
bool isOfBasicType (PRM_Type check_type) const
bool isParmValueEqual (PRM_Parm &other_parm, int vec_index, fpreal time, int thread) const
bool isParmValueEqual (int vec_index, PRM_Parm &other_parm, int other_index, fpreal time, int thread) const
bool hasChannelName (const UT_StringRef &channame, int vec_index) const
void getAllChannelAliases (UT_String &aliasstring, char sep='/') const
bool isActive (const int index) const
void setActive (const int index, const bool active)
int64 getMemoryUsage (bool inclusive) const
bool isSpareParm () const
void setSpareParm (bool sp) const
const PRM_InstancegetMultiParmOwner () const
void setMultiParmOwner (const PRM_Multi *multiparmowner)
const PRM_TemplatefindMultiParmTemplate () const
int getMultiInstanceIndex (UT_IntArray &indices, bool instance_index=true) const
void rebuildParmDependency ()
bool isRotationParm () const
void setChannelReference (fpreal time, int index, const char *path, const char *ch_name=nullptr, bool evaluate=true, bool rmchannel=false)
void constructChannelReference (UT_String &reference, CH_ExprLanguage language, const char *path, const char *ch_name=nullptr)
bool getHaveCompiledExpressions () const
void setSaveLabelFlag (bool f)
bool hasChannelCustomColor (int index) const
const UT_ColorgetChannelCustomColor (int index) const
void setChannelCustomColor (int index, const UT_Color &c)
void resetChannelCustomColor (int index)
bool getAutoSelectFlag (int vec_idx) const
void setAutoSelectFlag (int vec_idx, bool f)
unsigned int getAutoSelectField () const
void setTimeDependentMicroNode (int subindex, bool timedep) const
bool setValue (fpreal time, const char *value, CH_StringMeaning meaning, bool kill_expr=false, int index=0, PRM_AddKeyType add_key=PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING, bool propagate=true)
bool setValue (fpreal time, fpreal value, bool kill_expr=false, int index=0, PRM_AddKeyType add_key=PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING, bool propagate=true)
bool setValue (fpreal time, int32 value, bool kill_expr=false, int index=0, PRM_AddKeyType add_key=PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING, bool propagate=true)
bool setValue (fpreal time, int64 value, bool kill_expr=false, int index=0, PRM_AddKeyType add_key=PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING, bool propagate=true)
bool setValue (fpreal time, const PRM_DataItemHandle &value, bool kill_expr=false, int index=0, PRM_AddKeyType add_key=PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING, bool propagate=true)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool getDestructiveRevertToDefaultFlag ()
static void setDestructiveRevertToDefaultFlag (bool v)
static bool getRevertInvisibleToDefaultsFlag ()
static void setRevertInvisibleToDefaultsFlag (bool v)
static bool getMakeSpareParmsForUnknownChannelsFlag ()
static void setMakeSpareParmsForUnknownChannelsFlag (bool v)
static bool isStringThatCanExpand (const char *str)
static bool isOrdinalExpression (const char *str, const PRM_Template *tplate=nullptr)
static bool isOrdinalExpression (const PRM_Default &dflt, const PRM_Template *tplate=nullptr)
static void convertStringToExprLanguage (const char *str, UT_String &expr, PRM_Template *tplate=nullptr)
static void convertStringFromExprLanguage (const char *str, UT_String &expr)
static bool getIsAddingOrRemovingMultiParms ()
static void instanceMultiString (UT_String &token, const UT_IntArray &indexlist, bool fill_remaining=true)
static void instanceMultiString (UT_String &token, const int *indexlist, int num, bool fill_remaining=true)
static bool getAlwaysHardenFlag ()
static void setAlwaysHardenFlag (bool o)
static bool isChanRefString (const char *str, bool is_expr, UT_String *chref=0)
static voidoperator new (size_t size)
 Regular new/delete operators. More...
static void operator delete (void *p, size_t size)
 Regular new/delete operators. More...
static voidoperator new (size_t, void *p)
static void operator delete (void *, void *)


class PRM_ParmList

Detailed Description

SOP/SOP_CopRaster.C, and SOP/SOP_CopRaster.h.

