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HdRenderPassState Class Reference

#include <renderPassState.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for HdRenderPassState:

Public Member Functions

HD_API HdRenderPassState ()
virtual HD_API ~HdRenderPassState ()
virtual HD_API void Prepare (HdResourceRegistrySharedPtr const &resourceRegistry)
Application rendering state
HD_API void SetOverrideColor (GfVec4f const &color)
const GfVec4fGetOverrideColor () const
HD_API void SetWireframeColor (GfVec4f const &color)
const GfVec4fGetWireframeColor () const
HD_API void SetMaskColor (GfVec4f const &color)
const GfVec4fGetMaskColor () const
HD_API void SetIndicatorColor (GfVec4f const &color)
const GfVec4fGetIndicatorColor () const
HD_API void SetPointColor (GfVec4f const &color)
const GfVec4fGetPointColor () const
HD_API void SetPointSize (float size)
 Set the point size for unselected points. More...
float GetPointSize () const
HD_API void SetPointSelectedSize (float size)
 Set the point size for selected points. More...
float GetPointSelectedSize () const
HD_API void SetLightingEnabled (bool enabled)
 XXX: Hacky way of disabling lighting. More...
bool GetLightingEnabled () const
HD_API void SetClippingEnabled (bool enabled)
bool GetClippingEnabled () const

Camera and framing state

using ClipPlanesVector = std::vector< GfVec4d >
 Sets the camera. More...
HD_API void SetCamera (const HdCamera *camera)
 Sets the camera. More...
HD_API void SetOverrideWindowPolicy (const std::optional< CameraUtilConformWindowPolicy > &overrideWindowPolicy)
HD_API void SetFraming (const CameraUtilFraming &framing)
HD_API void SetViewport (const GfVec4d &viewport)
HdCamera const * GetCamera () const
 Get camera. More...
const CameraUtilFramingGetFraming () const
const std::optional
< CameraUtilConformWindowPolicy > & 
GetOverrideWindowPolicy () const
GetWindowPolicy () const
virtual HD_API GfMatrix4d GetWorldToViewMatrix () const
virtual HD_API GfMatrix4d GetProjectionMatrix () const
GfVec4f const & GetViewport () const
HD_API GfMatrix4d GetImageToWorldMatrix () const
virtual HD_API
ClipPlanesVector const & 
GetClipPlanes () const

