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1 //
2 // Copyright 2016 Pixar
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
5 // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
6 // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
7 // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
8 //
9 // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
10 // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
11 // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
12 // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
13 //
14 // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
15 //
16 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17 //
18 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19 // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
21 // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
22 // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
23 //
27 #include "pxr/pxr.h"
28 #include "pxr/imaging/hd/api.h"
29 #include "pxr/imaging/hd/aov.h"
30 #include "pxr/imaging/hd/version.h"
31 #include "pxr/imaging/hd/enums.h"
35 #include "pxr/usd/sdf/path.h"
37 #include "pxr/base/tf/token.h"
38 #include "pxr/base/vt/value.h"
39 #include "pxr/base/gf/matrix4d.h"
40 #include "pxr/base/gf/vec2f.h"
41 #include "pxr/base/gf/vec4d.h"
42 #include "pxr/base/gf/vec4f.h"
44 #include <memory>
46 #include <optional>
51 using HdRenderPassStateSharedPtr = std::shared_ptr<class HdRenderPassState>;
52 using HdResourceRegistrySharedPtr = std::shared_ptr<class HdResourceRegistry>;
54 class HdCamera;
56 /// \class HdRenderPassState
57 ///
58 /// A set of rendering parameters used among render passes.
59 ///
60 /// Parameters are expressed as GL states, uniforms or shaders.
61 ///
63 {
64 public:
65  HD_API
67  HD_API
68  virtual ~HdRenderPassState();
70  /// Schedule to update renderPassState parameters.
71  /// e.g. camera matrix, override color, id blend factor.
72  /// Prepare, called once per frame after the sync phase, but prior to
73  /// the commit phase.
74  HD_API
75  virtual void Prepare(HdResourceRegistrySharedPtr const &resourceRegistry);
77  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
78  /// \name Camera and framing state
79  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
81  using ClipPlanesVector = std::vector<GfVec4d>;
83  /// Sets the camera.
84  HD_API
85  void SetCamera(const HdCamera *camera);
87  /// Sets whether to override the window policy used to conform the camera
88  /// if its aspect ratio is not matching the display window/viewport.
89  /// If first value is false, the HdCamera's window policy is used.
90  ///
91  HD_API
93  const std::optional<CameraUtilConformWindowPolicy> &
94  overrideWindowPolicy);
96  /// Sets the framing to show the camera. If a valid framing is set, a
97  /// viewport set earlier with SetViewport will be ignored.
98  HD_API
99  void SetFraming(const CameraUtilFraming &framing);
101  /// Sets the viewport to show the camera. If SetViewport is called,
102  /// any framing set earlier with SetFraming will be ignored.
103  ///
104  /// \deprecated Use the more expressive SetFraming instead.
105  HD_API
106  void SetViewport(const GfVec4d &viewport);
108  /// Get camera
109  HdCamera const *
110  GetCamera() const { return _camera; }
112  /// Get framing information determining how the filmback plane maps
113  /// to pixels.
114  const CameraUtilFraming &
115  GetFraming() const { return _framing; }
117  /// The override value for the window policy to conform the camera
118  /// frustum that can be specified by the application.
119  const std::optional<CameraUtilConformWindowPolicy> &
122  /// The resolved window policy to conform the camera frustum.
123  /// This is either the override value specified by the application or
124  /// the value from the scene delegate's camera.
125  HD_API
127  GetWindowPolicy() const;
129  /// Camera getter API
130  ///
131  /// Returns inverse of HdCamera's transform.
132  ///
133  HD_API
134  virtual GfMatrix4d GetWorldToViewMatrix() const;
136  /// Compute projection matrix using physical attributes of an HdCamera.
137  ///
138  HD_API
139  virtual GfMatrix4d GetProjectionMatrix() const;
141  /// Only use when clients did not specify a camera framing.
