Houdini 20.5 Python scripting

Python state handles

How to bind handles to your state and react to user interaction with the handles.

On this page


The standard way to allow the user to interactively edit parameters by working in a node’s viewer state is by binding handles to node parameters.

Even though it’s possible to interpret lower-level input device events, handles are likely still the main way you will set up user interaction in your state. Handles can be very powerful on their own, letting you specify a ready-made user interface for a wide variety of parameter setups. You can choose from a large library of different handles.

You bind handles to your state when the state template is created. Currently, you cannot dynamically create or destroy handles – you must specify ahead of time all the handles your state will need. However you can dynamically manipulate handles with hou.Handle.

Static handles

A static handle binding supports a simple 1:1 mapping of handle parameters to node parameters. This is often all you need, since handle parameters such as translate, rotation, scale, length, and so on, often correspond exactly to parameters you have on your node.

For each static handle you want to add to your state, call hou.ViewerStateTemplate.bindHandleStatic with the name of the handle type, an internal name for the handle (each handle’s name must be unique amongst other handles in the tool), and a list of ("node_parm_name", "handle_parm_name") tuples mapping node parameters to handle parameters.

You can run the example below in the Python Source Editor for a quick test:

import hou

class PythonMeasureState():
    def __init__(self, state_name, scene_viewer):
        self.state_name = state_name
        self.scene_viewer = scene_viewer

template = hou.ViewerStateTemplate(
    "Python Measure",

# Assume the asset this state is for has two translate
# parameters, "start" and "end"
    "xform", "start_handle",
    [("startx", "tx"), ("starty", "ty"), ("startz", "tz")]
    "xform", "end_handle",
    [("endx", "tx"), ("endy", "ty"), ("endz", "tz")]


Dynamic handles

Dynamic handle bindings let you decide in a callback function how changes to a handle affect parameters on the node, or how changes to parameters on the node affect handle parameters.

For each dynamic handle you want to add to your state, call hou.ViewerStateTemplate.bindHandle with the name of the handle type, and an internal name for the handle (each handle’s name must be unique amongst other handles in the tool).


hou.ViewerStateTemplate.bindHandle takes a cache_previous_parms boolean argument.

If you pass cache_previous_parms=True, Houdini keeps track of the handle values and in the handle callback gives you both the previous and the new handle values. This can be useful if you want to track deltas, for example to see how fast the user is moving the handle.

If you pass False (the default), Houdini does not pass the previous values to the handle callback.

You can run the example below in the Python Source Editor for a quick test:

from __future__ import print_function
import hou

class PythonTwistState():
    def __init__(self, state_name, scene_viewer):
        self.state_name = state_name
        self.scene_viewer = scene_viewer

    def onHandleToState(self, kwargs):
        # Called when the user manipulates a handle

        handle_name = kwargs["handle"]
        parms = kwargs["parms"]
        prev_parms = kwargs["prev_parms"]

        print("User edited handle:", handle_name)
        for parm_name in kwargs["mod_parms"]:
            old_value = prev_parms[parm_name]
            new_value = parms[parm_name]
            print("%s was: %s now: %s" % (parm_name, old_value, new_value))

    def onStateToHandle(self, kwargs):
        # Called when the user changes parameter(s), so you can update
        # dynamic handles if necessary

        parms = kwargs["parms"]
        print("Parameters are now:", parms)
        for p in parms:

template = hou.ViewerStateTemplate(
    "Python Twist",
template.bindHandle("xform", "twist_handle", cache_previous_parms=True)


The dictionary passed to the dynamic handle event methods contains the following standard items:


Contains a hou.OpNode instance representing the node being operated on by the current state.


Contains the names representing the state parameters tied to the current state. This dictionary is used for modifying the parameter states. See the details here.


A dictionary containing various flags associated to the state. State flags can be set by all state handlers via their kwargs argument.




Controls whether a mouse drag event (with the up) is generated or not. Mouse drag events are generated by default (True).

When mouse_drag is False, no mouse drag event is generated. If a selector is active, the selectable elements will not be highlighted.

If mouse drag events are not required by your state, consider setting mouse_drag to False to reduce the overhead.

class MyState(object):
    def __init__(self, state_name, scene_viewer):
        self.state_name = state_name
        self.scene_viewer = scene_viewer

    def onEnter( self, kwargs):
        kwargs['state_flags']['mouse_drag'] = False


The flag triggers a redraw of the viewport on a mouse move or mouse wheel event when it’s set to True.