Definition at line 131 of file PRM_Parm.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PRM_Parm::PRM_Parm ( PRM_Template thetemplate,
PRM_ParmList owner 
PRM_Parm::PRM_Parm ( PRM_Parm theprm,
PRM_ParmList owner 
PRM_Parm::~PRM_Parm ( )

Member Function Documentation

void PRM_Parm::addChannel ( int  index,
bool  propagate = true 
void PRM_Parm::addChannel ( int  index,
const char *  theexpr,
CH_ExprLanguage  language,
bool  propagate = true 
int PRM_Parm::addChannel ( const char *  name)
int PRM_Parm::addChannel ( const char *  name,
const char *  expr,
CH_ExprLanguage  language 
void PRM_Parm::addChannels ( )
void PRM_Parm::adopt ( PRM_Parm thesrcparm)
void PRM_Parm::adoptOverrides ( PRM_Parm srcparm)
bool PRM_Parm::areAllComponentsLocked ( ) const
int PRM_Parm::areAllFlagsClean ( ) const
void PRM_Parm::assignMultiParmItem ( int  from,
int  to 
void PRM_Parm::buildOpDependencies ( const PRM_RefId ref_id,
int  thread 
bool PRM_Parm::canAccess ( uint  mask) const
void PRM_Parm::changeOpRef ( const char *  new_fullpath,
const char *  old_fullpath,
const char *  old_cwd,
const char *  chan_name,
const char *  old_chan_name,
void(*)(void *)  undo_callback,
void undo_data,
int  thread 
int PRM_Parm::changePending ( int  index)
int PRM_Parm::changeString ( const char *  from,
const char *  to,
bool  fullword 
int PRM_Parm::channelPtrModified ( const char *  name)
void PRM_Parm::clearAllDirtyFlags ( )
void PRM_Parm::clearAndDestroyChannels ( bool  force = false)
void PRM_Parm::clearAndDestroyUnrefChannels ( const PRM_Parm repl_parm)
void PRM_Parm::constructChannelReference ( UT_String reference,
CH_ExprLanguage  language,
const char *  path,
const char *  ch_name = nullptr 
static void PRM_Parm::convertStringFromExprLanguage ( const char *  str,
UT_String expr 
static void PRM_Parm::convertStringToExprLanguage ( const char *  str,
UT_String expr,
PRM_Template tplate = nullptr 
void PRM_Parm::copyParm ( const PRM_Parm src)

copyParm() copies the value of an entire parm, including channels. If it is a multi-parm, then all instance parameters will be also be copied. If the they are a mismatch of vector sizes, the smaller of the two sizes will be used.

void PRM_Parm::copyValue ( fpreal  t,
int  dest_vi,
const PRM_Parm src_parm,
int  src_vi,
bool  set_name_alias,
bool  current_value_only,
bool  set_value_to_default = false,
PRM_AddKeyType  add_key = PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING,
PRM_KeySetType  key_set_type = PRM_USE_PREFERENCES 

copyValue copies the value for a particular parm component. If current_value_only is true, then only the value evaluated at time t will be copied. Otherwise, any channels in the src_parm will be copied wholesale.

void PRM_Parm::createInputNotifyValue ( )
void PRM_Parm::destroyChildParms ( )
const PRM_Template* PRM_Parm::findMultiParmTemplate ( ) const

Returns the multi-parm template for this child parm. Returns nullptr if this parm is not part of a multi-parm

fpreal PRM_Parm::findNextKey ( fpreal  theoldtime,
int  index = -1 
fpreal PRM_Parm::findPrevKey ( fpreal  theoldtime,
int  index = -1 
int PRM_Parm::findString ( const char *  str,
bool  fullword,
bool  usewildcards 
) const
int PRM_Parm::findSubIndex ( const char *  thechannelname,
bool  allow_alias 
) const
void PRM_Parm::forceContextOptionDep ( int  subindex,
const UT_StringHolder opt 
void PRM_Parm::forceTimeDependent ( int  subindex)
bool PRM_Parm::getActiveTakeFlag ( ) const
void PRM_Parm::getAllChannelAliases ( UT_String aliasstring,
char  sep = '/' 
) const
static bool PRM_Parm::getAlwaysHardenFlag ( )

