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1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
4 /*!
5  \file CudaDeviceBuffer.h
7  \author Ken Museth
9  \date January 8, 2020
11  \brief Implements a simple dual (host/device) CUDA buffer.
13  \note This file has no device-only (kernel) function calls,
14  which explains why it's a .h and not .cuh file.
15 */
20 #include "../HostBuffer.h" // for BufferTraits
21 #include "CudaUtils.h"// for cudaMalloc/cudaMallocManaged/cudaFree
23 namespace nanovdb {
25 // ----------------------------> CudaDeviceBuffer <--------------------------------------
27 /// @brief Simple memory buffer using un-managed pinned host memory when compiled with NVCC.
28 /// Obviously this class is making explicit used of CUDA so replace it with your own memory
29 /// allocator if you are not using CUDA.
30 /// @note While CUDA's pinned host memory allows for asynchronous memory copy between host and device
31 /// it is significantly slower then cached (un-pinned) memory on the host.
33 {
35  uint64_t mSize; // total number of bytes managed by this buffer (assumed to be identical for host and device)
36  uint8_t *mCpuData, *mGpuData; // raw pointers to the host and device buffers
38 public:
39  /// @brief Static factory method that return an instance of this buffer
40  /// @param size byte size of buffer to be initialized
41  /// @param dummy this argument is currently ignored but required to match the API of the HostBuffer
42  /// @param host If true buffer is initialized only on the host/CPU, else on the device/GPU
43  /// @param stream optional stream argument (defaults to stream NULL)
44  /// @return An instance of this class using move semantics
45  static CudaDeviceBuffer create(uint64_t size, const CudaDeviceBuffer* dummy = nullptr, bool host = true, void* stream = nullptr);
47  /// @brief Constructor
48  /// @param size byte size of buffer to be initialized
49  /// @param host If true buffer is initialized only on the host/CPU, else on the device/GPU
50  /// @param stream optional stream argument (defaults to stream NULL)
51  CudaDeviceBuffer(uint64_t size = 0, bool host = true, void* stream = nullptr)
52  : mSize(0)
53  , mCpuData(nullptr)
54  , mGpuData(nullptr)
55  {
56  if (size > 0) this->init(size, host, stream);
57  }
59  /// @brief Disallow copy-construction
60  CudaDeviceBuffer(const CudaDeviceBuffer&) = delete;
62  /// @brief Move copy-constructor
64  : mSize(other.mSize)
65  , mCpuData(other.mCpuData)
66  , mGpuData(other.mGpuData)
67  {
68  other.mSize = 0;
69  other.mCpuData = nullptr;
70  other.mGpuData = nullptr;
71  }
73  /// @brief Disallow copy assignment operation
76  /// @brief Move copy assignment operation
78  {
79  this->clear();
80  mSize = other.mSize;
81  mCpuData = other.mCpuData;
82  mGpuData = other.mGpuData;
83  other.mSize = 0;
84  other.mCpuData = nullptr;
85  other.mGpuData = nullptr;
86  return *this;
87  }
89  /// @brief Destructor frees memory on both the host and device
90  ~CudaDeviceBuffer() { this->clear(); };
92  /// @brief Initialize buffer
93  /// @param size byte size of buffer to be initialized
94  /// @param host If true buffer is initialized only on the host/CPU, else on the device/GPU
95  /// @note All existing buffers are first cleared
96  /// @warning size is expected to be non-zero. Use clear() clear buffer!
97  void init(uint64_t size, bool host = true, void* stream = nullptr);
99  /// @brief Retuns a raw pointer to the host/CPU buffer managed by this allocator.
100  /// @warning Note that the pointer can be NULL!
101  uint8_t* data() const { return mCpuData; }
103  /// @brief Retuns a raw pointer to the device/GPU buffer managed by this allocator.
104  /// @warning Note that the pointer can be NULL!
105  uint8_t* deviceData() const { return mGpuData; }
107  /// @brief Upload this buffer from the host to the device, i.e. CPU -> GPU.
108  /// @param stream optional CUDA stream (defaults to CUDA stream 0)
109  /// @param sync if false the memory copy is asynchronous
110  /// @note If the device/GPU buffer does not exist it is first allocated
111  /// @warning Assumes that the host/CPU buffer already exists
112  void deviceUpload(void* stream = nullptr, bool sync = true) const;
114  /// @brief Upload this buffer from the device to the host, i.e. GPU -> CPU.
115  /// @param stream optional CUDA stream (defaults to CUDA stream 0)
116  /// @param sync if false the memory copy is asynchronous
117  /// @note If the host/CPU buffer does not exist it is first allocated
118  /// @warning Assumes that the device/GPU buffer already exists
119  void deviceDownload(void* stream = nullptr, bool sync = true) const;
121  /// @brief Returns the size in bytes of the raw memory buffer managed by this allocator.