142  ///
143  /// \deprecated
144  GfVec4f const & GetViewport() const { return _viewport; }
146  /// Compute a transform from window relative coordinates (x,y,z,1) to
147  /// homogeneous world coordinates (x,y,z,w), using the HdCamera's
148  /// attributes, framing, and viewport dimensions.
149  ///
150  HD_API
153  /// Returns HdCamera's clip planes.
154  ///
155  HD_API
156  virtual ClipPlanesVector const & GetClipPlanes() const;
158  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
159  /// \name Application rendering state
160  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
162  /// Set an override color for rendering where the R, G and B components
163  /// are the color and the alpha component is the blend value
164  HD_API
165  void SetOverrideColor(GfVec4f const &color);
166  const GfVec4f& GetOverrideColor() const { return _overrideColor; }
168  /// Set a wireframe color for rendering where the R, G and B components
169  /// are the color and the alpha component is the blend value
170  HD_API
171  void SetWireframeColor(GfVec4f const &color);
172  const GfVec4f& GetWireframeColor() const { return _wireframeColor; }
174  HD_API
175  void SetMaskColor(GfVec4f const &color);
176  const GfVec4f& GetMaskColor() const { return _maskColor; }
178  HD_API
179  void SetIndicatorColor(GfVec4f const &color);
180  const GfVec4f& GetIndicatorColor() const { return _indicatorColor; }
182  /// Set a point color for rendering where the R, G and B components
183  /// are the color and the alpha component is the blend value
184  HD_API
185  void SetPointColor(GfVec4f const &color);
186  const GfVec4f& GetPointColor() const { return _pointColor; }
188  /// Set the point size for unselected points.
189  HD_API
190  void SetPointSize(float size);
191  float GetPointSize() const { return _pointSize; }
193  /// Set the point size for selected points.
194  HD_API
195  void SetPointSelectedSize(float size);
196  float GetPointSelectedSize() const { return _pointSelectedSize; }
198  /// XXX: Hacky way of disabling lighting
199  HD_API
200  void SetLightingEnabled(bool enabled);
201  bool GetLightingEnabled() const { return _lightingEnabled; }
203  HD_API
204  void SetClippingEnabled(bool enabled);
205  bool GetClippingEnabled() const { return _clippingEnabled; }
207  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
208  /// \name Render pipeline state
209  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
211  /// Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
212  HD_API
213  void SetAovBindings(HdRenderPassAovBindingVector const &aovBindings);
214  HD_API
217  /// Set the AOVs that this renderpass needs to read from.
218  HD_API
219  void SetAovInputBindings(HdRenderPassAovBindingVector const &aovBindings);
220  HD_API
223  /// Returns true if the render pass wants to render into the multi-sample
224  /// aovs. Returns false if the render wants to render into the resolve aovs.