Render pipeline state

enum  ColorMask { ColorMaskNone, ColorMaskRGB, ColorMaskRGBA }
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdCamera const * _camera
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
GfVec4f _viewport
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
CameraUtilFraming _framing
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
< CameraUtilConformWindowPolicy
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
GfVec4f _overrideColor
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
GfVec4f _wireframeColor
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
GfVec4f _pointColor
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
float _pointSize
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool _lightingEnabled
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool _clippingEnabled
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
GfVec4f _maskColor
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
GfVec4f _indicatorColor
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
float _pointSelectedSize
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
float _alphaThreshold
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
float _tessLevel
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
GfVec2f _drawRange
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool _depthBiasUseDefault
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool _depthBiasEnabled
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
float _depthBiasConstantFactor
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
float _depthBiasSlopeFactor
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdCompareFunction _depthFunc
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool _depthMaskEnabled
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool _depthTestEnabled
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool _depthClampEnabled
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
GfVec2f _depthRange
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdCullStyle _cullStyle
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdCompareFunction _stencilFunc
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
int _stencilRef
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
int _stencilMask
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdStencilOp _stencilFailOp
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdStencilOp _stencilZFailOp
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdStencilOp _stencilZPassOp
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool _stencilEnabled
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
float _lineWidth
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdBlendOp _blendColorOp
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdBlendFactor _blendColorSrcFactor
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdBlendFactor _blendColorDstFactor
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdBlendOp _blendAlphaOp
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdBlendFactor _blendAlphaSrcFactor
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdBlendFactor _blendAlphaDstFactor
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
GfVec4f _blendConstantColor
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool _blendEnabled
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool _alphaToCoverageEnabled
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool _colorMaskUseDefault
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
std::vector< ColorMask_colorMasks
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdRenderPassAovBindingVector _aovBindings
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdRenderPassAovBindingVector _aovInputBindings
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool _useMultiSampleAov
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool _conservativeRasterizationEnabled
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
float _stepSize
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
float _stepSizeLighting
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool _multiSampleEnabled
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetAovBindings (HdRenderPassAovBindingVector const &aovBindings)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
const & 
GetAovBindings () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetAovInputBindings (HdRenderPassAovBindingVector const &aovBindings)
 Set the AOVs that this renderpass needs to read from. More...
const & 
GetAovInputBindings () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetUseAovMultiSample (bool state)
HD_API bool GetUseAovMultiSample () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetCullStyle (HdCullStyle cullStyle)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API HdCullStyle GetCullStyle () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetAlphaThreshold (float alphaThreshold)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
float GetAlphaThreshold () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetTessLevel (float level)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
float GetTessLevel () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetDrawingRange (GfVec2f const &drawRange)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
GfVec2f GetDrawingRange () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API GfVec2f GetDrawingRangeNDC () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetDepthBiasUseDefault (bool useDefault)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool GetDepthBiasUseDefault () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetDepthBiasEnabled (bool enabled)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool GetDepthBiasEnabled () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetDepthBias (float constantFactor, float slopeFactor)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetDepthFunc (HdCompareFunction depthFunc)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdCompareFunction GetDepthFunc () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetEnableDepthMask (bool state)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API bool GetEnableDepthMask () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetEnableDepthTest (bool enabled)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API bool GetEnableDepthTest () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetEnableDepthClamp (bool enabled)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API bool GetEnableDepthClamp () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetDepthRange (GfVec2f const &depthRange)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API const GfVec2fGetDepthRange () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetStencil (HdCompareFunction func, int ref, int mask, HdStencilOp fail, HdStencilOp zfail, HdStencilOp zpass)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdCompareFunction GetStencilFunc () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
int GetStencilRef () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
int GetStencilMask () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdStencilOp GetStencilFailOp () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdStencilOp GetStencilDepthFailOp () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdStencilOp GetStencilDepthPassOp () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetStencilEnabled (bool enabled)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API bool GetStencilEnabled () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetLineWidth (float width)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
float GetLineWidth () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetBlend (HdBlendOp colorOp, HdBlendFactor colorSrcFactor, HdBlendFactor colorDstFactor, HdBlendOp alphaOp, HdBlendFactor alphaSrcFactor, HdBlendFactor alphaDstFactor)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdBlendOp GetBlendColorOp ()
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdBlendFactor GetBlendColorSrcFactor ()
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdBlendFactor GetBlendColorDstFactor ()
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdBlendOp GetBlendAlphaOp ()
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdBlendFactor GetBlendAlphaSrcFactor ()
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HdBlendFactor GetBlendAlphaDstFactor ()
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetBlendConstantColor (GfVec4f const &color)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
const GfVec4fGetBlendConstantColor () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetBlendEnabled (bool enabled)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetAlphaToCoverageEnabled (bool enabled)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool GetAlphaToCoverageEnabled () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetColorMaskUseDefault (bool useDefault)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool GetColorMaskUseDefault () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetConservativeRasterizationEnabled (bool enabled)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool GetConservativeRasterizationEnabled () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetVolumeRenderingConstants (float stepSize, float stepSizeLighting)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetColorMasks (std::vector< ColorMask > const &masks)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
std::vector< ColorMask > const & GetColorMasks () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
HD_API void SetMultiSampleEnabled (bool enabled)
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...
bool GetMultiSampleEnabled () const
 Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into. More...

Detailed Description

A set of rendering parameters used among render passes.

Parameters are expressed as GL states, uniforms or shaders.

Definition at line 62 of file renderPassState.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Sets the camera.

Definition at line 81 of file renderPassState.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.


Definition at line 338 of file renderPassState.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HD_API HdRenderPassState::HdRenderPassState ( )
virtual HD_API HdRenderPassState::~HdRenderPassState ( )

Member Function Documentation

float HdRenderPassState::GetAlphaThreshold ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 237 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::GetAlphaToCoverageEnabled ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 323 of file renderPassState.h.

HD_API HdRenderPassAovBindingVector const& HdRenderPassState::GetAovBindings ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API HdRenderPassAovBindingVector const& HdRenderPassState::GetAovInputBindings ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HdBlendFactor HdRenderPassState::GetBlendAlphaDstFactor ( )

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 314 of file renderPassState.h.

HdBlendOp HdRenderPassState::GetBlendAlphaOp ( )

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 312 of file renderPassState.h.

HdBlendFactor HdRenderPassState::GetBlendAlphaSrcFactor ( )

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 313 of file renderPassState.h.

HdBlendFactor HdRenderPassState::GetBlendColorDstFactor ( )

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 311 of file renderPassState.h.

HdBlendOp HdRenderPassState::GetBlendColorOp ( )

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 309 of file renderPassState.h.