Definition at line 194 of file PRM_Parm.h.

bool PRM_Parm::getAlwaysTakeFlag ( ) const
unsigned int PRM_Parm::getAutoScopedField ( ) const
bool PRM_Parm::getAutoScopedFlag ( int  vec_idx) const
unsigned int PRM_Parm::getAutoSelectField ( ) const
bool PRM_Parm::getAutoSelectFlag ( int  vec_idx) const
bool PRM_Parm::getAutoTakeUndoSavedFlag ( )
bool PRM_Parm::getBypassFlag ( ) const
PRM_Callback PRM_Parm::getCallback ( )

Definition at line 405 of file PRM_Parm.h.

CH_Channel* PRM_Parm::getChannel ( int  subindex) const
void PRM_Parm::getChannelAlias ( UT_String stringref,
int  subindex 
) const
const UT_StringHolder& PRM_Parm::getChannelAlias ( int  subindex) const
int PRM_Parm::getChannelCount ( ) const
const UT_Color& PRM_Parm::getChannelCustomColor ( int  index) const
CH_Collection* PRM_Parm::getChannelGroupPtr ( ) const
void PRM_Parm::getChannelLabel ( UT_String thestrref,
int  index = 0 
) const
void PRM_Parm::getChannelLabelForUI ( UT_String thestrref,
int  vec_idx 
) const
void PRM_Parm::getChannelToken ( UT_String thestrref,
int  index = 0 
) const
const UT_StringHolder& PRM_Parm::getChannelToken ( int  vi = 0) const

Definition at line 493 of file PRM_Parm.h.

PRM_ChanState PRM_Parm::getChanState ( fpreal  time) const
PRM_ChanState PRM_Parm::getChanState ( fpreal  time,
int  index 
) const
PRM_ChoiceList* PRM_Parm::getChoiceListPtr ( )
const PRM_ChoiceList* PRM_Parm::getChoiceListPtr ( ) const
const DEP_ContextOptionDeps& PRM_Parm::getContextOptionDeps ( int  subindex) const
const UT_StringHolder& PRM_Parm::getDecodedChannelToken ( int  vi = 0) const

Definition at line 497 of file PRM_Parm.h.

void PRM_Parm::getDefaultValue ( fpreal value,
int  index 
) const
void PRM_Parm::getDefaultValue ( UT_String value,
int  index 
) const
static bool PRM_Parm::getDestructiveRevertToDefaultFlag ( )

Definition at line 153 of file PRM_Parm.h.

unsigned PRM_Parm::getEnableState ( int  comp = -1) const
void PRM_Parm::getExpressionOnly ( fpreal  time,
UT_String value,
int  index,
int  thread 
) const
void PRM_Parm::getExpressionOrValue ( fpreal  time,
UT_String value,
int  index,
int  thread 
) const
void PRM_Parm::getExpressionOrValue ( fpreal  time,
UT_StringHolder value,
int  index,
int  thread 
) const
int PRM_Parm::getExpressionState ( )
void PRM_Parm::getExpressionStringForUI ( fpreal  time,
UT_String value,
int  index,
int  thread 
) const
CH_ExprLanguage PRM_Parm::getExprLanguageIfMadeAnExpression ( fpreal  time,
int  index 
) const
bool PRM_Parm::getHaveCompiledExpressions ( ) const
void PRM_Parm::getHelpText ( UT_String helptext) const
void PRM_Parm::getHelpTitle ( UT_String helptext) const
void PRM_Parm::getHelpUrl ( UT_String helptext) const
unsigned PRM_Parm::getInstanceEnableState ( int  comp = -1) const
const PRM_Instance* PRM_Parm::getInstancePtr ( ) const
PRM_Instance* PRM_Parm::getInstancePtr ( )
static bool PRM_Parm::getIsAddingOrRemovingMultiParms ( )
int PRM_Parm::getIsOverrideActive ( int  index) const
void PRM_Parm::getLabel ( UT_String thestrref) const
const char* PRM_Parm::getLabel ( ) const
unsigned int PRM_Parm::getLockedField ( ) const
bool PRM_Parm::getLockedFlag ( int  vec_idx) const
bool PRM_Parm::getMagicString ( UT_TokenString string,
fpreal  t,
int  parm_group_mask,
bool  add_if_default,
bool  ignore_group,
int  thread 
static bool PRM_Parm::getMakeSpareParmsForUnknownChannelsFlag ( )