225  HD_API
226  void SetUseAovMultiSample(bool state);
227  HD_API
228  bool GetUseAovMultiSample() const;
230  HD_API
231  void SetCullStyle(HdCullStyle cullStyle);
232  HD_API
233  HdCullStyle GetCullStyle() const { return _cullStyle; }
235  HD_API
236  void SetAlphaThreshold(float alphaThreshold);
237  float GetAlphaThreshold() const { return _alphaThreshold; }
239  HD_API
240  void SetTessLevel(float level);
241  float GetTessLevel() const { return _tessLevel; }
243  HD_API
244  void SetDrawingRange(GfVec2f const &drawRange);
245  GfVec2f GetDrawingRange() const { return _drawRange; } // in pixel
246  HD_API
247  GfVec2f GetDrawingRangeNDC() const; // in ndc
249  HD_API
250  void SetDepthBiasUseDefault(bool useDefault);
253  HD_API
254  void SetDepthBiasEnabled(bool enabled);
255  bool GetDepthBiasEnabled() const { return _depthBiasEnabled; }
257  HD_API
258  void SetDepthBias(float constantFactor, float slopeFactor);
260  HD_API
261  void SetDepthFunc(HdCompareFunction depthFunc);
264  HD_API
265  void SetEnableDepthMask(bool state);
266  HD_API
267  bool GetEnableDepthMask() const;
269  HD_API
270  void SetEnableDepthTest(bool enabled);
271  HD_API
272  bool GetEnableDepthTest() const;
274  HD_API
275  void SetEnableDepthClamp(bool enabled);
276  HD_API
277  bool GetEnableDepthClamp() const;
279  HD_API
280  void SetDepthRange(GfVec2f const &depthRange);
281  HD_API
282  const GfVec2f& GetDepthRange() const;
284  HD_API
285  void SetStencil(HdCompareFunction func, int ref, int mask,
288  int GetStencilRef() const { return _stencilRef; }
289  int GetStencilMask() const { return _stencilMask; }
293  HD_API
294  void SetStencilEnabled(bool enabled);
295  HD_API
296  bool GetStencilEnabled() const;
298  HD_API
299  void SetLineWidth(float width);
300  float GetLineWidth() const { return _lineWidth; }
302  HD_API
303  void SetBlend(HdBlendOp colorOp,
304  HdBlendFactor colorSrcFactor,
305  HdBlendFactor colorDstFactor,
306  HdBlendOp alphaOp,
307  HdBlendFactor alphaSrcFactor,
308  HdBlendFactor alphaDstFactor);
315  HD_API
316  void SetBlendConstantColor(GfVec4f const & color);
318  HD_API
319  void SetBlendEnabled(bool enabled);
321  HD_API
325  HD_API
326  void SetColorMaskUseDefault(bool useDefault);
329  HD_API
333  }
335  HD_API
336  void SetVolumeRenderingConstants(float stepSize, float stepSizeLighting);
338  enum ColorMask {
342  };
344  HD_API
345  void SetColorMasks(std::vector<ColorMask> const& masks);
346  std::vector<ColorMask> const& GetColorMasks() const { return _colorMasks; }
348  HD_API
349  void SetMultiSampleEnabled(bool enabled);
352 protected:
353  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
354  // Camera and framing state
355  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
359  std::optional<CameraUtilConformWindowPolicy> _overrideWindowPolicy;
361  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
362  // Application rendering state
363  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
367  float _pointSize;
375  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
376  // Render pipeline state
377  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
379  float _tessLevel;
382  bool _depthBiasUseDefault; // inherit existing state, ignore values below.
394  // Stencil RenderPassState
403  // Line width
404  float _lineWidth;
406  // Blending
416  // alpha to coverage
420  std::vector<ColorMask> _colorMasks;
428  float _stepSize;
432 };
HdRenderPassAovBindingVector _aovInputBindings
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdCamera const * GetCamera() const
Get camera.
const std::optional< CameraUtilConformWindowPolicy > & GetOverrideWindowPolicy() const
bool _depthClampEnabled
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetFraming(const CameraUtilFraming &framing)
std::shared_ptr< class HdRenderPassState > HdRenderPassStateSharedPtr
Definition: engine.h:42
float _lineWidth
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
Definition: enums.h:36
HD_API void SetStencil(HdCompareFunction func, int ref, int mask, HdStencilOp fail, HdStencilOp zfail, HdStencilOp zpass)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
std::vector< ColorMask > _colorMasks
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
bool GetMultiSampleEnabled() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetDepthBias(float constantFactor, float slopeFactor)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
Definition: enums.h:122
HD_API void SetClippingEnabled(bool enabled)
float _stepSizeLighting
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
float _tessLevel
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
const GfVec4f & GetPointColor() const
GfVec4f _viewport
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetPointColor(GfVec4f const &color)
GfVec4f _maskColor
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetMaskColor(GfVec4f const &color)
std::shared_ptr< class HdResourceRegistry > HdResourceRegistrySharedPtr
bool _conservativeRasterizationEnabled
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdBlendFactor GetBlendColorSrcFactor()
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
virtual HD_API GfMatrix4d GetProjectionMatrix() const
HD_API void SetAlphaThreshold(float alphaThreshold)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
float _depthBiasConstantFactor
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdRenderPassAovBindingVector _aovBindings
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetTessLevel(float level)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdStencilOp GetStencilFailOp() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API GfMatrix4d GetImageToWorldMatrix() const
HD_API void SetPointSelectedSize(float size)
Set the point size for selected points.
