Houdini 20.5 VEX

VEX language reference

Details of VEX syntax, data types, and so on.

On this page


VEX programs are written for a specific context. For example, a shader that controls the surface color of an object is written for the surface context. A shader that determines the illuminance from a light is written for the light context. A VEX program that creates or filters channel data is written for the chop context.

The context affects which functions, statements, and global variables are available.

See VEX contexts for an overview of the ways in which you can use VEX.

If you are writing for a shading context (surface, displacement, light, etc.), you should also read the shading context specific information.


VEX supports the usual statements familiar from C. It also supports shading-specific statements such as the illuminance and gather loops that are only available in certain contexts.

Built-in functions

VEX contains a large library of built-in functions. Some functions are only available in certain contexts.

See VEX functions.

User-defined functions

Functions are defined similarly to C: specify the return type, the function name, and parenthesized list of arguments, followed by the code block.

Arguments of the same type can be declared in a comma separated list without re-declaring the type. Other arguments must be separated by a semi-colon.

int test(int a, b; string c) {
    if (a > b) {

You can overload functions with the same name but different argument signatures and/or return type.

You can introduce a function definition with the optional function keyword to avoid type ambiguity.

function int test(int a, b; string c) {
    if (a > b) {
void print(basis b) { 
    printf("basis: { i: %s, j: %s, k: %s }\n", b.i, b.j, b.k); 
void print(matrix m) { 
    printf("matrix: %s\n", m); 
void print(bases b) { 
    printf("bases <%s> {\n", b.description); 
    printf("  "); print(b.m); 
    printf("  "); print(b.n); 
    printf("  "); print(b.o); 

basis rotate(basis b; vector axis; float amount) { 
    matrix m = 1; 
    rotate(m, amount, axis); 
    basis result = b; 
    result.i *= m; 
    result.j *= m; 
    result.k *= m; 
    return result; 
void rotate(basis b; vector axis; float amount) { 
    b = rotate(b, axis, amount); 


  • User functions must be declared before they are referenced.

  • The functions are in-lined automatically by the compiler, so recursion will not work. To write a recursive algorithm, you should use shader calls instead.

  • As in RenderMan Shading Language, parameters to user functions are always passed by reference, so modifications in a user function affect the variable the function was called with. You can force a shader parameter to be read-only by prefixing it with the const keyword. To ensure that the user function writes to an output parameter, prefix it with the export keyword.

  • There is no limit on the number of user functions.

  • You can have more than one return statement in a function.

  • You can access global variables directly (unlike RenderMan Shading Language, you do not need to declare them with extern). However, we recommend you avoid accessing global variables, since this limits your function to only work in one context (where those globals exist). Instead, pass the global(s) to the function as parameters.

  • Functions can be defined inside of a function (nested functions).

Main (context) function

A VEX program must contain one function whose return type is the name of the context. This is the main function of the program that is called by mantra. The compiler expects one context function per file.

This function should do the work (by calling out to built-in and/or user-defined functions) of calculating any required information and modifying global variables. You do not use the return statement to return a value from the context function. See the specific context pages for the global variables available in each context.

The arguments to the context function, if any, become the user interface for the program, for example the parameters of a shading node that references the VEX program.

If a geometry attribute exists with the same name as a parameter of the context function, the attribute overrides the parameter’s value. This lets you paint attributes onto geometry to control VEX code.

noise_surf(vector clr = {1,1,1}; float frequency = 1;
           export vector nml = {0,0,0})
    Cf = clr * (float(noise(frequency * P)) + 0.5) * diffuse(normalize(N));
    nml = normalize(N)*0.5 + 0.5;


Parameters to context functions are dealt with in a special way with VEX. It is possible to override a parameter’s value using a geometry attribute with the same name as the variable. Aside from this special case, parameters should be considered “const” within the scope of the shader. This means that it is illegal to modify a parameter value. The compiler will generate errors if this occurs.

You can used the export keyword to flag parameters you do wish to modify on the original geometry.

