I am interested in creating forms like this in Houdini:
Also, creating swarms (3D scattering) for my images. (I already have 2D scattering covered via MultiScatter in Max.)
I am not very interested in motion graphics right now compared to making static forms/scenes for illustration, game levels, and some 3D printing on the side. My main software platform is currently 3DS Max/V-Ray, which I plan to continue using to compose most final static scenes. So the plan would be to use Houdini to create assets to bring into it (as well as UE4 down the line). I have not invested serious time into learning bottom-up procedural generation within Max (like MCG/scripting) because it seems like a potential dead end. Whereas Houdini seems like the type of software that I would never want to move from once I've learned it. As in, a better long-term investment.
Other creators have recommended Houdini to me because of the “way I think” and because of how flexible it is compared to Max for generating the kind of architectural/biomorphic/mathematical forms I love. But then I consider the opportunity cost of the learning time. While I have experience with node-based work (mainly procedural V-ray materials), I have no background in vector math, dot matrices, etc… and I have only scratched the surface on scripting (Maxscript). I am just not sure if learning all that would be overkill if I can just get 95% of the way there by further developing the hardsurface modeling/digital painting I already know how to do, even if takes longer per asset. But I'm bumping against some limits with the way I'm doing things now, specifically the ability to iterate on a type of form for complex scenes like cities.
I am also considering Grasshopper within Rhino as an alternative to Houdini, although I am not very experienced with Rhino and it is not intended for a game/illustration pipeline. But if Grasshopper is designed for generating static forms, and if it takes significantly less time to get up and running in for that, maybe I should bypass Houdini for now?
If I'm not interested in making things move, would it still take ~3 months to get to a point where I can make anything “useful”?
I'm still on the front end of my career with decades ahead of me so I'm thinking some investment might pay off over the years, but am still not sure if the mental effort would be better spent elsewhere for similar/better results. I would be giving up significant income/opportunity/creative energy to focus on this and I want to make sure it is worth the tradeoff.
I would love to hear Houdini users' thoughts on this. Especially if there are any recommended learning tracks for someone with my goals. Thanks!