GLint level
Definition: glcorearb.h:108
#define HD_API
Definition: api.h:40
HD_API void SetDepthRange(GfVec2f const &depthRange)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetStencilEnabled(bool enabled)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
Definition: vec4d.h:62
Definition: enums.h:87
GfVec4f _blendConstantColor
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
const GfVec4f & GetWireframeColor() const
HdCompareFunction GetStencilFunc() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdBlendOp _blendColorOp
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
GfVec2f GetDrawingRange() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
virtual HD_API GfMatrix4d GetWorldToViewMatrix() const
GLenum GLenum GLsizei const GLuint GLboolean enabled
Definition: glcorearb.h:2539
HD_API void SetCullStyle(HdCullStyle cullStyle)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
virtual HD_API void Prepare(HdResourceRegistrySharedPtr const &resourceRegistry)
HD_API void SetLightingEnabled(bool enabled)
XXX: Hacky way of disabling lighting.
HD_API bool GetStencilEnabled() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
virtual HD_API ClipPlanesVector const & GetClipPlanes() const
const GfVec4f & GetOverrideColor() const
bool _multiSampleEnabled
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetDepthBiasUseDefault(bool useDefault)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdBlendFactor GetBlendColorDstFactor()
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
GfVec4f _pointColor
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdCompareFunction _depthFunc
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetOverrideWindowPolicy(const std::optional< CameraUtilConformWindowPolicy > &overrideWindowPolicy)
GfVec4f _indicatorColor
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
bool GetDepthBiasEnabled() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
bool _depthBiasEnabled
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API bool GetEnableDepthMask() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdStencilOp GetStencilDepthFailOp() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdBlendOp GetBlendColorOp()
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetBlendEnabled(bool enabled)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
GfVec4f _overrideColor
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetEnableDepthMask(bool state)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
std::vector< GfVec4d > ClipPlanesVector
Sets the camera.
bool GetConservativeRasterizationEnabled() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
int GetStencilRef() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdBlendOp _blendAlphaOp
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
GLint ref
Definition: glcorearb.h:124
GfVec2f _depthRange
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetWireframeColor(GfVec4f const &color)
HD_API void SetUseAovMultiSample(bool state)
HdStencilOp _stencilFailOp
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
int GetStencilMask() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API bool GetEnableDepthTest() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdCompareFunction _stencilFunc
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API bool GetEnableDepthClamp() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetMultiSampleEnabled(bool enabled)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API HdRenderPassAovBindingVector const & GetAovBindings() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
GfVec4f _wireframeColor
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
GLint GLuint mask
Definition: glcorearb.h:124
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetBlendConstantColor(GfVec4f const &color)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetColorMaskUseDefault(bool useDefault)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
int _stencilRef
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
int _stencilMask
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API GfVec2f GetDrawingRangeNDC() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdCompareFunction GetDepthFunc() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdBlendFactor _blendColorSrcFactor
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
bool _stencilEnabled
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
bool _alphaToCoverageEnabled
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
bool _lightingEnabled
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
bool _depthMaskEnabled
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdStencilOp GetStencilDepthPassOp() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetIndicatorColor(GfVec4f const &color)
HD_API CameraUtilConformWindowPolicy GetWindowPolicy() const
float _pointSelectedSize
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API HdCullStyle GetCullStyle() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
GLenum zfail
Definition: glcorearb.h:125
HD_API void SetCamera(const HdCamera *camera)
Sets the camera.