User interface pragmas

The user interface generated from this program by Houdini will be minimal, basically just the variable name and a generic text field based on the datatype. For example, you might want to specify that frequency should be a slider with a certain range, and that clr should be treated as a color (giving it a color picker UI). You can do this with user interface compiler pragmas.

#pragma opname        noise_surf
#pragma oplabel        "Noisy Surface"

#pragma label    clr            "Color"
#pragma label    frequency    "Frequency"

#pragma hint    clr            color
#pragma range    frequency    0.1 10

surface noise_surf(vector clr = {1,1,1}; float frequency = 1;
           export vector nml = {0,0,0})
    Cf = clr * (float(noise(frequency * P)) + 0.5) * diffuse(normalize(N));
    nml = normalize(N)*0.5 + 0.5;


VEX has the standard C operators with C precedence, with the following differences.

Multiplication is defined between two vectors or points. The multiplication performs an element by element multiplication (rather than a dot or cross product; see cross and dot).

Many operators are defined for non-scalar data types (i.e. a vector multiplied by a matrix will transform the vector by the matrix).

In ambiguous situations where you combine two different types with an operator, the result has the type of the second (right hand side) value, for example

int + vector = vector

Dot operator

You can use the dot operator (.) to reference individual components of a vector, matrix or struct.

For vectors, the component names are fixed.

  • .x or .u to reference the first element of vector2.

  • .x or .r to reference the first element of vector and vector4.

  • .y or .v to reference the second element of vector2.

  • .y or .g to reference the second element of vector and vector4.

  • .z or .b to reference the third element. of vector and vector4

  • .w or .a to reference the fourth element of a vector4.

The choice of the letters u,v/x,y,z/r,g,b is arbitrary; the same letters apply even if the vector doesn’t hold a point or color.

For matrices, you can use a pair of letters:

  • .xx to reference the [0][0] element

  • .zz to reference the [2][2] element

  • .ax to reference the [3][0] element

In addition, the dot operator can be used to “swizzle” components of a vector. For example

  • v.zyx is equivalent to set(v.z, v.y, v.x)

  • v4.bgab is equivalent to set(v4.b, v4.g, v4.a, v4.b)


You cannot assign to a swizzled vector, only read from them. So you cannot do v.zyx = b, but instead must do v = b.zyx.


The comparison operators (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=) are defined when the left hand of the operator is the same type as the right hand side, for string, float and integer types only. The operations result in integer types.

The string matching operator (~=) is only defined when there is a string on both sides of the operator, and is equivalent to calling the match function with those two values.

The logical (&&, ||, and !) and bitwise (& |, ^, and ~) operators are only defined for integers.

Precedence table

Operators higher in the table have higher precedence.








Function call, expression grouping, structure member.




Logical negation




One’s complement




Unary plus (for example, +5)




Unary minus (for example, -5)




Increment (for example, x++)




Decrememt (for example, x--)




Type cast (for example, (int)x).




























Greater than




Less-than or equal




Greater than or equal








NOT Equal




String matches




Bitwise AND




Bitwise XOR




Bitwise OR




Logical AND




Logical OR




Ternary conditional (for example, x ? "true" : "false")


= += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^=


Variable assignment




Argument separator

Operator type interactions

  • When you apply an operation to a float and an int, the result is the type to the left of the operator. That is, float * int = float, while int * float = int.

  • If you add, multiply, divide, or subtract a vector with a scalar value (int or float), VEX returns a vector of the same size, with the operation applied component-wise. For example:

    {1.0, 2.0, 3.0} * 2.0 == {2.0, 4.0, 6.0}
  • If you add, multiply, divide, or subtract vectors of different size, VEX returns a vector of the larger size. The operation is applied component-wise.

    Important: the “missing” component(s) on the smaller vector are filled in as {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}

    {1.0, 2.0, 3.0} * {2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0} == {2.0, 6.0, 12.0, 5.0}

    This can give surprising results if you're not expecting it, for example:

    // Third element of the vector2 is treated as 0,
    // but fourth element is treated as 1.0
    {1.0, 2.0} + {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0} == {2.0, 4.0, 3.0, 5.0}

    If you're combining different-sized vectors, you might want to break out the components and operate on them “manually” to get the results you want without surprises.