By default the viewport always redraw. To reduce performance issues with large scenes, redraw should be set to False when your state doesn’t require a redraw of the viewport.

class MyState(object):
    def __init__(self, state_name, scene_viewer):
        self.state_name = state_name
        self.scene_viewer = scene_viewer

    def onMouseEvent( self, kwargs):
        kwargs['state_flags']['redraw'] = False
        if __some_redraw_test__:
            kwargs['state_flags']['redraw'] = True


When set to True (the default), this flag enables the handle indirect dragging from the viewport (with down). When the flag is set to False, indirect handle dragging is disabled.

class MyState(object):
    def __init__(self, state_name, scene_viewer):
        self.state_name = state_name
        self.scene_viewer = scene_viewer

    def onEnter( self, kwargs):
                            # Disable indirect handle dragging. Handle parms can 
                            # no longer be modified by dragging the MMB in the
                            # viewport.
        kwargs['state_flags']['indirect_handle_drag'] = False


This flag determines whether the state is exited or remains active when a different node is selected. If set to True (which is the default behavior), the state exits when a different node is selected. If set to False, the state remains active even when a different node is selected. The exit_on_node_select flag can be used with both node-less and node-aware states.

class MyState(object):
    def __init__(self, state_name, scene_viewer):
        self.state_name = state_name
        self.scene_viewer = scene_viewer

    def onGenerate( self, kwargs):
        # Set this node-less state to remains active when 
        # a node selection occurs.
        kwargs['state_flags']['exit_on_node_select'] = False


The name of the state that is interrupting the python state when a volatile state is activated, or an empty string.


This lets you update node parameters (and/or the state/display) when a handle changes.

The dictionary passed to this method contains the following extra items:


The string ID of the handle.


A dictionary containing the new handle parameter values.


A list of of the names of parameters that changed.


This key is only present if you passed cache_previous_parms=True to the hou.ViewerStateTemplate.bindHandle method.

This is a dictionary containing the previous handle parameter values. This can be useful for computing deltas.


A hou.UIEvent object to access the handle status. For instance, you can use the hou.uiEventReason value returned by hou.UIEvent.reason to know if the user has started or finished dragging the handle.

These hou.uiEventReason values have different meanings for onHandleToState:

  • uiEventReason.Active: User is dragging the handle.

  • uiEventReason.Changed: User has finished dragging the handle. prev_parms should contain the most recent handle values at this point.

  • uiEventReason.Start: User has started dragging the handle.

  • uiEventReason.Picked: Handle menu action, hotkey or mouse click. For instance, a Picked value is generated when clicking on a HUD slider.


This method is called separately for each dynamic handle bound to your state whenever a parameter on the node changes. It lets you update handle parameters to match changed node parameters.

The dictionary passed to this method contains the following extra items:


The name of the handle.


A dictionary mapping the handle’s parameter names to values. You can change the values in this dictionary to edit the handle parameters.

In this method you would read parameters from the node’s parameters, and do whatever dynamic updates of the handle’s parameters in kwargs["parms"] you want:

def onStateToHandle(self, kwargs):
    node = kwargs["node"]
    handle_parms = kwargs["parms"]
    if kwargs["handle"] == "my_angle":
        node_tx = node.parm("tx").evalAsFloat()
        handle_parms["tx"] = node_tx * 2

Extra notifications

Houdini provides special callbacks to notify the state when the user has started or ended the manipulation of dynamic handles.

onBeginHandleToState is called right before the onHandleToState callback. onBeginHandleToState could be used, for example, to open an undo block and perform undoable operations while the user manipulate the handle.

onEndHandleToState is called after onHandleToState has been called. The callback can then be used to close the undo block that may have been opened in onBeginHandleToState.

Handle types





A position and rotation handle.

input, onoff, px, py, pz, rx, ry, rz, scale, trs_order, tx, ty, tz, xyz_order


Bounding Box Vector

input, onoff, scale, twist, tx, ty, tz, vx, vy, vz


Bounding Box

centerx, centery, centerz, constant_scale, onoff, rx, ry, rz, sizex, sizey, sizez, uniform_scale


Bounding Rectangle

centerx, centery, centerz, constant_scale, onoff, orient, rx, ry, rz, sizex, sizey, sizez, uniform_scale


Bounder Bounding Box

bound_type, centerx, centery, centerz, constant_scale, onoff, orient, rx, ry, rz, sizex, sizey, sizez, uniform_scale


Circle Transform

onoff, orient, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, tx, ty, tz


Clay Translate

input, onoff, tx, ty, tz, u, v


Curve Point Options

keepingeo, pointlist



dist, input, onoff, px, py, pz, vx, vy, vz



input, onoff, u0, u1, v0, v1



brushswitcher, dist, handle_group_pivot, input, inputtype, localspace, onoff, pivot_comp_rx, pivot_comp_ry, pivot_comp_rz, pivot_comp_shear_xy, pivot_comp_shear_xz, pivot_comp_shear_yz, pivot_comp_sx, pivot_comp_sy, pivot_comp_sz, pivot_comp_trs_order, pivot_comp_tx, pivot_comp_ty, pivot_comp_tz, pivot_comp_xyz_order, pivot_rx, pivot_ry, pivot_rz, px, py, pz, rx, ry, rz, shear_xy, shear_xz, shear_yz, switcher, sx, sy, sz, trs_order, tx, ty, tz, upx, upy, upz, xyz_order



