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Beginning with Houdini 12.5, VEX shader functions can call other shader functions. This technique makes it possible to optimize VEX compiler and optimizer performance for large shaders, since code that is invoked multiple times within a shader or in other shaders can be built once and used many times without additional runtime overhead.

The import keyword

The import keyword introduces another shader function by name into the current shader. The imported shader must be accessible in the houdini path for compilation to succeed - if it isn’t found, shader compilation will fail. So when constructing shaders that call other shaders, you’ll need to build the shaders in dependency order - called shaders, then their callers. Circular calls are possible but you’ll need to add the import keyword to the callee after building the first caller.

For example, importing the plastic shader:

import plastic;

Shaders can call themselves recursively - in this case, the import keyword isn’t required.

Invoking a shader

Shaders are invoked by name and are passed keyword arguments - string/value pairs that identify the arguments to be passed or received from the invoked shader. It’s possible to only bind some parameters, in which case the called shader will use it’s default values for the parameters that are not bound. Additionally, only a subset of the exports from the called shader need to be bound. In this case, the VEX optimizer will strip out any dead code that computes the exports that are not required, leading to improved performance.

For example, this code invokes the plastic shader asking for the Cf export and providing the diff input:

import plastic;

surface caller(vector diff = {1,0.5,0})
    plastic("diff", diff, "Cf", Cf);

vcc will check all variadic arguments passed to a called shader to ensure that they correspond with an argument or export that exists in the called shader’s parameter list - if the type or access mode doesn’t match, an error will be reported.

Context of the called shader

Shaders can currently only call shaders that have a matching context type. For contexts with global variables, any global variables that are not provided explicitly to the shader as keyword arguments are copied unchanged from the calling shader to the called shader. For contexts that carry additional opaque state information (such as the surface context, which maintains state about the hit surface), this information is also maintained in the called shader so that calling methods like getraylevel() will produce the same result in the caller and callee.


The called shader:

cvex callee(export int mval = 0;
        int rval = 0;
        export int wval = 0;
        float castval = 0)
    mval *= 2;
    wval = rval;

The calling shader:

import callee;

cvex caller()
    int mval = 1;
    int rval = 2;
    int wval = 1;
    callee("mval", mval, "rval", rval, "wval", wval, "castval",
    printf("%d %d %d\n", mval, rval, wval);

A recursive shader:

cvex fib(int i = 0; export int rval = 0)
    if (i >= 2)
        int v1, v2;
        fib("i", i-1, "rval", v1);
        fib("i", i-2, "rval", v2);
        rval = v1 + v2;
        rval = i;
    printf("%d: %d\n", i, rval);



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