Describes the properties needed to create a GPU texture.
debugName: This label can be applied as debug label for GPU debugging.
usage: Describes how the texture is intended to be used.
format: The format of the texture.
componentMapping: The mapping of rgba components when accessing the texture.
dimensions: The resolution of the texture (width, height, depth).
type: Type of texture (2D, 3D).
layerCount: The number of layers (texture-arrays).
mipLevels: The number of mips in texture.
sampleCount: samples per texel (multi-sampling).
pixelsByteSize: Byte size (length) of pixel data (i.e., initialData).
initialData: CPU pointer to initialization pixels of the texture. The memory is consumed immediately during the creation of the HgiTexture. The application may alter or free this memory as soon as the constructor of the HgiTexture has returned. Data may optionally include pixels for each mip-level. HgiGetMipInitialData can be used to get to each mip's data and describes in more detail how mip dimensions are rounded.
Definition at line 107 of file texture.h.