HdBlendFactor HdRenderPassState::GetBlendColorSrcFactor ( )

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 310 of file renderPassState.h.

const GfVec4f& HdRenderPassState::GetBlendConstantColor ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 317 of file renderPassState.h.

HdCamera const* HdRenderPassState::GetCamera ( ) const

Get camera.

Definition at line 110 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::GetClippingEnabled ( ) const

Set an override color for rendering where the R, G and B components are the color and the alpha component is the blend value

Definition at line 205 of file renderPassState.h.

virtual HD_API ClipPlanesVector const& HdRenderPassState::GetClipPlanes ( ) const

Returns HdCamera's clip planes.

Reimplemented in HdStRenderPassState.

std::vector<ColorMask> const& HdRenderPassState::GetColorMasks ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 346 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::GetColorMaskUseDefault ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 327 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::GetConservativeRasterizationEnabled ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 331 of file renderPassState.h.

HD_API HdCullStyle HdRenderPassState::GetCullStyle ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 233 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::GetDepthBiasEnabled ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 255 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::GetDepthBiasUseDefault ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 251 of file renderPassState.h.

HdCompareFunction HdRenderPassState::GetDepthFunc ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 262 of file renderPassState.h.

HD_API const GfVec2f& HdRenderPassState::GetDepthRange ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

GfVec2f HdRenderPassState::GetDrawingRange ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 245 of file renderPassState.h.

HD_API GfVec2f HdRenderPassState::GetDrawingRangeNDC ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API bool HdRenderPassState::GetEnableDepthClamp ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API bool HdRenderPassState::GetEnableDepthMask ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API bool HdRenderPassState::GetEnableDepthTest ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

const CameraUtilFraming& HdRenderPassState::GetFraming ( ) const

Get framing information determining how the filmback plane maps to pixels.

Definition at line 115 of file renderPassState.h.

HD_API GfMatrix4d HdRenderPassState::GetImageToWorldMatrix ( ) const

Compute a transform from window relative coordinates (x,y,z,1) to homogeneous world coordinates (x,y,z,w), using the HdCamera's attributes, framing, and viewport dimensions.

const GfVec4f& HdRenderPassState::GetIndicatorColor ( ) const

Set an override color for rendering where the R, G and B components are the color and the alpha component is the blend value

Definition at line 180 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::GetLightingEnabled ( ) const

Set an override color for rendering where the R, G and B components are the color and the alpha component is the blend value

Definition at line 201 of file renderPassState.h.

float HdRenderPassState::GetLineWidth ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 300 of file renderPassState.h.

const GfVec4f& HdRenderPassState::GetMaskColor ( ) const

Set an override color for rendering where the R, G and B components are the color and the alpha component is the blend value

Definition at line 176 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::GetMultiSampleEnabled ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 350 of file renderPassState.h.

const GfVec4f& HdRenderPassState::GetOverrideColor ( ) const

Set an override color for rendering where the R, G and B components are the color and the alpha component is the blend value

Definition at line 166 of file renderPassState.h.

const std::optional<CameraUtilConformWindowPolicy>& HdRenderPassState::GetOverrideWindowPolicy ( ) const

The override value for the window policy to conform the camera frustum that can be specified by the application.

Definition at line 120 of file renderPassState.h.

const GfVec4f& HdRenderPassState::GetPointColor ( ) const

Set an override color for rendering where the R, G and B components are the color and the alpha component is the blend value

Definition at line 186 of file renderPassState.h.

float HdRenderPassState::GetPointSelectedSize ( ) const

Set an override color for rendering where the R, G and B components are the color and the alpha component is the blend value

Definition at line 196 of file renderPassState.h.

float HdRenderPassState::GetPointSize ( ) const

Set an override color for rendering where the R, G and B components are the color and the alpha component is the blend value

Definition at line 191 of file renderPassState.h.

virtual HD_API GfMatrix4d HdRenderPassState::GetProjectionMatrix ( ) const

Compute projection matrix using physical attributes of an HdCamera.

Reimplemented in HdStRenderPassState.

HdStencilOp HdRenderPassState::GetStencilDepthFailOp ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 291 of file renderPassState.h.

HdStencilOp HdRenderPassState::GetStencilDepthPassOp ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 292 of file renderPassState.h.

HD_API bool HdRenderPassState::GetStencilEnabled ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HdStencilOp HdRenderPassState::GetStencilFailOp ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 290 of file renderPassState.h.

HdCompareFunction HdRenderPassState::GetStencilFunc ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 287 of file renderPassState.h.

int HdRenderPassState::GetStencilMask ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 289 of file renderPassState.h.

int HdRenderPassState::GetStencilRef ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 288 of file renderPassState.h.

float HdRenderPassState::GetTessLevel ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 241 of file renderPassState.h.

