Old network

As of Houdini 20.5, use Copernicus nodes instead of Compositing nodes. Though both networks still exist, the Compositing network is now designated as COP Network - Old. The Compositing network and its nodes will be deprecated and then removed in a future Houdini release.

An image guide file is a text file containing one or more drawing commands which describe guides to overlay on compositing images.

  1. In a compositing viewer pane, open the right side toolbar and click Display Options or press D to open the Display Options window.

  2. Click the Viewport tab.

  3. Use the Image Guide option to set the image guide file to use.


All coordinates are expressed in pixels.

color ‹R› ‹G› ‹B› ‹A

Sets the drawing color.

box ‹X› ‹Y› ‹Width› ‹Height

Draws a box at (‹X›,‹Y›) with the specified ‹Width› and ‹Height›.

rect ‹X1› ‹Y1› ‹X2› ‹Y2

Draws a box with one corner at (‹X1›, ‹Y1›) and the opposite corner at (‹X2›, ‹Y2›).

line ‹X1› ‹Y1› ‹X2› ‹Y2

Draws a line from (‹X1›, ‹Y1›) to (‹X2›, ‹Y2›).

lines ‹N› ‹dX› ‹dY› ‹X1› ‹Y1› ‹X2› ‹Y2

Draws ‹N› lines from (‹X1›, ‹Y1›) to (‹X2›, ‹Y2›), offsetting both coordinate pairs by ( ‹dX›, ‹dY›) each time. Use this to draw grids.




Camera effects


Guru level