roup_pivot, grst_order , grx , gry , grz , gshear_xy , gshear_xz , gshear_yz , gsx , gsy , gsz , gtx , gty , gtz , gxyz_order , input, onoff, pivot_comp_in_obj_prexform, pivot_comp_rx, pivot_comp_ry, pivot_comp_rz, pivot_comp_shear_xy, pivot_comp_shear_xz, pivot_comp_shear_yz, pivot_comp_sx, pivot_comp_sy, pivot_comp_sz, pivot_comp_trs_order, pivot_comp_tx, pivot_comp_ty, pivot_comp_tz, pivot_comp_xyz_order, pivot_rx, pivot_ry, pivot_rz, px, py, pz, roffsetx, roffsety, roffsetz, rpivotx, rpivoty, rpivotz, rpostx, rposty, rpostz, rprex, rprey, rprez, rx, ry, rz, shear_xy, shear_xz, shear_yz, soffsetx, soffsety, soffsetz, spivotx, spivoty, spivotz, sx, sy, sz, trs_order, tx, ty, tz, uniform_scale, xyz_order


Extrude v2

input, onoff, pivot_comp_in_obj_prexform, pivot_comp_rx, pivot_comp_ry, pivot_comp_rz, pivot_comp_shear_xy, pivot_comp_shear_xz, pivot_comp_shear_yz, pivot_comp_sx, pivot_comp_sy, pivot_comp_sz, pivot_comp_trs_order, pivot_comp_tx, pivot_comp_ty, pivot_comp_tz, pivot_comp_xyz_order, pivot_rx, pivot_ry, pivot_rz, px, py, pz, roffsetx, roffsety, roffsetz, rpivotx, rpivoty, rpivotz, rpostx, rposty, rpostz, rprex, rprey, rprez, rx, ry, rz, shear_xy, shear_xz, shear_yz, soffsetx, soffsety, soffsetz, spivotx, spivoty, spivotz, sx, sy, sz, trs_order, tx, ty, tz, uniform_scale, xform_front, xyz_order


Vector with Fallback

onoff, scale, useval, vx, vy, vz


HUD Int Slider

value, onoff



HUD Slider

value, onoff



Isoparm Segment

input , knotu, knotv, onoff, scale, useu, width


Isoparm Segment

input, onoff, knotu, knotv, scale, useu, width


Mouse Wheel Bump

onoff, value


Mouse Wheel Radius



Paste Range

input1, input2, onoff, u0, u1, v0, v1



dist, input, onoff, radius, px, py, pz, vx, vy, vz



botheight, botrx, botry, botrz, cbotheight, cbotrx, cbotry, cbotrz, colorb, colorg, colorr, corient, crx, cry, crz, csx, csy, csz, ctopheight, ctoprx, ctopry, ctoprz, ctx, cty, ctz, czfactor, orient, onoff, rigadjrx, rigadjry, rigadjrz, rigadjsx, rigadjsy, rigadjsz, rigadjtx, rigadjty, rigadjtz, rigadjzfactor, rx, ry, rz, topheight, toprx, topry, toprz, tx, ty, tz, x, y, z, zfactor



input, onoff, tx, ty, tz



axis, input, onoff, scale, twist, vx, vy, vz


Soft Transformer

input, localspace, onoff, pivot_comp_in_obj_prexform, pivot_comp_rx, pivot_comp_ry, pivot_comp_rz, pivot_comp_shear_xy, pivot_comp_shear_xz, pivot_comp_shear_yz, pivot_comp_sx, pivot_comp_sy, pivot_comp_sz, pivot_comp_trs_order, pivot_comp_tx, pivot_comp_ty, pivot_comp_tz, pivot_comp_xyz_order, pivot_rx, pivot_ry, pivot_rz, px, py, pz, roffsetx, roffsety, roffsetz, rpivotx, rpivoty, rpivotz, rpostx, rposty, rpostz, rprex, rprey, rprez, rx, ry, rz, shear_xy, shear_xz, shear_yz, soffsetx, soffsety, soffsetz, spivotx, spivoty, spivotz, sx, sy, sz, trs_order, tx, ty, tz, uniform_scale, upx, upy, upz, xyz_order


Sphere Transformer

onoff, orient, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz, tx, ty, tz



input, onoff, tx, ty, tz


Torus Transformer

onoff, orient, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, tx, ty, tz


Tube Transformer

onoff, orient, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz, tx, ty, tz


U Isoparm

input, k, onoff


UV Edit Manipulator

input, onoff, px, py, rz, shear_xy, sx, sy, trs_order, tx, ty, xyz_order


Texture Transformer

input, onoff, rz, sx, sy, tx, ty


UV Point

input, onoff, px, py, pz, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz, u, v


