Houdini UI question

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Joined: 11月 2023

I have an ultra wide screen and would like to know if there is a way to have the selection tools tool bar side-by-side with the viewport toolbar in the middle of my screen instead of having to travel all the way over to the left hand side of the screen to click on a tool.

Thank you very much.
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Joined: 9月 2018
Not really know if this is possible but a workaround could be to just setup some extra hotkeys for the buttons you press often.
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Joined: 3月 2013
Honestly I would just learn the shortcuts for selections. You will work faster than any toolbar.
I don't think I've used the selection mode tool bar in 10yrs or more, it's only a handful of things
to remember.

Not an answer to your question, but more a suggestion for a better workflow.

Space+1 = Perspective viewport.
Space+2 = Top viewport.
Space+3 = Front viewport.
Space+4 = Right viewport.
Space+5 = UV viewport.

S to enter selection mode,
2 = points
3 = edges
4 = polys

t = transalte
r = rotate
e = scale
y = cycles through those, and if at OBJ level will cycle combo manipulators.

m = will cycle through transform space modes, local, object, world, view
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+1000 hotkeys. If you don't use a function enough, you don't need to see it. I have hotkeys to toggle each toolbar in case I need to use something I didn't bind a hotkey.

def getPaneTabUnderCursorOrFirstInstance(paneType):
    Utility function to retrieve a pane tab of a specific type.

    Tries to get the pane tab under the cursor first. If none is found,
    falls back to the first instance of the specified pane type in the current desktop.

        pane_type (hou.paneTabType): The type of pane tab to search for.

        hou.PaneTab or None: The found pane tab of the specified type or None if not available.
    desktop = hou.ui.curDesktop()
    paneTab = None

    # Try to get the pane tab under the cursor
    pane = hou.ui.paneTabUnderCursor()
    if pane and pane.type() == paneType:
        paneTab = pane
        # Fallback to the first instance of the specified type in the desktop
        paneTab = desktop.paneTabOfType(paneType)
    return paneTab

def toggleSelectionToolbar():
    with hou.undos.disabler():
        viewport = getPaneTabUnderCursorOrFirstInstance(hou.paneTabType.SceneViewer)
        viewport.showSelectionBar(not viewport.isShowingSelectionBar())

def toggleDisplayToolbar():
    with hou.undos.disabler():
        viewport = getPaneTabUnderCursorOrFirstInstance(hou.paneTabType.SceneViewer)
        viewport.showSelectionBar(not viewport.isShowingDisplayOptionsBar())

ui.png (1.4 MB)

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