I am learning Houdini and following a disintegration tutorial, I am stuck at a point where a Normal Node is inserted but I get a completely different result, I had attached a screen capture, maybe someone is able to help me, thanks!. SideFX Houdini non commercial v19.5.404.
When these spikes appear after you apply a normal node, then it is a viewport issue (because the normal node won't displace your vertices).
My first suspect would be the driver for your graphics card. Is it the latest version? Or if you have the latest you could try the latest stable driver before that.
Xue_Yue When these spikes appear after you apply a normal node, then it is a viewport issue (because the normal node won't displace your vertices).
My first suspect would be the driver for your graphics card. Is it the latest version? Or if you have the latest you could try the latest stable driver before that.
Can you please Isolate the problem and give people a chance to help you? where are we supposed to look in that files? support one file with only the problem in it.
My apologies for all the inconveniences, OK I am attaching a new scene file, within the Geometry node there are two setups, the original from the tutorial and the one I had created "names also on each setup", up to the point where a add the Attribute VOP is added to separate the pieces from the fractured geometry my results are completely different in my setup there are no fragmente peces but distorted geometry, I had followed everything in detail, hopefully someone can help me.
Exactly, at this point corrected. Now I am facing another issue, after the "Attribute VOP" there are two"Attribute Wrangle" nodes added, 1: "ADD_MYNEAR_ATTR2" located under the "Attribute Copy", and 2: "TRIGG_BY_DIST2" located after the null "EX_3D", I am using the same 'Radius parameters" In the wrangle nodes to control the color propagation in the inside faces of the geometry but after playing the values I can not get the same result as the tutorial, I had attached a new scene file and agree capture.
Anyone able to help, I appreciate the time taken to review the scene file.