Definition at line 163 of file PRM_Parm.h.

int64 PRM_Parm::getMemoryUsage ( bool  inclusive) const
int PRM_Parm::getMultiInstanceIndex ( UT_IntArray indices,
bool  instance_index = true 
) const

Return the list of instance indicies for this parameter. If this parameter is part of a multi-parameter, then its index in the multi-parm array will be inserted into the indices array. If the multi-parm is nested in other multi-parms, then the indices array will have multiple entries (with the outer multi-parm listed first, and the inner-most multi-parm last in the array).

indicesThe list of index instances.
instance_indexEach multi-parm can have multiple parameters in each instance. If instance_index is true, the instance number will be returned. Otherwise the raw offset into the multi-parm will be extracted.
PRM_Parm* PRM_Parm::getMultiParm ( int  idx) const
int PRM_Parm::getMultiParmCount ( ) const
int PRM_Parm::getMultiParmInstancesPerItem ( ) const
int PRM_Parm::getMultiParmNumItems ( ) const
const PRM_Instance* PRM_Parm::getMultiParmOwner ( ) const
const PRM_Template* PRM_Parm::getMultiParmTemplate ( int  idx) const
PRM_Template* PRM_Parm::getMultiParmTemplate ( int  idx)
const char* PRM_Parm::getMultiParmToken ( int  p,
int  index 
) const
int PRM_Parm::getMultiParmUIEntries ( ) const
fpreal PRM_Parm::getMultiSize ( ) const
int PRM_Parm::getMultiStartOffset ( ) const
PRM_MultiType PRM_Parm::getMultiType ( ) const
const char* PRM_Parm::getOverride ( int  index) const
int PRM_Parm::getOverrideDataIndex ( int  index) const
bool PRM_Parm::getOverrideNodePath ( int  index,
UT_String path 
) const
bool PRM_Parm::getOverrideTrackName ( int  index,
UT_String trackname 
) const
bool PRM_Parm::getOverrideType ( int  index,
PRM_OverrideType type 
) const
PRM_ParmList* PRM_Parm::getOwner ( ) const

Definition at line 658 of file PRM_Parm.h.

PRM_ParmOwner* PRM_Parm::getParmOwner ( ) const
static bool PRM_Parm::getRevertInvisibleToDefaultsFlag ( )

Definition at line 158 of file PRM_Parm.h.

const PRM_SpareData* PRM_Parm::getSparePtr ( ) const
CH_StringMeaning PRM_Parm::getStringMeaning ( fpreal  time,
int  index 
) const
const PRM_Template* PRM_Parm::getTemplatePtr ( ) const
PRM_Template* PRM_Parm::getTemplatePtr ( )
void PRM_Parm::getToken ( UT_String thestrref) const
const char* PRM_Parm::getToken ( ) const
unsigned PRM_Parm::getTokenHash ( ) const
const UT_StringRef& PRM_Parm::getTokenRef ( ) const

Definition at line 489 of file PRM_Parm.h.

const PRM_Type& PRM_Parm::getType ( ) const
PRM_TypeExtended PRM_Parm::getTypeExtended ( ) const
bool PRM_Parm::getUndoSavedFlag ( )
void PRM_Parm::getValue ( fpreal  time,
int32 value,
int  index,
int  thread 
) const
void PRM_Parm::getValue ( fpreal  time,
int64 value,
int  index,
int  thread 
) const
void PRM_Parm::getValue ( fpreal  time,
fpreal value,
int  index,
int  thread 
) const
void PRM_Parm::getValue ( fpreal  time,
UT_String value,
int  index,
bool  expand,
int  thread 
) const
void PRM_Parm::getValue ( fpreal  time,
UT_StringHolder value,
int  index,
bool  expand,
int  thread 
) const
void PRM_Parm::getValue ( fpreal  time,
PRM_DataItemHandle value,
int  index,
int  thread 
) const
void PRM_Parm::getValue ( fpreal  time,
UT_JSONValueMap value,
int  index,
bool  expand,
int  thread 
) const
void PRM_Parm::getValues ( fpreal  time,
fpreal32 value,
int  thread 
) const
void PRM_Parm::getValues ( fpreal  time,
fpreal64 value,
int  thread 
) const
void PRM_Parm::getValues ( fpreal  time,
int32 value,
int  thread 
) const
void PRM_Parm::getValues ( fpreal  time,
int64 value,
int  thread 
) const
int PRM_Parm::getValueState ( )
int PRM_Parm::getVectorSize ( ) const

