Connecting points across primitives

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Hi,very new to houdini and vex here! I'm working on creating trims around edges, and came across a problem:
I'm trying to cut between points across the primitives, following the direction of it's edge, until it meets the edge on the other side.

I haven't gotten very far with it and would appreciate some tips!

HoudiniHelp_edge_02.png (355.6 KB)
HoudiniHelp_edge.png (445.3 KB)

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It's actually quite tricky to do this in VEX but it can be done. You can get some ideas from here: []

In short there is no built-in split function in VEX, so you have to first create those new split points in space, create new primitives with the new points and then delete the old ones. You also have to create tracking attributes so you can preserve the existing attributes and groups after changing topology.

Expect multiple attribute wrangles if you want max performance over a single detail wrangle that does everything.
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I wouldn't go with VEX for the actual splitting, since the potential attribute management will become unwieldy
you can use VEX or Python to figure out the split locations but then feed them to Poly Split SOP for the actual cutting
Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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Stepping back a little, could it be easier to employ an alternative approach to building your 'edge framework'? Maybe building the main edges first and then constructing the corners?
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