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27 /// \file gf/transform.h
28 /// \ingroup group_gf_LinearAlgebra
30 #include "pxr/pxr.h"
31 #include "pxr/base/gf/rotation.h"
32 #include "pxr/base/gf/vec3d.h"
33 #include "pxr/base/gf/api.h"
35 #include <iosfwd>
39 class GfMatrix4d;
41 /// \class GfTransform
42 /// \ingroup group_gf_LinearAlgebra
43 ///
44 /// Basic type: Compound linear transformation.
45 ///
46 /// This class represents a linear transformation specified as a series of
47 /// individual components: a \em translation, a \em rotation, a \em scale, a
48 /// \em pivotPosition, and a \em pivotOrientation. When applied to a point,
49 /// the point will be transformed as follows (in order):
50 ///
51 /// \li Scaled by the \em scale with respect to \em pivotPosition and the
52 /// orientation specified by the \em pivotOrientation.
53 /// \li Rotated by the \em rotation about \em pivotPosition.
54 /// \li Translated by \em Translation
55 ///
56 /// That is, the cumulative matrix that this represents looks like this.
57 ///
58 /// \code
59 /// M = -P * -O * S * O * R * P * T
60 /// \endcode
61 ///
62 /// where
63 /// \li \em T is the \em translation matrix
64 /// \li \em P is the matrix that translates by \em pivotPosition
65 /// \li \em R is the \em rotation matrix
66 /// \li \em O is the matrix that rotates to \em pivotOrientation
67 /// \li \em S is the \em scale matrix
68 ///
69 class GfTransform {
71  public:
73  /// The default constructor sets the component values to the
74  /// identity transformation.
76  SetIdentity();
77  }
79  /// This constructor initializes the transformation from all
80  /// component values. This is the constructor used by 2x code.
82  const GfRotation &pivotOrientation,
83  const GfRotation &rotation,
84  const GfVec3d &pivotPosition,
85  const GfVec3d &translation) {
86  Set(scale, pivotOrientation, rotation, pivotPosition, translation);
87  }
89  /// This constructor initializes the transformation from all
90  /// component values. This is the constructor used by 3x code.
91  GfTransform(const GfVec3d &translation,
92  const GfRotation &rotation,
93  const GfVec3d &scale,
94  const GfVec3d &pivotPosition,
95  const GfRotation &pivotOrientation) {
96  Set(translation, rotation, scale, pivotPosition, pivotOrientation);
97  }
99  /// This constructor initializes the transformation with a matrix. See
100  /// SetMatrix() for more information.
102  SetIdentity();
103  SetMatrix(m);
104  }
106  /// Sets the transformation from all component values.
107  /// This constructor orders its arguments the way that 2x expects.
108  GF_API
109  GfTransform & Set(const GfVec3d &scale,
110  const GfRotation &pivotOrientation,
111  const GfRotation &rotation,
112  const GfVec3d &pivotPosition,
113  const GfVec3d &translation);
115  /// Sets the transformation from all component values.
116  /// This constructor orders its arguments the way that 3x expects.
117  GfTransform & Set(const GfVec3d &translation,
118  const GfRotation &rotation,
119  const GfVec3d &scale,
120  const GfVec3d &pivotPosition,
121  const GfRotation &pivotOrientation) {
122  return Set(scale, pivotOrientation, rotation,
123  pivotPosition, translation);
124  }
126  /// Sets the transform components to implement the transformation
127  /// represented by matrix \p m , ignoring any projection. This tries to
128  /// leave the current center unchanged.
129  GF_API
130  GfTransform & SetMatrix(const GfMatrix4d &m);
132  /// Sets the transformation to the identity transformation.
133  GF_API
136  /// Sets the scale component, leaving all others untouched.
137  void SetScale(const GfVec3d &scale) {
138  _scale = scale;
139  }
141  /// Sets the pivot orientation component, leaving all others untouched.
142  void SetPivotOrientation(const GfRotation &pivotOrient) {
143  _pivotOrientation = pivotOrient;
144  }
146  /// Sets the pivot orientation component, leaving all others untouched.
147  void SetScaleOrientation(const GfRotation &pivotOrient) {
148  SetPivotOrientation(pivotOrient);
149  }
151  /// Sets the rotation component, leaving all others untouched.
153  _rotation = rotation;
154  }
156  /// Sets the pivot position component, leaving all others untouched.
157  void SetPivotPosition(const GfVec3d &pivPos) {
158  _pivotPosition = pivPos;
159  }
161  /// Sets the pivot position component, leaving all others untouched.
162  void SetCenter(const GfVec3d &pivPos) {
163  SetPivotPosition(pivPos);
164  }
166  /// Sets the translation component, leaving all others untouched.
167  void SetTranslation(const GfVec3d &translation) {
168  _translation = translation;
169  }
171  /// Returns the scale component.
172  const GfVec3d & GetScale() const {
173  return _scale;
174  }
176  /// Returns the pivot orientation component.
177  const GfRotation & GetPivotOrientation() const {
178  return _pivotOrientation;
179  }
181  /// Returns the scale orientation component.
182  const GfRotation & GetScaleOrientation() const {
183  return GetPivotOrientation();
184  }
186  /// Returns the rotation component.