Definition at line 475 of file PRM_Parm.h.

bool PRM_Parm::getVisibleState ( int  comp = -1) const
void PRM_Parm::hardenChanges ( fpreal  time,
bool  forceflag = 0,
const char *  patt = 0,
CH_ChannelRefList list = 0 
void PRM_Parm::hardenChanges ( fpreal  time,
int  index,
bool  forceflag = 0,
const char *  patt = 0,
CH_ChannelRefList list = 0 
bool PRM_Parm::hasAnySendExtraFlags ( ) const
bool PRM_Parm::hasChannelAlias ( int  subindex) const
bool PRM_Parm::hasChannelCustomColor ( int  index) const
bool PRM_Parm::hasChannelName ( const UT_StringRef channame,
int  vec_index 
) const
bool PRM_Parm::hasContextOptionDeps ( int  subindex) const
bool PRM_Parm::hasMicroNodes ( ) const
void PRM_Parm::indirectChange ( int  vec_idx,
bool  expr_changed,
bool  update_multi = true 
PRM_Value* PRM_Parm::inputNotifyValue ( )
void PRM_Parm::insertMultiParmItem ( int  index,
bool  propagate = 1 
static void PRM_Parm::instanceMultiString ( UT_String token,
const UT_IntArray indexlist,
bool  fill_remaining = true 
static void PRM_Parm::instanceMultiString ( UT_String token,
const int indexlist,
int  num,
bool  fill_remaining = true 
bool PRM_Parm::isActive ( const int  index) const
static bool PRM_Parm::isChanRefString ( const char *  str,
bool  is_expr,
UT_String chref = 0 
bool PRM_Parm::isCompatible ( const PRM_Parm other_parm) const
int PRM_Parm::isDataDependent ( fpreal  gtime) const
bool PRM_Parm::isDataDependent ( fpreal  gtime,
int  subindex 
) const
int PRM_Parm::isDefault ( ) const
int PRM_Parm::isDefault ( int  index) const
int PRM_Parm::isDirty ( int  vector_idx = 0) const
bool PRM_Parm::isExpressionEditableByUI ( fpreal  time,
int  index 
) const
int PRM_Parm::isFactoryDefault ( ) const
int PRM_Parm::isFactoryDefault ( int  index) const
int PRM_Parm::isFactoryDefaultUI ( int  index) const
int PRM_Parm::isFactoryDefaultUI ( ) const
bool PRM_Parm::isLanguageOldExprOrLiteral ( fpreal  time,
int  index 
bool PRM_Parm::isMultiParm ( ) const
bool PRM_Parm::isOfBasicType ( PRM_Type  check_type) const
static bool PRM_Parm::isOrdinalExpression ( const char *  str,
const PRM_Template tplate = nullptr 
static bool PRM_Parm::isOrdinalExpression ( const PRM_Default dflt,
const PRM_Template tplate = nullptr 
bool PRM_Parm::isParmValueEqual ( PRM_Parm other_parm,
int  vec_index,
fpreal  time,
int  thread 
) const
bool PRM_Parm::isParmValueEqual ( int  vec_index,
PRM_Parm other_parm,
int  other_index,
fpreal  time,
int  thread 
) const
bool PRM_Parm::isRampType ( ) const
bool PRM_Parm::isRampTypeColor ( ) const
bool PRM_Parm::isRotationParm ( ) const
bool PRM_Parm::isSendExtra ( int  vi) const
bool PRM_Parm::isSpareParm ( ) const
static bool PRM_Parm::isStringThatCanExpand ( const char *  str)
int PRM_Parm::isTimeDependent ( ) const
bool PRM_Parm::isTimeDependent ( int  subindex) const
int PRM_Parm::isTrueFactoryDefault ( int  index) const
int PRM_Parm::isTrueFactoryDefault ( ) const
bool PRM_Parm::isValueEditableByUI ( fpreal  time,
int  index 
) const
bool PRM_Parm::load ( UT_IStream is)
int PRM_Parm::loadCommand ( int  argc,
const char *const  argv[],
int  index,
bool  values_only,
PRM_KeySetType  set_type 
bool PRM_Parm::loadUndoData ( const PRM_UndoDataHandle data)
DEP_MicroNode& PRM_Parm::microNode ( int  vi)
void PRM_Parm::moveMultiParmItems ( const UT_Array< std::pair< int, int >> &  moves)
bool PRM_Parm::notifyVarChange ( const char *  varname)
void PRM_Parm::overwriteDefault ( fpreal  time,
int  index 
void PRM_Parm::overwriteDefaults ( fpreal  time)
void PRM_Parm::rebuildParmDependency ( )
void PRM_Parm::reloadChannelPtrs ( )
void PRM_Parm::removeChannel ( int  index,
bool  propagage = true 
void PRM_Parm::removeMultiParmItem ( int  index,
bool  propagate = 1 
void PRM_Parm::resetChannelCustomColor ( int  index)
void PRM_Parm::restoreFactoryDefault ( int  index)
void PRM_Parm::restoreFactoryDefaults ( )
void PRM_Parm::revertAllMultiParmItems ( )
void PRM_Parm::revertMultiParmItem ( int  index)
void PRM_Parm::revertToDefault ( fpreal  time,
int  index,
bool  propagate = true 
void PRM_Parm::revertToDefaults ( fpreal  time)
void PRM_Parm::save ( std::ostream &  os,
int  binary,
bool  compiled 
) const
void PRM_Parm::saveCommand ( std::ostream &  os,
int  values = 0,
int  index = -1 
) const
void PRM_Parm::saveUndoData ( PRM_UndoDataHandle data) const
void PRM_Parm::sendValueChanged ( int  vec_idx,
bool  propagate 
void PRM_Parm::setActive ( const int  index,
const bool  active 
void PRM_Parm::setActiveTakeFlag ( int  onoff)
static void PRM_Parm::setAlwaysHardenFlag ( bool  o)

