Houdini 20.5 Galleries Materials gallery

Wispy Smoke

A wispy diffuse material designed specifically for volume objects.


Smoke Intensity

This is an overall brightener/dimmer for the smoke color.

Use Smoke Color

If this toggle is off, the smoke color is ignored. If both Point Color and Smoke Color are off, the default color is white.

Smoke Color

This is the color of the smoke.

Use Point Color

If this toggle is on, the smoke color is multiplied by any point color. If both Point Color and Smoke Color are off, the default color is white.


Smoke Density

The overall density of the smoke. Higher values are more opaque smoke that reflects light faster.

Shadow Density

This is the same as Smoke Density but is used in the shadow pass. This controls how much light the smoke will block.

Receive Shadows

If this toggle is on, the smoke tests for light visibility. Enabling shadows also enables self-shadowing.


For performance reasons, it is recommended to use Shadow Maps for shadowed smoke.

Illuminance Angle

This is the angle of the cone, in which the smoke will test for shadows.


Do Noise

If the toggle is off, the smoke will look like Basic Smoke.


This value controls how “wiggly” the smoke wisps are. Low values give smooth wisps, where higher values result in patchy, more

frantic wisps. See voronoi for more information.


This vector positions the pattern in x, y, and z.

This vector can be used to animate the smoke. As an example, a positive $T times some speed value in y, gives the appearance the smoke is rising. A positive value in x with a negative value in z (or vise versa) give a swirling appearance. See voronoi for more information.


This vector specifies how often the pattern repeats itself along each axis.

Zero turns this off. See voronoi for more information.


This value controls the size of the “holes” between the wisps.

Zero turns the wisps off and the smoke will look like Basic Smoke. See voronoi for more information.

See also

Materials gallery

  • UV Map

    This is basic diffuse material, no specular, with a map of colored and numbered squares.

  • Background Plate

    Implements an example shader for background matte object in Karma.

  • Basic Flame

    A constant material where the density value of the volume drives the color ramp.

  • Basic Liquid

    A reflective refractive material for liquids using ray tracing.

  • Basic Smoke

    A diffuse material designed specifically for volume objects.

  • Billowy Smoke

    A billowy diffuse material designed specifically for volume objects.

  • Checkerboard

    This is a basic material with checked color map.

  • Clay

    This is basic diffuse material without specular.

  • Constant

    This is a constant material with optional maps for color and opacity.

  • Constant Smoke

    A diffuse unlit material designed specifically for volume objects.

  • Decal

    This material applies a texture an object.

  • Dust Puff

    A material suitable for using particles to render smoke or fog.

  • Fluid Fire

    A constant material where the density value of the volume drives the color ramp.

  • Glow

    This is a constant material, which represents the angle between the camera and the surface normal.

  • Liquid Smoke

    A diffuse material designed specifically for interior of volume liquids.

  • Ocean Surface

    This material gives the appearance of an ocean surface.

  • Shadow Matte

    Implements a shadowmatte shader that occludes geometry behind the surface being rendered.

  • Show Normal

    This is a constant material showing the value of the surface normal’s x y z directions in a red, green, blue color.

  • Show Shading Point

    This is a constant material showing the value of the shading point’s x y z values in a red, green, blue color.

  • Show Tangent

    This is a constant material showing the value of the surface tangent’s x y z directions in a red, green, blue color.

  • Show UV

    This is a constant material used to verify an objects texture coordinates.

  • Sprite Fog

    A material suitable for using particles to render smoke or fog.

  • Uniform Volume

    Renders a closed surface as a volume consisting of a uniform fog.

  • Wispy Smoke

    A wispy diffuse material designed specifically for volume objects.