187  const GfRotation & GetRotation() const {
188  return _rotation;
189  }
191  /// Returns the pivot position component.
192  const GfVec3d & GetPivotPosition() const {
193  return _pivotPosition;
194  }
196  /// Returns the pivot position component.
197  const GfVec3d & GetCenter() const {
198  return GetPivotPosition();
199  }
201  /// Returns the translation component.
202  const GfVec3d & GetTranslation() const {
203  return _translation;
204  }
206  /// Returns a \c GfMatrix4d that implements the cumulative transformation.
207  GF_API
208  GfMatrix4d GetMatrix() const;
210  /// Component-wise transform equality test. All components must match
211  /// exactly for transforms to be considered equal.
212  GF_API
213  bool operator ==(const GfTransform &xf) const;
215  /// Component-wise transform inequality test. All components must match
216  /// exactly for transforms to be considered equal.
217  bool operator !=(const GfTransform &xf) const {
218  return ! (*this == xf);
219  }
221  /// Post-multiplies transform \p xf into this transform.
222  GF_API
223  GfTransform & operator *=(const GfTransform &xf);
225  /// Returns the product of transforms \p xf1 and \p xf2.
226  friend GfTransform operator *(const GfTransform &xf1,
227  const GfTransform &xf2) {
228  GfTransform xf = xf1;
229  return xf *= xf2;
230  }
232  private:
233  /// translation
234  GfVec3d _translation;
235  /// rotation
236  GfRotation _rotation;
237  /// scale factors
238  GfVec3d _scale;
239  /// orientation used for scaling and rotation
240  GfRotation _pivotOrientation;
241  /// center of rotation and scaling
242  GfVec3d _pivotPosition;
243 };
245 /// Output a GfTransform using the format
246 /// [scale, scaleorientation, rotation, center, translation].
247 /// \ingroup group_gf_DebuggingOutput
248 GF_API std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const GfTransform&);
void SetPivotOrientation(const GfRotation &pivotOrient)
Sets the pivot orientation component, leaving all others untouched.
Definition: transform.h:142
GF_API GfTransform & operator*=(const GfTransform &xf)
Post-multiplies transform xf into this transform.
GF_API GfTransform & Set(const GfVec3d &scale, const GfRotation &pivotOrientation, const GfRotation &rotation, const GfVec3d &pivotPosition, const GfVec3d &translation)
GfTransform(const GfVec3d &scale, const GfRotation &pivotOrientation, const GfRotation &rotation, const GfVec3d &pivotPosition, const GfVec3d &translation)
Definition: transform.h:81
GF_API GfTransform & SetMatrix(const GfMatrix4d &m)
const GfVec3d & GetTranslation() const
Returns the translation component.
Definition: transform.h:202
GF_API GfTransform & SetIdentity()
Sets the transformation to the identity transformation.
const GfVec3d & GetPivotPosition() const
Returns the pivot position component.
Definition: transform.h:192
void SetScale(const GfVec3d &scale)
Sets the scale component, leaving all others untouched.
Definition: transform.h:137
GF_API GfMatrix4d GetMatrix() const
Returns a GfMatrix4d that implements the cumulative transformation.
const GfVec3d & GetScale() const
Returns the scale component.
Definition: transform.h:172
GA_API const UT_StringHolder scale
void SetScaleOrientation(const GfRotation &pivotOrient)
Sets the pivot orientation component, leaving all others untouched.
Definition: transform.h:147
GfTransform & Set(const GfVec3d &translation, const GfRotation &rotation, const GfVec3d &scale, const GfVec3d &pivotPosition, const GfRotation &pivotOrientation)
Definition: transform.h:117
SIM_API const UT_StringHolder rotation
const GfVec3d & GetCenter() const
Returns the pivot position component.
Definition: transform.h:197
GfTransform(const GfVec3d &translation, const GfRotation &rotation, const GfVec3d &scale, const GfVec3d &pivotPosition, const GfRotation &pivotOrientation)
Definition: transform.h:91
friend GfTransform operator*(const GfTransform &xf1, const GfTransform &xf2)
Returns the product of transforms xf1 and xf2.
Definition: transform.h:226
bool operator!=(const GfTransform &xf) const
Definition: transform.h:217
const GfRotation & GetScaleOrientation() const
Returns the scale orientation component.
Definition: transform.h:182
GfTransform(const GfMatrix4d &m)
Definition: transform.h:101
GF_API std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, const GfTransform &)
Definition: path.h:1432
Definition: vec3d.h:62
void SetRotation(const GfRotation &rotation)
Sets the rotation component, leaving all others untouched.
Definition: transform.h:152
Definition: pxr.h:91
void SetPivotPosition(const GfVec3d &pivPos)
Sets the pivot position component, leaving all others untouched.
Definition: transform.h:157
void SetTranslation(const GfVec3d &translation)
Sets the translation component, leaving all others untouched.
Definition: transform.h:167
void SetCenter(const GfVec3d &pivPos)
Sets the pivot position component, leaving all others untouched.
Definition: transform.h:162
const GfRotation & GetRotation() const
Returns the rotation component.
Definition: transform.h:187
#define GF_API
Definition: api.h:40
GF_API bool operator==(const GfTransform &xf) const
const GfRotation & GetPivotOrientation() const
Returns the pivot orientation component.
Definition: transform.h:177