Definition at line 195 of file PRM_Parm.h.

void PRM_Parm::setAutoScopedFlag ( int  vec_idx,
bool  f 
void PRM_Parm::setAutoSelectFlag ( int  vec_idx,
bool  f 
void PRM_Parm::setAutoTakeUndoSavedFlag ( bool  f)
void PRM_Parm::setBypassFlag ( bool  v)
bool PRM_Parm::setChannelAlias ( const char *  token_alias,
int  subindex 
void PRM_Parm::setChannelCustomColor ( int  index,
const UT_Color c 
void PRM_Parm::setChannelReference ( fpreal  time,
int  index,
const char *  path,
const char *  ch_name = nullptr,
bool  evaluate = true,
bool  rmchannel = false 
static void PRM_Parm::setDestructiveRevertToDefaultFlag ( bool  v)

Definition at line 155 of file PRM_Parm.h.

int PRM_Parm::setEnableState ( int  thestate,
int  comp = -1 
bool PRM_Parm::setExpression ( fpreal  time,
const char *  value,
CH_ExprLanguage  language,
int  index,
bool  evaluate = true,
bool  rmchannel = false,
bool  propagate = true 
void PRM_Parm::setExpressionState ( int  state)
void PRM_Parm::setFullKey ( fpreal  gtime,
int  index,
CH_FullKey const &  key,
bool  accel_ratios = true 
void PRM_Parm::setKey ( fpreal  time,
int  index 
void PRM_Parm::setKey ( fpreal  time,
int  index,
const char *  exp,
CH_ExprLanguage  language,
const char *  patt = 0,
CH_ChannelRefList list = 0 
void PRM_Parm::setLockedFlag ( int  vec_idx,
bool  f 
static void PRM_Parm::setMakeSpareParmsForUnknownChannelsFlag ( bool  v)

Definition at line 165 of file PRM_Parm.h.