bool GetDepthBiasUseDefault() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
Definition: enums.h:54
HD_API void SetAlphaToCoverageEnabled(bool enabled)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdStencilOp _stencilZFailOp
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetOverrideColor(GfVec4f const &color)
HdCullStyle _cullStyle
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetBlend(HdBlendOp colorOp, HdBlendFactor colorSrcFactor, HdBlendFactor colorDstFactor, HdBlendOp alphaOp, HdBlendFactor alphaSrcFactor, HdBlendFactor alphaDstFactor)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetEnableDepthTest(bool enabled)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
GfVec2f _drawRange
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
float GetPointSelectedSize() const
Definition: vec4f.h:62
Definition: conformWindow.h:44
HD_API HdRenderPassState()
GLsizeiptr size
Definition: glcorearb.h:664
GLenum GLenum zpass
Definition: glcorearb.h:125
HD_API void SetViewport(const GfVec4d &viewport)
GLenum func
Definition: glcorearb.h:783
float _stepSize
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetVolumeRenderingConstants(float stepSize, float stepSizeLighting)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
Definition: path.h:1432
HD_API void SetDrawingRange(GfVec2f const &drawRange)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
float GetAlphaThreshold() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
float GetTessLevel() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
const GfVec4f & GetBlendConstantColor() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetEnableDepthClamp(bool enabled)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
GLuint color
Definition: glcorearb.h:1261
bool GetAlphaToCoverageEnabled() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
bool GetColorMaskUseDefault() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetColorMasks(std::vector< ColorMask > const &masks)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
float GetPointSize() const
HdBlendFactor GetBlendAlphaSrcFactor()
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetConservativeRasterizationEnabled(bool enabled)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
bool _useMultiSampleAov
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdBlendFactor _blendAlphaDstFactor
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
Definition: vec2f.h:62
HdCamera const * _camera
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
float _depthBiasSlopeFactor
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
std::optional< CameraUtilConformWindowPolicy > _overrideWindowPolicy
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
virtual HD_API ~HdRenderPassState()
Definition: pxr.h:91
std::vector< ColorMask > const & GetColorMasks() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdBlendFactor GetBlendAlphaDstFactor()
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
bool GetLightingEnabled() const
const GfVec4f & GetIndicatorColor() const
GfVec4f const & GetViewport() const
HD_API const GfVec2f & GetDepthRange() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
GLint GLsizei width
Definition: glcorearb.h:103
float GetLineWidth() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
float _alphaThreshold
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
bool _depthTestEnabled
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetLineWidth(float width)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
bool _depthBiasUseDefault
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetPointSize(float size)
Set the point size for unselected points.
HdBlendOp GetBlendAlphaOp()
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
float _pointSize
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API HdRenderPassAovBindingVector const & GetAovInputBindings() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
bool _blendEnabled
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetAovBindings(HdRenderPassAovBindingVector const &aovBindings)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetDepthFunc(HdCompareFunction depthFunc)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
bool GetClippingEnabled() const
Definition: enums.h:72
HD_API void SetAovInputBindings(HdRenderPassAovBindingVector const &aovBindings)
Set the AOVs that this renderpass needs to read from.
std::vector< HdRenderPassAovBinding > HdRenderPassAovBindingVector
Definition: aov.h:154
bool _clippingEnabled
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
const CameraUtilFraming & GetFraming() const
HD_API bool GetUseAovMultiSample() const
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdBlendFactor _blendAlphaSrcFactor
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
const GfVec4f & GetMaskColor() const
HdStencilOp _stencilZPassOp
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
CameraUtilFraming _framing
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HD_API void SetDepthBiasEnabled(bool enabled)
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
bool _colorMaskUseDefault
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.
HdBlendFactor _blendColorDstFactor
Set the attachments for this renderpass to render into.