POP Acceleration Limit

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hey all!

I need a way to limit the acceleration of each particle in a POP net.

I can't seem to find a way to accurately calculate the change in velocity of the particles.

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!
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Joined: 2月 2012

You can do it like this:

Store old vel:

v@oldv = @v;
i@has_oldv = 1;


if ( i@has_oldv )
    vector dv = @v - v@oldv;
    float accel = length ( dv );
    float maxaccel = ch("maxaccel") * @TimeInc;
    dv *= maxaccel / accel;
    @v = select ( accel > maxaccel, v@oldv + dv, @v );

I used this method in a lot of RBD sims on Aquaman destruction shots and LOTR: Rings of Power bridge destruction. Works a lot better than POP Speed Limit DOP.
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