Data types


By default, VEX uses 32 bit integers. If you use the AttribCast SOP to cast a geometry attribute to 64 bits, VEX will silently discard the extra bits if you manipulate the attribute in VEX code.

The VEX engine runs in either 32bit or 64bit mode. In 32bit mode, all floats, vectors, and integers are 32bit. In 64bit mode, they are 64bit. There is no double or long type to allow mixed precision math.

You can use underscores to break up long numbers.





Integer values

21, -3, 0x31, 0b1001, 0212, 1_000_000


Floating point scalar values

21.3, -3.2, 1.0, 0.000_000_1


Two floating point values. You might use this to represent texture coordinates (though usually Houdini uses vectors) or complex numbers

{0,0}, {0.3,0.5}


Three floating point values. You can use this to represent positions, directions, normals or colors (RGB or HSV)

{0,0,0}, {0.3,0.5,-0.5}


Four floating point values. You can use this to represent positions in homogeneous coordinates, or color with alpha (RGBA). It is often used to represent a quaternion. Quaternions in VEX are laid out in x/y/z/w order, not w/x/y/z. This applies both to both quaternions and positions with homogeneous coordinates.

{0,0,0,1}, {0.3,0.5,-0.5,0.2}


A list of values. See arrays for more information.

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }


A fixed set of named values. See structs for more information.


Four floating point values representing a 2D rotation matrix

{ {1,0}, {0,1} }


Nine floating point values representing a 3D rotation matrix or a 2D transformation matrix

{ {1,0,0}, {0,1,0}, {0,0,1} }


Sixteen floating point values representing a 3D transformation matrix

{ {1,0,0,0}, {0,1,0,0}, {0,0,1,0}, {0,0,0,1} }


A string of characters. See strings for more information.

"hello world"


A dictionary mapping strings to other VEX data types. See dicts for more information.


A bidirectional scattering distribution function. See writing PBR shaders for information on BSDFs.


As of Houdini 12, you can define new structured types using the struct keyword.

Member data can be assigned default values in the struct definition similar to C++11 member initialization.

Two implicit constructor functions are created for each struct. The first takes initialization arguments in the order they are declared in the struct, the second takes no arguments but sets all members to their default values.

#include <math.h> 

struct basis { 
    vector i, j, k; 

struct bases { 
    basis m, n, o; 
    string description; 

struct values {
    int uninitialized;        // Uninitialized member data
    int        ival = 3;
    float fval = 3.14;
    float aval[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4.5 };

basis rotate(basis b; vector axis; float amount) { 
    matrix m = 1; 
    rotate(m, amount, axis); 
    basis result = b; 
    result.i *= m; 
    result.j *= m; 
    result.k *= m; 
    return result; 

// Declare struct variables
basis b0;        // Initialize using default values (i.e. 0 in this case)
basis b1 = basis({1,0,0}, {0,1,0}, {0,0,1});        // Initialize using constructor
basis b2 = { {1,0,0}, {0,1,0}, {0,0,1} };         // Initialize as explicit struct

// You can use M_PI or PI
b1 = rotate(b1, {0,0,1}, M_PI/6);


You must define structs before using them in the source file.

Struct functions

You can define functions inside structs to organize your code and allow a limited form of object-oriented programming.

  • Inside a struct function, you can use this to refer to the struct instance.

  • Inside a struct function, you can refer to struct fields by name as if they were variables (for example, basis is a shortcut for this.basis).

  • You can call struct functions on a struct instance using the -> arrow operator, for example sampler->sample(). Note inside a struct function that you can call other methods on the struct using this->method().

struct randsampler {
    // Fields
    int        seed;

    // Methods
    float sample()
        // Struct functions can refer to fields by name
        return random(seed++);

cvex shader()
    randsampler sampler = randsampler(11);
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        // Use -> to call methods on struct instances
        printf("%f\n", sampler->sample());

Mantra Specific Types

Mantra has some pre-defined struct types that are used in shading-specific functions.