122  uint64_t size() const { return mSize; }
124  //@{
125  /// @brief Returns true if this allocator is empty, i.e. has no allocated memory
126  bool empty() const { return mSize == 0; }
127  bool isEmpty() const { return mSize == 0; }
128  //@}
130  /// @brief De-allocate all memory managed by this allocator and set all pointers to NULL
131  void clear(void* stream = nullptr);
133 }; // CudaDeviceBuffer class
135 template<>
137 {
138  static constexpr bool hasDeviceDual = true;
139 };
141 // --------------------------> Implementations below <------------------------------------
143 inline CudaDeviceBuffer CudaDeviceBuffer::create(uint64_t size, const CudaDeviceBuffer*, bool host, void* stream)
144 {
145  return CudaDeviceBuffer(size, host, stream);
146 }
148 inline void CudaDeviceBuffer::init(uint64_t size, bool host, void* stream)
149 {
150  if (mSize>0) this->clear(stream);
151  NANOVDB_ASSERT(size > 0);
152  if (host) {
153  cudaCheck(cudaMallocHost((void**)&mCpuData, size)); // un-managed pinned memory on the host (can be slow to access!). Always 32B aligned
154  checkPtr(mCpuData, "CudaDeviceBuffer::init: failed to allocate host buffer");
155  } else {
156  cudaCheck(cudaMallocAsync((void**)&mGpuData, size, reinterpret_cast<cudaStream_t>(stream))); // un-managed memory on the device, always 32B aligned!
157  checkPtr(mGpuData, "CudaDeviceBuffer::init: failed to allocate device buffer");
158  }
159  mSize = size;
160 } // CudaDeviceBuffer::init
162 inline void CudaDeviceBuffer::deviceUpload(void* stream, bool sync) const
163 {
164  checkPtr(mCpuData, "uninitialized cpu data");
165  if (mGpuData == nullptr) {
166  cudaCheck(cudaMallocAsync((void**)&mGpuData, mSize, reinterpret_cast<cudaStream_t>(stream))); // un-managed memory on the device, always 32B aligned!
167  }
168  checkPtr(mGpuData, "uninitialized gpu data");
169  cudaCheck(cudaMemcpyAsync(mGpuData, mCpuData, mSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, reinterpret_cast<cudaStream_t>(stream)));
170  if (sync) cudaCheck(cudaStreamSynchronize(reinterpret_cast<cudaStream_t>(stream)));
171 } // CudaDeviceBuffer::gpuUpload
173 inline void CudaDeviceBuffer::deviceDownload(void* stream, bool sync) const
174 {
175  checkPtr(mGpuData, "uninitialized gpu data");
176  if (mCpuData == nullptr) {
177  cudaCheck(cudaMallocHost((void**)&mCpuData, mSize)); // un-managed pinned memory on the host (can be slow to access!). Always 32B aligned
178  }
179  checkPtr(mCpuData, "uninitialized cpu data");
180  cudaCheck(cudaMemcpyAsync(mCpuData, mGpuData, mSize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, reinterpret_cast<cudaStream_t>(stream)));
181  if (sync) cudaCheck(cudaStreamSynchronize(reinterpret_cast<cudaStream_t>(stream)));
182 } // CudaDeviceBuffer::gpuDownload
184 inline void CudaDeviceBuffer::clear(void *stream)
185 {
186  if (mGpuData) cudaCheck(cudaFreeAsync(mGpuData, reinterpret_cast<cudaStream_t>(stream)));
187  if (mCpuData) cudaCheck(cudaFreeHost(mCpuData));
188  mCpuData = mGpuData = nullptr;
189  mSize = 0;
190 } // CudaDeviceBuffer::clear
192 } // namespace nanovdb
GLuint GLuint stream
Definition: glcorearb.h:1832
uint64_t size() const
Returns the size in bytes of the raw memory buffer managed by this allocator.
CudaDeviceBuffer(uint64_t size=0, bool host=true, void *stream=nullptr)
void clear(void *stream=nullptr)
De-allocate all memory managed by this allocator and set all pointers to NULL.
cudaError_t cudaFreeAsync(void *d_ptr, cudaStream_t)
Dummy implementation of cudaFreeAsync that calls cudaFree.
Definition: CudaUtils.h:69
#define checkPtr(ptr, msg)
Definition: CE_VDBCreate.h:49
CudaDeviceBuffer & operator=(CudaDeviceBuffer &&other) noexcept
Move copy assignment operation.
void init(uint64_t size, bool host=true, void *stream=nullptr)
Initialize buffer.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:190
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if this allocator is empty, i.e. has no allocated memory.
Destructor frees memory on both the host and device.
bool empty() const
Returns true if this allocator is empty, i.e. has no allocated memory.
Simple memory buffer using un-managed pinned host memory when compiled with NVCC. Obviously this clas...
#define cudaCheck(ans)
Definition: CudaUtils.h:36
cudaError_t cudaMallocAsync(void **d_ptr, size_t size, cudaStream_t)
Dummy implementation of cudaMallocAsync that calls cudaMalloc.
Definition: CudaUtils.h:63
constexpr enabler dummy
An instance to use in EnableIf.
Definition: CLI11.h:985
static constexpr bool hasDeviceDual
Definition: HostBuffer.h:101
uint8_t * data() const
Retuns a raw pointer to the host/CPU buffer managed by this allocator.
void deviceUpload(void *stream=nullptr, bool sync=true) const
Upload this buffer from the host to the device, i.e. CPU -> GPU.
GLsizeiptr size
Definition: glcorearb.h:664
CudaDeviceBuffer(CudaDeviceBuffer &&other) noexcept
Move copy-constructor.
CudaDeviceBuffer & operator=(const CudaDeviceBuffer &)=delete
Disallow copy assignment operation.
uint8_t * deviceData() const
Retuns a raw pointer to the device/GPU buffer managed by this allocator.
void deviceDownload(void *stream=nullptr, bool sync=true) const
Upload this buffer from the device to the host, i.e. GPU -> CPU.
static CudaDeviceBuffer create(uint64_t size, const CudaDeviceBuffer *dummy=nullptr, bool host=true, void *stream=nullptr)
Static factory method that return an instance of this buffer.