HD_API bool HdRenderPassState::GetUseAovMultiSample ( ) const

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

GfVec4f const& HdRenderPassState::GetViewport ( ) const

Only use when clients did not specify a camera framing.


Definition at line 144 of file renderPassState.h.

HD_API CameraUtilConformWindowPolicy HdRenderPassState::GetWindowPolicy ( ) const

The resolved window policy to conform the camera frustum. This is either the override value specified by the application or the value from the scene delegate's camera.

const GfVec4f& HdRenderPassState::GetWireframeColor ( ) const

Set an override color for rendering where the R, G and B components are the color and the alpha component is the blend value

Definition at line 172 of file renderPassState.h.

virtual HD_API GfMatrix4d HdRenderPassState::GetWorldToViewMatrix ( ) const

Camera getter API

Returns inverse of HdCamera's transform.

Reimplemented in HdStRenderPassState.

virtual HD_API void HdRenderPassState::Prepare ( HdResourceRegistrySharedPtr const &  resourceRegistry)

Schedule to update renderPassState parameters. e.g. camera matrix, override color, id blend factor. Prepare, called once per frame after the sync phase, but prior to the commit phase.

Reimplemented in HdStRenderPassState.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetAlphaThreshold ( float  alphaThreshold)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetAlphaToCoverageEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetAovBindings ( HdRenderPassAovBindingVector const &  aovBindings)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetAovInputBindings ( HdRenderPassAovBindingVector const &  aovBindings)

Set the AOVs that this renderpass needs to read from.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetBlend ( HdBlendOp  colorOp,
HdBlendFactor  colorSrcFactor,
HdBlendFactor  colorDstFactor,
HdBlendOp  alphaOp,
HdBlendFactor  alphaSrcFactor,
HdBlendFactor  alphaDstFactor 

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetBlendConstantColor ( GfVec4f const &  color)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetBlendEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetCamera ( const HdCamera camera)

Sets the camera.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetClippingEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Set an override color for rendering where the R, G and B components are the color and the alpha component is the blend value

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetColorMasks ( std::vector< ColorMask > const &  masks)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetColorMaskUseDefault ( bool  useDefault)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetConservativeRasterizationEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetCullStyle ( HdCullStyle  cullStyle)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetDepthBias ( float  constantFactor,
float  slopeFactor 

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetDepthBiasEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetDepthBiasUseDefault ( bool  useDefault)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetDepthFunc ( HdCompareFunction  depthFunc)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetDepthRange ( GfVec2f const &  depthRange)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetDrawingRange ( GfVec2f const &  drawRange)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetEnableDepthClamp ( bool  enabled)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetEnableDepthMask ( bool  state)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetEnableDepthTest ( bool  enabled)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetFraming ( const CameraUtilFraming framing)

Sets the framing to show the camera. If a valid framing is set, a viewport set earlier with SetViewport will be ignored.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetIndicatorColor ( GfVec4f const &  color)

Set an override color for rendering where the R, G and B components are the color and the alpha component is the blend value

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetLightingEnabled ( bool  enabled)

XXX: Hacky way of disabling lighting.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetLineWidth ( float  width)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetMaskColor ( GfVec4f const &  color)

Set an override color for rendering where the R, G and B components are the color and the alpha component is the blend value

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetMultiSampleEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetOverrideColor ( GfVec4f const &  color)

Set an override color for rendering where the R, G and B components are the color and the alpha component is the blend value

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetOverrideWindowPolicy ( const std::optional< CameraUtilConformWindowPolicy > &  overrideWindowPolicy)

Sets whether to override the window policy used to conform the camera if its aspect ratio is not matching the display window/viewport. If first value is false, the HdCamera's window policy is used.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetPointColor ( GfVec4f const &  color)

Set a point color for rendering where the R, G and B components are the color and the alpha component is the blend value

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetPointSelectedSize ( float  size)

Set the point size for selected points.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetPointSize ( float  size)

Set the point size for unselected points.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetStencil ( HdCompareFunction  func,
int  ref,
int  mask,
HdStencilOp  fail,
HdStencilOp  zfail,
HdStencilOp  zpass 

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetStencilEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetTessLevel ( float  level)

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetUseAovMultiSample ( bool  state)

Returns true if the render pass wants to render into the multi-sample aovs. Returns false if the render wants to render into the resolve aovs.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetViewport ( const GfVec4d viewport)

Sets the viewport to show the camera. If SetViewport is called, any framing set earlier with SetFraming will be ignored.