Defined in mantra shading contexts only. This is a struct representing a handle to a light source. The struct has methods:

  • illuminate(…) Invokes the VEX surface shader bound to the vm_illumshader property of the light source.

In an IFD, you may see lines like ray_property light illumshader diffuselighting or ray_property light illumshader mislighting misbias 1.000000.

These statements define the shader invoked when the illuminate() method is called on a light object.


Defined in mantra shading contexts only. This is opaque struct representing the material assigned to an object.


Defined in mantra shading contexts only. This is a struct representing an accumulator for Light Path Expressions. The struct has methods:

  • begin() - Construct and initialize accumulator.

  • end() - Finalize and destroy.

  • move(string eventtype; string scattertype; string tag, string bsdflabel) - Modifies internal state based on current event. If an empty string is passed in, it’s assumed to be 'any'.

  • pushstate() - Push internal state onto stack.

  • popstate() - Pop internal state from stack. Used to pushstate() to “undo” move().

  • int matches() - Returns non-zero if the current internal state matches any of the light path expressions defined by user.

  • accum(vector color, …) - Accumulates input color onto intermediate buffer. Also takes in optional prefix strings to be compared against prefixes that were declared with LPE image plane. All prefixes must match in order to accumulate.

  • flush(vector multiplier) - Multiply the intermediate buffer by the multiplier and add it onto image planes. The intermediate buffer exists to allow for variance anti-aliasing (i.e. the multiplier would be 1/number_of_samples).

  • int getid() - Returns an integer id assigned to lpeaccumulator.

  • lpeaccumulator getlpeaccumulator(int id) - Returns lpeaccumulator based on id. Used with getid() to pass lpeaccumulator across shader boundaries.

Type casting

Variable casting

This is similar to type casting in C++ or Java: you transform a value of one type into another (for example, an int into a float).

This is sometimes necessary, as when you have the following:

int a, b;
float c;
c = a / b;

In this example, the compiler will do integer division (see type resolution ). If you wanted to do floating point division instead, you need to explicitly cast a and b as floats:

int a, b;
float c;
c = (float)a / (float)b;

This generates additional instructions to perform the casts. This may be an issue in performance-sensitive sections of your code.

Function casting

VEX dispatches functions based not only on the types of the arguments (like C++ or Java), but also on the return type. To disambiguate calls to functions with the same argument types but different return types, you can cast the function.

For example, the noise function can take different parameter types, but can also return different types: noise can return either a float or vector.

In the code:

float n;
n = noise(noise(P));

…VEX could dispatch to either float noise(vector) or vector noise(vector).

To cast a function call, surround it with typename›( ... ), as in:

n = noise( vector( noise(P) ) );

While this looks like a function call, it does nothing but disambiguate the function call inside and has no performance overhead.

Function casting is implied when you assign a function call directly to a variable of a specified type. So the following expressions are equivalent, and the function cast may be omitted for more concise code:

vector n = vector( noise(P) );        // Unnecessary function cast
vector n = noise(P);


If VEX is unable to determine which signature of a function you are trying to call, it will trigger an ambiguity error and print out the candidate functions. You should then choose the appropriate return value and add a function cast to select it.

Since function casting does not generate any type conversions (it simply chooses a function to call), there is no performance penalty to using it. A good rule of thumb is to use function casting wherever possible and to use variable casting only when an explicit type conversion is required.


VEX uses C++ style comments:

  • One-line comments are preceded by //

  • Freeform comments begin with /* and end with */

Reserved Keywords

break, bsdf, char, color, const, continue, do, dict, else, export, false, float, for, forpoints, foreach, gather, hpoint, if, illuminance, import, int, integer, matrix, matrix2, matrix3, normal, point, return, string, struct, true, typedef, union, vector, vector2, vector4, void, while



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