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1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
4 /// @author Dan Bailey
5 ///
6 /// @file points/PointGroup.h
7 ///
8 /// @brief Point group manipulation in a VDB Point Grid.
13 #include <openvdb/openvdb.h>
15 #include "IndexIterator.h" // FilterTraits
16 #include "IndexFilter.h" // FilterTraits
17 #include "AttributeSet.h"
18 #include "PointDataGrid.h"
19 #include "PointAttribute.h"
20 #include "PointCount.h"
22 #include <tbb/parallel_reduce.h>
24 #include <algorithm>
25 #include <random>
26 #include <string>
27 #include <vector>
29 namespace openvdb {
32 namespace points {
34 /// @brief Delete any group that is not present in the Descriptor.
35 ///
36 /// @param groups the vector of group names.
37 /// @param descriptor the descriptor that holds the group map.
38 inline void deleteMissingPointGroups( std::vector<std::string>& groups,
39  const AttributeSet::Descriptor& descriptor);
41 /// @brief Appends a new empty group to the VDB tree.
42 ///
43 /// @param tree the PointDataTree to be appended to.
44 /// @param group name of the new group.
45 template <typename PointDataTreeT>
46 inline void appendGroup(PointDataTreeT& tree,
47  const Name& group);
49 /// @brief Appends new empty groups to the VDB tree.
50 ///
51 /// @param tree the PointDataTree to be appended to.
52 /// @param groups names of the new groups.
53 template <typename PointDataTreeT>
54 inline void appendGroups(PointDataTreeT& tree,
55  const std::vector<Name>& groups);
57 /// @brief Drops an existing group from the VDB tree.
58 ///
59 /// @param tree the PointDataTree to be dropped from.
60 /// @param group name of the group.
61 /// @param compact compact attributes if possible to reduce memory - if dropping
62 /// more than one group, compacting once at the end will be faster
63 template <typename PointDataTreeT>
64 inline void dropGroup( PointDataTreeT& tree,
65  const Name& group,
66  const bool compact = true);
68 /// @brief Drops existing groups from the VDB tree, the tree is compacted after dropping.
69 ///
70 /// @param tree the PointDataTree to be dropped from.
71 /// @param groups names of the groups.
72 template <typename PointDataTreeT>
73 inline void dropGroups( PointDataTreeT& tree,
74  const std::vector<Name>& groups);
76 /// @brief Drops all existing groups from the VDB tree, the tree is compacted after dropping.
77 ///
78 /// @param tree the PointDataTree to be dropped from.
79 template <typename PointDataTreeT>
80 inline void dropGroups( PointDataTreeT& tree);
82 /// @brief Compacts existing groups of a VDB Tree to use less memory if possible.
83 ///
84 /// @param tree the PointDataTree to be compacted.
85 template <typename PointDataTreeT>
86 inline void compactGroups(PointDataTreeT& tree);
88 /// @brief Sets group membership from a PointIndexTree-ordered vector.
89 ///
90 /// @param tree the PointDataTree.
91 /// @param indexTree the PointIndexTree.
92 /// @param membership @c 1 if the point is in the group, 0 otherwise.
93 /// @param group the name of the group.
94 /// @param remove if @c true also perform removal of points from the group.
95 ///
96 /// @note vector<bool> is not thread-safe on concurrent write, so use vector<short> instead
97 template <typename PointDataTreeT, typename PointIndexTreeT>
98 inline void setGroup( PointDataTreeT& tree,
99  const PointIndexTreeT& indexTree,
100  const std::vector<short>& membership,
101  const Name& group,
102  const bool remove = false);
104 /// @brief Sets membership for the specified group for all points (on/off).
105 ///
106 /// @param tree the PointDataTree.
107 /// @param group the name of the group.
108 /// @param member true / false for membership of the group.
109 template <typename PointDataTreeT>
110 inline void setGroup( PointDataTreeT& tree,
111  const Name& group,
112  const bool member = true);
114 /// @brief Sets group membership based on a provided filter.
115 ///
116 /// @param tree the PointDataTree.
117 /// @param group the name of the group.
118 /// @param filter filter data that is used to create a per-leaf filter
119 template <typename PointDataTreeT, typename FilterT>
120 inline void setGroupByFilter( PointDataTreeT& tree,
121  const Name& group,
122  const FilterT& filter);
124 } // namespace points
125 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
126 } // namespace openvdb
128 #include "impl/PointGroupImpl.h"
Definition: ImfName.h:28
GLdouble GLdouble GLint GLint const GLdouble * points
Definition: glad.h:2676
void compactGroups(PointDataTreeT &tree)
Compacts existing groups of a VDB Tree to use less memory if possible.
void appendGroup(PointDataTreeT &tree, const Name &group)
Appends a new empty group to the VDB tree.
Definition: version.h:239
Index filters primarily designed to be used with a FilterIndexIter.
void dropGroup(PointDataTreeT &tree, const Name &group, const bool compact)
Drops an existing group from the VDB tree.
void deleteMissingPointGroups(std::vector< std::string > &groups, const AttributeSet::Descriptor &descriptor)
Delete any group that is not present in the Descriptor.
Methods for counting points in VDB Point grids.
void appendGroups(PointDataTreeT &tree, const std::vector< Name > &groups)
Appends new empty groups to the VDB tree.
void dropGroups(PointDataTreeT &tree, const std::vector< Name > &groups)
Drops existing groups from the VDB tree, the tree is compacted after dropping.
Index Iterators.
void setGroupByFilter(PointDataTreeT &tree, const Name &group, const FilterT &filter)
Sets group membership based on a provided filter.
Point attribute manipulation in a VDB Point Grid.
void setGroup(PointDataTreeT &tree, const PointIndexTreeT &indexTree, const std::vector< short > &membership, const Name &group, const bool remove)
Sets group membership from a PointIndexTree-ordered vector.
Set of Attribute Arrays which tracks metadata about each array.
The version namespace name for this library version.
Definition: version.h:119
Attribute-owned data structure for points. Point attributes are stored in leaf nodes and ordered by v...
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLbitfield GLenum filter
Definition: glcorearb.h:1297