void PRM_Parm::setMultiParmOwner ( const PRM_Multi *  multiparmowner)
int PRM_Parm::setOverride ( int  index,
int  data_idx,
const char *  source,
PRM_OverrideType  type 
int PRM_Parm::setOverrideDisable ( int  index,
int  onoff 
static void PRM_Parm::setRevertInvisibleToDefaultsFlag ( bool  v)

Definition at line 160 of file PRM_Parm.h.

void PRM_Parm::setSaveLabelFlag ( bool  f)
void PRM_Parm::setSpareParm ( bool  sp) const
void PRM_Parm::setTimeDependentMicroNode ( int  subindex,
bool  timedep 
) const
void PRM_Parm::setUndoSavedFlag ( bool  f)
bool PRM_Parm::setValue ( fpreal  time,
const char *  value,
CH_StringMeaning  meaning,
bool  kill_expr = false,
int  index = 0,
PRM_AddKeyType  add_key = PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING,
bool  propagate = true 

Sets the new value of the parameter.

true if the value was set; false otherwise (eg, parm locked).
These methods don't save the old value ont the undo stack. For that, use OP_Parameters::setString(), or alternatively explicitly call UTaddToUndoBlock(OP_UndoParm()) yourself.
bool PRM_Parm::setValue ( fpreal  time,
fpreal  value,
bool  kill_expr = false,
int  index = 0,
PRM_AddKeyType  add_key = PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING,
bool  propagate = true 

Sets the new value of the parameter.

true if the value was set; false otherwise (eg, parm locked).
These methods don't save the old value ont the undo stack. For that, use OP_Parameters::setString(), or alternatively explicitly call UTaddToUndoBlock(OP_UndoParm()) yourself.
bool PRM_Parm::setValue ( fpreal  time,
int32  value,
bool  kill_expr = false,
int  index = 0,
PRM_AddKeyType  add_key = PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING,
bool  propagate = true 

Sets the new value of the parameter.

true if the value was set; false otherwise (eg, parm locked).
These methods don't save the old value ont the undo stack. For that, use OP_Parameters::setString(), or alternatively explicitly call UTaddToUndoBlock(OP_UndoParm()) yourself.
bool PRM_Parm::setValue ( fpreal  time,
int64  value,
bool  kill_expr = false,
int  index = 0,
PRM_AddKeyType  add_key = PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING,
bool  propagate = true 

Sets the new value of the parameter.

true if the value was set; false otherwise (eg, parm locked).
These methods don't save the old value ont the undo stack. For that, use OP_Parameters::setString(), or alternatively explicitly call UTaddToUndoBlock(OP_UndoParm()) yourself.
bool PRM_Parm::setValue ( fpreal  time,
const PRM_DataItemHandle value,
bool  kill_expr = false,
int  index = 0,
PRM_AddKeyType  add_key = PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING,
bool  propagate = true 

Sets the new value of the parameter.

true if the value was set; false otherwise (eg, parm locked).
These methods don't save the old value ont the undo stack. For that, use OP_Parameters::setString(), or alternatively explicitly call UTaddToUndoBlock(OP_UndoParm()) yourself.
bool PRM_Parm::setValues ( fpreal  time,
const fpreal32 values,
bool  kill_expr = false,
PRM_AddKeyType  add_key = PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING,
bool  propagate = true 
bool PRM_Parm::setValues ( fpreal  time,
const fpreal64 values,
bool  kill_expr = false,
PRM_AddKeyType  add_key = PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING,
bool  propagate = true 
bool PRM_Parm::setValues ( fpreal  time,
const int32 values,
bool  kill_expr = false,
PRM_AddKeyType  add_key = PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING,
bool  propagate = true 
bool PRM_Parm::setValues ( fpreal  time,
const int64 values,
bool  kill_expr = false,
PRM_AddKeyType  add_key = PRM_AK_MARK_PENDING,
bool  propagate = true 
void PRM_Parm::setValueState ( int  state)
bool PRM_Parm::setVisibleState ( bool  f,
int  comp = -1 
void PRM_Parm::swapMultiParmItem ( int  from,
int  to 
void PRM_Parm::valueChanged ( int  vec_idx,
bool  propagate 

Definition at line 398 of file PRM_Parm.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class PRM_ParmList

Definition at line 792 of file PRM_Parm.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: