Houdini Main Changelogs


Saving the render delegate image using the Save Image toolbar button no longer fails when Vulkan is active.

木. 9月 5, 2024

Fixes a python scripting error when accessing the Topo Transfer SOP state from a SOP Create in a stage network.

木. 9月 5, 2024

Fixed an UI issue with using a Solaris render delegate in a split-viewport layout which would severely lag user interaction.

木. 9月 5, 2024

Fixed a bug with haio/asyncio and 3.11 not having the correct parameters for create_task.

水. 9月 4, 2024

Fixed a bug where packed USD primitives could have an incorrect transform when referencing a Scope primitive.

水. 9月 4, 2024

Fixed a bug where packed USD primitives could have an incorrect transform when referencing a Scope primitive.

水. 9月 4, 2024

Fixed Animation Editor overlays not rendering properly on the default Desktop that has an hidden Animation Editor Pane Tab.

水. 9月 4, 2024

Fixed crash when reloading the current desktop with floating panels open.

水. 9月 4, 2024

Fixed crash when reloading the current desktop with floating panels open.

水. 9月 4, 2024

Updated the fbik::SkeletonFromGeo APEX callback to load in the fbik_jointconfig dictionary point attribute that can be created by the Configure Joint SOP.

水. 9月 4, 2024

Fixed an issue with work item checkpoint files loading incorrectly and not displaying work items in the TOP graph UI.

水. 9月 4, 2024

Fixed a bug where packed USD primitives could have an incorrect transform when referencing a Scope primitive.

水. 9月 4, 2024

Fix packed fragments not drawing with point attribute color

水. 9月 4, 2024

Fixed missing render progress in a multi-viewport layout when rendering in the LOPs view.

火. 9月 3, 2024

Added missing documentation for callbacks in the APEX graph library.

火. 9月 3, 2024

Fixed a bug with tile visualization of COPs in the scene viewer.

火. 9月 3, 2024

Update the 'ChainCurve' example for Curve-2.0 to better reflect the workflow for creating an HDA that inherits the Curve state.

火. 9月 3, 2024

Fixed a bug with Attribute Promote internally working with 32-bit variables when dealing with 64-bit data.

火. 9月 3, 2024

Aliased the graph::GetCompiledParms and graph::SetCompiledParms APEX callbacks to graph::DefaultParms and graph::SetDefaultParms. This should fix a few rare bugs when evaluating APEX graphs after setting the compiled parameters directly. Other than that, graph execution from within an APEX graph should not change. The behaviour of these callbacks differ in a few other subtle ways:

  • The default parameters are written out when writing an APEX graph togeometry while the compiled parameters are not.
  • The compiled parameters could take into account alterations to theparameter dictionary made by graph::Invoke and graph::EvaluateOutputscallbacks. Additonally, they could take into account alterations to theparameters made by inplace ports. These alterations will not be presentin graph::DefaultParms.
火. 9月 3, 2024

husk will no longer crash if a RenderVar has no sourceType specified.

火. 9月 3, 2024

husk will no longer crash if a RenderVar has no sourceType specified.

火. 9月 3, 2024
  • Replaced the graph::GetCompiledParms and graph::SetCompiledParms callbackswith graph::DefaultParms and graph::SetDefaultParms. These callbacks makeit possible to define the default parameters of a graph.
  • Added graph::Properties and graph::SetProperties callbacks to make itpossible to set and graph the properties of a graph.
火. 9月 3, 2024

Fixed a crash with the Flipbook ROP when no transparent geometry is present in the scene.

火. 9月 3, 2024

Updated the HDK cmake module (HoudiniConfig.cmake) to remove several compile options (e.g. compiler warnings) which were not strictly necessary, and were propagated to any libraries linking against Houdini libraries.

火. 9月 3, 2024

Fixed a bug where subdivision mesh may produce corrupt faces or crash with certain topologies under rare circumstances.

火. 9月 3, 2024