UV Project Manipulator

onoff, projtype, px, py, pz, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz, torrad, trs_order, tx, ty, tz, xyz_order


UV Range Manipulator

onoff, projtype, px, py, pz, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz, torrad, trs_order, tx, ty, tz, u0, u1, v0, v1, xyz_order


UV Transform Manipulator

group_pivot, input, onoff, px, py, rz, shear_xy, sx, sy, trs_order, tx, ty, xyz_order


UV Unwrap Manipulator

input, onoff, projplanes, px, py, pz, ref_input, rx, ry, rz, trs_order, tx, ty, tz, xyz_order



input, onoff, scale, twist, tx, ty, tz, vx, vy, vz


V Isoparm

input, k, onoff



input, onoff, pivot_comp_in_obj_prexform, pivot_comp_rx, pivot_comp_ry, pivot_comp_rz, pivot_comp_shear_xy, pivot_comp_shear_xz, pivot_comp_shear_yz, pivot_comp_sx, pivot_comp_sy, pivot_comp_sz, pivot_comp_trs_order, pivot_comp_tx, pivot_comp_ty, pivot_comp_tz, pivot_comp_xyz_order, pivot_rx, pivot_ry, pivot_rz, px, py, pz, roffsetx, roffsety, roffsetz, rpivotx, rpivoty, rpivotz, rpostx, rposty, rpostz, rprex, rprey, rprez, rx, ry, rz, shear_xy, shear_xz, shear_yz, soffsetx, soffsety, soffsetz, spivotx, spivoty, spivotz, sx, sy, sz, trs_order, tx, ty, tz, uniform_scale, xyz_order

Handle settings

Settings are attributes for changing the handle behavior.

See also:

HUD integer slider settings

hudharbourname('name') Assigns the slider to a group. Sliders in the same group will dock together.

hudharbourx(int) Slider group X position.

hudharboury(int) Slider group Y position.

hudnameside(int) Label position: top(1), left(2), right(3), bottom(4)

hudrangehigh(int) Slider range high value.

hudrangelow(int) Slider range low value.

hudlockhigh(int) When set to 1, the slider’s high limit is set to hudrangehigh and cannot move beyond this value.

hudlocklow(int) When set to 1, the slider’s low limit is set to hudrangelow and cannot move below this value.

hudvalueside(int) Value position: top(1), left(2), right(3), bottom(4)

hudx(int) X position in the viewer pane.

hudy(int) Y position in the viewer pane.

hudw(int) Width

hudh(int) Height

HUD slider settings

hudharbourname('name') Assigns the slider to a group. Sliders in the same group will dock together.

hudharbourx(int) Slider group X position.

hudharboury(int) Slider group Y position.

hudnameside(int) Label position: top(1), left(2), right(3), bottom(4)

hudrangehigh(float) Slider range high value.

hudrangelow(float) Slider range low value.

hudlockhigh(int) When set to 1, the slider’s high limit is set to hudrangehigh and cannot move beyond this value.

hudlocklow(int) When set to 1, the slider’s low limit is set to hudrangelow and cannot move below this value.

hudvalueside(int) Value position: top(1), left(2), right(3), bottom(4)

hudx(int) X position in the viewer pane.

hudy(int) Y position in the viewer pane.

hudw(int) Width

hudh(int) Height

xform settings

translate(int) Enable (1) or disable (0) the xform translate mode.

scale(int) Enable (1) or disable (0) the xform scale mode.

rotate(int) Enable (1) or disable (0) the xform rotate mode.

snap_to_selection(int) Allow snapping to selected geometry components if set to 1. See details here.

boundingbox settings

translate(int) Enable (1) or disable (0) the boundingbox translate mode.

rotate(int) Enable (1) or disable (0) the boundingbox rotate mode.

snap_to_selection(int) Allows snapping to selected geometry components if set to 1. See details here.

Handle snapping

Most handles (e.g. xform, pivot, distance, boundingbox, etc…) want to avoid snapping to selected components. The assumption is that these handles will be moving the selected geometry, so snapping the handle to that same geometry will result in a bad feedback loop. In most situations, the selection we're talking about here is the cook selection generated by the node.

Houdini can only distinguish between selected and unselected geometry components when there is a selection present. When there is no selection present, Houdini treats the entire geometry generated by a node bound to that handle as selected, preventing the handle from snapping to it. The snap_to_selection setting is used to control whether the handle should snap to selected components and can be applied to handles with the usual APIs:

Python scripting

Getting started

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  • hou

    Module containing all the sub-modules, classes, and functions to access Houdini.

Guru level

Python viewer states

Python viewer handles

Plugin types