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GLTF Packed Instances 2022年7月15日6:30


I have constructed a SOP network which uses a scatter network to instantiate props around the scene (10k+) and have some questions about the GLB file output.

  • The file is massive, and remains so even after using gltf pack to convert the instances to GPU instances. Why would the container for an object instance be so big? Despite disabling extra attributes?
  • Using the instance node (OBJ) or copy to points (SOP) produces files of the same size. The draw calls look correct in my GLTF viewer, but this is likely because the objects share the same material and not because they are instanced.
  • What should be the expected result of 'pack and instance' (Copy To Points SOP)? Enabling this switch causes the GLTF export to crash.

If there is a preferred method to creating lightweight instances in a Houdini authored GLTF, please let me know. Using a similar approach (Maya->MASH->Instances), creates a file which compresses down significantly and I would like to avoid recreating my graph in another sw.


Audit Expression Channel Value 2022年4月11日9:25


I am working with the LabsMapbox node and am trying to rebuild the node tree in another file. In walking the node graph I have found a node which shows an expression ch('../total_size') which I can't deduce the value for. I assume it is being calculated from some combination of the input node's values, but I can't figure out how to debug it. I have tried viewing channels, but it only shows the expression as written in the editor.

Is there a way, using python or otherwise, which I can ask for the value? This would allow me to determine which inputs are being used to generate it, and more easily emulate the graph.

Thanks for any help you might lend,

Apple Silicon? 2021年9月15日3:52

Any descriptions of which OS version works with Houdini 18.5? I have been trying to get Apprentice to launch on 11.3.1 using a variety of different installs (18.5+) and hangs on start after manual license key installation.