Use the more expressive SetFraming instead.
HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetVolumeRenderingConstants ( float  stepSize,
float  stepSizeLighting 

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

HD_API void HdRenderPassState::SetWireframeColor ( GfVec4f const &  color)

Set a wireframe color for rendering where the R, G and B components are the color and the alpha component is the blend value

Member Data Documentation

float HdRenderPassState::_alphaThreshold

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 378 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::_alphaToCoverageEnabled

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 417 of file renderPassState.h.

HdRenderPassAovBindingVector HdRenderPassState::_aovBindings

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 422 of file renderPassState.h.

HdRenderPassAovBindingVector HdRenderPassState::_aovInputBindings

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 423 of file renderPassState.h.

HdBlendFactor HdRenderPassState::_blendAlphaDstFactor

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 412 of file renderPassState.h.

HdBlendOp HdRenderPassState::_blendAlphaOp

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 410 of file renderPassState.h.

HdBlendFactor HdRenderPassState::_blendAlphaSrcFactor

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 411 of file renderPassState.h.

HdBlendFactor HdRenderPassState::_blendColorDstFactor

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 409 of file renderPassState.h.

HdBlendOp HdRenderPassState::_blendColorOp

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 407 of file renderPassState.h.

HdBlendFactor HdRenderPassState::_blendColorSrcFactor

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 408 of file renderPassState.h.

GfVec4f HdRenderPassState::_blendConstantColor

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 413 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::_blendEnabled

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 414 of file renderPassState.h.

HdCamera const* HdRenderPassState::_camera

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 356 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::_clippingEnabled

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 369 of file renderPassState.h.

std::vector<ColorMask> HdRenderPassState::_colorMasks

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 420 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::_colorMaskUseDefault

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 419 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::_conservativeRasterizationEnabled

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 426 of file renderPassState.h.

HdCullStyle HdRenderPassState::_cullStyle

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 392 of file renderPassState.h.

float HdRenderPassState::_depthBiasConstantFactor

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 384 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::_depthBiasEnabled

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 383 of file renderPassState.h.

float HdRenderPassState::_depthBiasSlopeFactor

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 385 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::_depthBiasUseDefault

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 382 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::_depthClampEnabled

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 389 of file renderPassState.h.

HdCompareFunction HdRenderPassState::_depthFunc

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 386 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::_depthMaskEnabled

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 387 of file renderPassState.h.

GfVec2f HdRenderPassState::_depthRange

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 390 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::_depthTestEnabled

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 388 of file renderPassState.h.

GfVec2f HdRenderPassState::_drawRange

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 380 of file renderPassState.h.

CameraUtilFraming HdRenderPassState::_framing

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 358 of file renderPassState.h.

GfVec4f HdRenderPassState::_indicatorColor

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 372 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::_lightingEnabled

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 368 of file renderPassState.h.

float HdRenderPassState::_lineWidth

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 404 of file renderPassState.h.

GfVec4f HdRenderPassState::_maskColor

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 371 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::_multiSampleEnabled

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 431 of file renderPassState.h.

GfVec4f HdRenderPassState::_overrideColor

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 364 of file renderPassState.h.

std::optional<CameraUtilConformWindowPolicy> HdRenderPassState::_overrideWindowPolicy

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 359 of file renderPassState.h.

GfVec4f HdRenderPassState::_pointColor

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 366 of file renderPassState.h.

float HdRenderPassState::_pointSelectedSize

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 373 of file renderPassState.h.

float HdRenderPassState::_pointSize

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 367 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::_stencilEnabled

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 401 of file renderPassState.h.

HdStencilOp HdRenderPassState::_stencilFailOp

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 398 of file renderPassState.h.

HdCompareFunction HdRenderPassState::_stencilFunc

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 395 of file renderPassState.h.

int HdRenderPassState::_stencilMask

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 397 of file renderPassState.h.

int HdRenderPassState::_stencilRef

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 396 of file renderPassState.h.

HdStencilOp HdRenderPassState::_stencilZFailOp

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 399 of file renderPassState.h.

HdStencilOp HdRenderPassState::_stencilZPassOp

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 400 of file renderPassState.h.

float HdRenderPassState::_stepSize

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 428 of file renderPassState.h.

float HdRenderPassState::_stepSizeLighting

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 429 of file renderPassState.h.

float HdRenderPassState::_tessLevel

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 379 of file renderPassState.h.

bool HdRenderPassState::_useMultiSampleAov

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 424 of file renderPassState.h.

GfVec4f HdRenderPassState::_viewport

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 357 of file renderPassState.h.

GfVec4f HdRenderPassState::_wireframeColor

Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.

Definition at line 365 of file renderPassState.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: