42 "BaseInStructure is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
47 "BaseOutStructure is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
52 "BufferMemoryBarrier is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
55 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
58 "DispatchIndirectCommand is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
61 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
64 "DrawIndexedIndirectCommand is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
69 "DrawIndirectCommand is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
74 "ImageMemoryBarrier is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
81 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
84 "PipelineCacheHeaderVersionOne is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
89 "AllocationCallbacks is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
94 "ApplicationInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
99 "FormatProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
102 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
105 "ImageFormatProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
113 "InstanceCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
125 "PhysicalDevice is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
128 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
131 "PhysicalDeviceFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
136 "PhysicalDeviceLimits is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
139 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
142 "PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
145 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
148 "PhysicalDeviceProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
151 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
154 "PhysicalDeviceSparseProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
157 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
160 "QueueFamilyProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
168 "DeviceCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
171 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
174 "DeviceQueueCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
179 "ExtensionProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
184 "LayerProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
196 "MappedMemoryRange is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
201 "MemoryAllocateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
209 "MemoryRequirements is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
214 "BindSparseInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
219 "ImageSubresource is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
222 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
225 "SparseBufferMemoryBindInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
228 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
231 "SparseImageFormatProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
234 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
237 "SparseImageMemoryBind is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
240 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
243 "SparseImageMemoryBindInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
246 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
249 "SparseImageMemoryRequirements is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
252 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
255 "SparseImageOpaqueMemoryBindInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
260 "SparseMemoryBind is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
268 "FenceCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
276 "SemaphoreCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
284 "EventCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
292 "QueryPoolCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
300 "BufferCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
308 "BufferViewCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
316 "ImageCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
321 "SubresourceLayout is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
326 "ComponentMapping is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
329 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
332 "ImageSubresourceRange is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
340 "ImageViewCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
346 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
349 "ShaderModuleCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
355 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
358 "PipelineCacheCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
361 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
364 "ComputePipelineCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
367 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
370 "GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
376 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
379 "PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
382 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
385 "PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
388 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
390 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
392 "PipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
395 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
398 "PipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
401 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
403 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
405 "PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
408 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
410 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
412 "PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
415 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
417 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
419 "PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
422 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
425 "PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
428 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
430 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
432 "PipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
435 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
437 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
439 "PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
442 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
445 "PipelineViewportStateCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
450 "SpecializationInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
453 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
456 "SpecializationMapEntry is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
461 "StencilOpState is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
464 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
467 "VertexInputAttributeDescription is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
470 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
473 "VertexInputBindingDescription is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
481 "PipelineLayout is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
484 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
487 "PipelineLayoutCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
492 "PushConstantRange is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
500 "SamplerCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
505 "CopyDescriptorSet is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
510 "DescriptorBufferInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
515 "DescriptorImageInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
519 "DescriptorPool is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
522 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
525 "DescriptorPoolCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
530 "DescriptorPoolSize is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
536 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
539 "DescriptorSetAllocateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
543 "DescriptorSetLayout is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
546 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
549 "DescriptorSetLayoutBinding is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
552 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
555 "DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
560 "WriteDescriptorSet is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
563 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
566 "AttachmentDescription is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
571 "AttachmentReference is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
577 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
580 "FramebufferCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
588 "RenderPassCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
593 "SubpassDependency is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
598 "SubpassDescription is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
604 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
607 "CommandPoolCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
613 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
616 "CommandBufferAllocateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
619 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
622 "CommandBufferBeginInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
625 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
628 "CommandBufferInheritanceInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
637 "BufferImageCopy is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
642 "ClearAttachment is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
647 "ClearColorValue is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
650 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
653 "ClearDepthStencilValue is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
676 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
679 "ImageSubresourceLayers is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
684 "RenderPassBeginInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
689 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
692 "PhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
697 "BindBufferMemoryInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
702 "BindImageMemoryInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
705 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
707 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
709 "PhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
712 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
715 "MemoryDedicatedRequirements is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
718 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
721 "MemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
724 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
727 "MemoryAllocateFlagsInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
730 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
733 "DeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
736 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
739 "DeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
742 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
745 "DeviceGroupSubmitInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
748 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
751 "DeviceGroupBindSparseInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
754 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
757 "BindBufferMemoryDeviceGroupInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
760 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
763 "BindImageMemoryDeviceGroupInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
766 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
769 "PhysicalDeviceGroupProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
772 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
775 "DeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
778 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
781 "BufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
784 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
787 "ImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
790 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
792 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
794 "ImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
799 "MemoryRequirements2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
802 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
805 "SparseImageMemoryRequirements2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
808 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
811 "PhysicalDeviceFeatures2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
814 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
817 "PhysicalDeviceProperties2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
822 "FormatProperties2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
825 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
828 "ImageFormatProperties2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
831 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
834 "PhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
837 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
840 "QueueFamilyProperties2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
843 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
846 "PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
849 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
852 "SparseImageFormatProperties2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
855 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
857 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
859 "PhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
862 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
864 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
866 "PhysicalDevicePointClippingProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
869 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
871 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
873 "RenderPassInputAttachmentAspectCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
876 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
879 "InputAttachmentAspectReference is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
882 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
885 "ImageViewUsageCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
889 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
891 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
893 "PipelineTessellationDomainOriginStateCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
896 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
899 "RenderPassMultiviewCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
902 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
905 "PhysicalDeviceMultiviewFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
908 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
911 "PhysicalDeviceMultiviewProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
914 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
916 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
918 "PhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
921 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
923 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
925 "PhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
928 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
930 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
932 "PhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
937 "DeviceQueueInfo2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
942 "ProtectedSubmitInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
945 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
948 "SamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
951 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
954 "SamplerYcbcrConversionInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
957 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
960 "BindImagePlaneMemoryInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
963 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
966 "ImagePlaneMemoryRequirementsInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
970 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
972 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
974 "PhysicalDeviceSamplerYcbcrConversionFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
978 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
980 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
982 "SamplerYcbcrConversionImageFormatProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
985 "handle and wrapper have different size!" );
987 "SamplerYcbcrConversion is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
990 "handle and wrapper have different size!" );
992 "DescriptorUpdateTemplate is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
995 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
998 "DescriptorUpdateTemplateEntry is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1001 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1003 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1005 "DescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1008 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1011 "ExternalMemoryProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1014 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1016 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1018 "PhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1021 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1024 "ExternalImageFormatProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1027 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1030 "PhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1033 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1036 "ExternalBufferProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1039 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1042 "PhysicalDeviceIDProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1045 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1048 "ExternalMemoryImageCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1051 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1054 "ExternalMemoryBufferCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1057 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1060 "ExportMemoryAllocateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1063 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1066 "PhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1069 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1072 "ExternalFenceProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1075 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1078 "ExportFenceCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1081 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1084 "ExportSemaphoreCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1087 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1089 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1091 "PhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1094 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1097 "ExternalSemaphoreProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1100 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1102 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1104 "PhysicalDeviceMaintenance3Properties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1107 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1110 "DescriptorSetLayoutSupport is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1113 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1115 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1117 "PhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParametersFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1122 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1125 "PhysicalDeviceVulkan11Features is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1128 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1131 "PhysicalDeviceVulkan11Properties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1134 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1137 "PhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1140 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1143 "PhysicalDeviceVulkan12Properties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1146 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1149 "ImageFormatListCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1152 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1155 "RenderPassCreateInfo2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1158 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1161 "AttachmentDescription2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1166 "AttachmentReference2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1171 "SubpassDescription2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1176 "SubpassDependency2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1181 "SubpassBeginInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1186 "SubpassEndInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1189 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1192 "PhysicalDevice8BitStorageFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1197 "ConformanceVersion is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1200 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1203 "PhysicalDeviceDriverProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1206 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1208 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1210 "PhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicInt64Features is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1213 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1215 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1217 "PhysicalDeviceShaderFloat16Int8Features is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1220 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1222 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1224 "PhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1227 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1229 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1231 "DescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1234 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1236 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1238 "PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1241 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1243 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1245 "PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1249 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1251 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1253 "DescriptorSetVariableDescriptorCountAllocateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1257 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1259 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1261 "DescriptorSetVariableDescriptorCountLayoutSupport is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1264 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1266 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1268 "SubpassDescriptionDepthStencilResolve is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1272 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1274 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1276 "PhysicalDeviceDepthStencilResolveProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1279 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1281 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1283 "PhysicalDeviceScalarBlockLayoutFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1286 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1289 "ImageStencilUsageCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1292 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1295 "SamplerReductionModeCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1299 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1301 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1303 "PhysicalDeviceSamplerFilterMinmaxProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1306 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1308 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1310 "PhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1313 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1315 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1317 "PhysicalDeviceImagelessFramebufferFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1320 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1323 "FramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1326 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1329 "FramebufferAttachmentImageInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1332 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1335 "RenderPassAttachmentBeginInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1339 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1341 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1343 "PhysicalDeviceUniformBufferStandardLayoutFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1347 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1349 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1351 "PhysicalDeviceShaderSubgroupExtendedTypesFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1355 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1357 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1359 "PhysicalDeviceSeparateDepthStencilLayoutsFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1362 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1365 "AttachmentReferenceStencilLayout is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1368 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1370 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1372 "AttachmentDescriptionStencilLayout is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1375 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1377 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1379 "PhysicalDeviceHostQueryResetFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1382 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1384 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1386 "PhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1389 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1391 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1393 "PhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1396 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1399 "SemaphoreTypeCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1402 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1405 "TimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1410 "SemaphoreWaitInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1415 "SemaphoreSignalInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1418 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1420 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1422 "PhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1425 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1428 "BufferDeviceAddressInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1431 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1433 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1435 "BufferOpaqueCaptureAddressCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1438 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1440 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1442 "MemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressAllocateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1445 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1447 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1449 "DeviceMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1454 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1457 "PhysicalDeviceVulkan13Features is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1460 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1463 "PhysicalDeviceVulkan13Properties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1466 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1468 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1470 "PipelineCreationFeedbackCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1473 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1476 "PipelineCreationFeedback is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1480 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1482 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1484 "PhysicalDeviceShaderTerminateInvocationFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1487 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1490 "PhysicalDeviceToolProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1494 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1496 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1498 "PhysicalDeviceShaderDemoteToHelperInvocationFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1501 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1504 "PhysicalDevicePrivateDataFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1507 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1510 "DevicePrivateDataCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1513 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1516 "PrivateDataSlotCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1520 "PrivateDataSlot is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1524 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1526 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1528 "PhysicalDevicePipelineCreationCacheControlFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1533 "MemoryBarrier2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1538 "BufferMemoryBarrier2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1543 "ImageMemoryBarrier2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1548 "DependencyInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1557 "SemaphoreSubmitInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1560 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1563 "CommandBufferSubmitInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1566 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1568 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1570 "PhysicalDeviceSynchronization2Features is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1574 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1576 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1578 "PhysicalDeviceZeroInitializeWorkgroupMemoryFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1581 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1583 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1585 "PhysicalDeviceImageRobustnessFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1590 "CopyBufferInfo2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1595 "CopyImageInfo2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1598 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1601 "CopyBufferToImageInfo2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1604 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1607 "CopyImageToBufferInfo2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1612 "BlitImageInfo2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1617 "ResolveImageInfo2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1634 "BufferImageCopy2 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1641 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1643 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1645 "PhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1649 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1651 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1653 "PhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1657 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1659 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1661 "PipelineShaderStageRequiredSubgroupSizeCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1664 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1666 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1668 "PhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1671 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1673 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1675 "PhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1678 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1680 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1682 "WriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlock is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1685 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1687 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1689 "DescriptorPoolInlineUniformBlockCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1693 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1695 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1697 "PhysicalDeviceTextureCompressionASTCHDRFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1704 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1707 "RenderingAttachmentInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1710 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1713 "PipelineRenderingCreateInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1716 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1718 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1720 "PhysicalDeviceDynamicRenderingFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1723 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1725 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1727 "CommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1731 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1733 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1735 "PhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerDotProductFeatures is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1739 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1741 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1743 "PhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerDotProductProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1747 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1749 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1751 "PhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentProperties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1756 "FormatProperties3 is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1759 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1761 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1763 "PhysicalDeviceMaintenance4Features is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1766 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1768 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1770 "PhysicalDeviceMaintenance4Properties is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1773 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1776 "DeviceBufferMemoryRequirements is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1779 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1782 "DeviceImageMemoryRequirements is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1790 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1793 "SurfaceCapabilitiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1798 "SurfaceFormatKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1803 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1806 "SwapchainCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1814 "PresentInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1817 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1820 "ImageSwapchainCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1823 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1826 "BindImageMemorySwapchainInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1829 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1832 "AcquireNextImageInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1835 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1838 "DeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1841 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1844 "DeviceGroupPresentInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1847 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1850 "DeviceGroupSwapchainCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1858 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1861 "DisplayModeCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1865 "DisplayModeKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1868 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1871 "DisplayModeParametersKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1874 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1877 "DisplayModePropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1880 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1883 "DisplayPlaneCapabilitiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1886 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1889 "DisplayPlanePropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1894 "DisplayPropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1897 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1900 "DisplaySurfaceCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1905 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1908 "DisplayPresentInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1910 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_XLIB_KHR )
1914 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1917 "XlibSurfaceCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1920 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_XCB_KHR )
1924 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1927 "XcbSurfaceCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1930 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_WAYLAND_KHR )
1934 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1937 "WaylandSurfaceCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1940 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_ANDROID_KHR )
1944 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1947 "AndroidSurfaceCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1950 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR )
1954 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1957 "Win32SurfaceCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1963 "handle and wrapper have different size!" );
1965 "DebugReportCallbackEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1968 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1971 "DebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1977 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1979 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
1981 "PipelineRasterizationStateRasterizationOrderAMD is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1986 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1989 "DebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1992 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
1995 "DebugMarkerObjectTagInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
1998 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2001 "DebugMarkerMarkerInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2003 #if defined( VK_ENABLE_BETA_EXTENSIONS )
sizeof( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VideoSessionKHR ) ==
sizeof( VkVideoSessionKHR ),
"handle and wrapper have different size!" );
2008 "VideoSessionKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
sizeof( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::VideoSessionParametersKHR ) ==
sizeof( VkVideoSessionParametersKHR ),
2011 "handle and wrapper have different size!" );
2013 "VideoSessionParametersKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2016 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2018 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2020 "QueueFamilyQueryResultStatusPropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2023 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2026 "QueueFamilyVideoPropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2031 "VideoProfileInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2034 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2037 "VideoProfileListInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2042 "VideoCapabilitiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2045 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2048 "PhysicalDeviceVideoFormatInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2051 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2054 "VideoFormatPropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2057 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2060 "VideoPictureResourceInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2063 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2066 "VideoReferenceSlotInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2069 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2072 "VideoSessionMemoryRequirementsKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2075 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2078 "BindVideoSessionMemoryInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2081 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2084 "VideoSessionCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2087 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2089 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2091 "VideoSessionParametersCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2094 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2096 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2098 "VideoSessionParametersUpdateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2101 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2104 "VideoBeginCodingInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2107 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2110 "VideoEndCodingInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2113 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2116 "VideoCodingControlInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2119 #if defined( VK_ENABLE_BETA_EXTENSIONS )
2123 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2126 "VideoDecodeCapabilitiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2129 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2132 "VideoDecodeUsageInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2137 "VideoDecodeInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2143 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2145 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2147 "DedicatedAllocationImageCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2150 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2152 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2154 "DedicatedAllocationBufferCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2157 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2159 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2161 "DedicatedAllocationMemoryAllocateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2166 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2168 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2170 "PhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2174 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2176 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2178 "PhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2182 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2184 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2186 "PipelineRasterizationStateStreamCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2197 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2200 "CuModuleCreateInfoNVX is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2203 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2206 "CuFunctionCreateInfoNVX is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2211 "CuLaunchInfoNVX is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2216 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2219 "ImageViewHandleInfoNVX is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2222 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2225 "ImageViewAddressPropertiesNVX is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2227 #if defined( VK_ENABLE_BETA_EXTENSIONS )
2231 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2234 "VideoEncodeH264CapabilitiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2238 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2240 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2242 "VideoEncodeH264SessionParametersCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2245 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2247 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2249 "VideoEncodeH264SessionParametersAddInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2252 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2255 "VideoEncodeH264VclFrameInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2258 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2260 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2262 "VideoEncodeH264ReferenceListsInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2266 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2268 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2270 "VideoEncodeH264EmitPictureParametersInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2273 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2276 "VideoEncodeH264DpbSlotInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2279 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2282 "VideoEncodeH264NaluSliceInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2285 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2288 "VideoEncodeH264ProfileInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2291 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2294 "VideoEncodeH264RateControlInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2297 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2299 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2301 "VideoEncodeH264RateControlLayerInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2306 "VideoEncodeH264QpEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2309 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2312 "VideoEncodeH264FrameSizeEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2315 #if defined( VK_ENABLE_BETA_EXTENSIONS )
2319 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2322 "VideoEncodeH265CapabilitiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2326 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2328 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2330 "VideoEncodeH265SessionParametersCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2333 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2335 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2337 "VideoEncodeH265SessionParametersAddInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2340 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2343 "VideoEncodeH265VclFrameInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2347 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2349 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2351 "VideoEncodeH265EmitPictureParametersInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2354 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2357 "VideoEncodeH265DpbSlotInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2360 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2362 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2364 "VideoEncodeH265NaluSliceSegmentInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2367 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2370 "VideoEncodeH265ProfileInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2373 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2375 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2377 "VideoEncodeH265ReferenceListsInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2380 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2383 "VideoEncodeH265RateControlInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2386 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2388 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2390 "VideoEncodeH265RateControlLayerInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2395 "VideoEncodeH265QpEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2398 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2401 "VideoEncodeH265FrameSizeEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2404 #if defined( VK_ENABLE_BETA_EXTENSIONS )
2408 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2411 "VideoDecodeH264ProfileInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2414 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2417 "VideoDecodeH264CapabilitiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2421 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2423 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2425 "VideoDecodeH264SessionParametersCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2428 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2430 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2432 "VideoDecodeH264SessionParametersAddInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2435 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2438 "VideoDecodeH264PictureInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2441 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2444 "VideoDecodeH264DpbSlotInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2450 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2452 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2454 "TextureLODGatherFormatPropertiesAMD is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2459 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2462 "ShaderResourceUsageAMD is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2465 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2468 "ShaderStatisticsInfoAMD is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2474 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2476 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2478 "RenderingFragmentShadingRateAttachmentInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2482 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2484 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2486 "RenderingFragmentDensityMapAttachmentInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2489 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2492 "AttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2495 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2498 "MultiviewPerViewAttributesInfoNVX is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2500 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_GGP )
2504 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2506 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2508 "StreamDescriptorSurfaceCreateInfoGGP is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2514 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2516 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2518 "PhysicalDeviceCornerSampledImageFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2523 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2526 "ExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2531 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2534 "ExternalMemoryImageCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2537 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2540 "ExportMemoryAllocateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2542 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR )
2546 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2549 "ImportMemoryWin32HandleInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2552 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2555 "ExportMemoryWin32HandleInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2558 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR )
2562 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2564 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2566 "Win32KeyedMutexAcquireReleaseInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2574 "ValidationFlagsEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2576 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_VI_NN )
2580 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2583 "ViSurfaceCreateInfoNN is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2589 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2592 "ImageViewASTCDecodeModeEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2595 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2597 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2599 "PhysicalDeviceASTCDecodeFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2605 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2607 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2609 "PhysicalDevicePipelineRobustnessFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2613 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2615 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2617 "PhysicalDevicePipelineRobustnessPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2620 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2623 "PipelineRobustnessCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2625 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR )
2629 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2632 "ImportMemoryWin32HandleInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2635 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2638 "ExportMemoryWin32HandleInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2641 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2644 "MemoryWin32HandlePropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2647 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2650 "MemoryGetWin32HandleInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2656 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2659 "ImportMemoryFdInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2662 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2665 "MemoryFdPropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2670 "MemoryGetFdInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2672 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR )
2676 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2678 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2680 "Win32KeyedMutexAcquireReleaseInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2683 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR )
2687 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2690 "ImportSemaphoreWin32HandleInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2693 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2696 "ExportSemaphoreWin32HandleInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2699 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2702 "D3D12FenceSubmitInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2705 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2708 "SemaphoreGetWin32HandleInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2714 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2717 "ImportSemaphoreFdInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2720 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2723 "SemaphoreGetFdInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2728 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2730 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2732 "PhysicalDevicePushDescriptorPropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2737 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2740 "ConditionalRenderingBeginInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2744 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2746 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2748 "PhysicalDeviceConditionalRenderingFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2752 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2754 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2756 "CommandBufferInheritanceConditionalRenderingInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2763 "PresentRegionsKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2768 "PresentRegionKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2779 "ViewportWScalingNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2782 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2784 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2786 "PipelineViewportWScalingStateCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2791 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2794 "SurfaceCapabilities2EXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2801 "DisplayPowerInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2806 "DeviceEventInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2811 "DisplayEventInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2814 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2817 "SwapchainCounterCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2822 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2825 "RefreshCycleDurationGOOGLE is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2828 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2831 "PastPresentationTimingGOOGLE is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2834 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2837 "PresentTimesInfoGOOGLE is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2842 "PresentTimeGOOGLE is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2848 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2850 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2852 "PhysicalDeviceMultiviewPerViewAttributesPropertiesNVX is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2859 "ViewportSwizzleNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2862 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2864 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2866 "PipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2872 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2874 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2876 "PhysicalDeviceDiscardRectanglePropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2879 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2881 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2883 "PipelineDiscardRectangleStateCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2889 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2891 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2893 "PhysicalDeviceConservativeRasterizationPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2897 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2899 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2901 "PipelineRasterizationConservativeStateCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2906 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2908 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2910 "PhysicalDeviceDepthClipEnableFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2914 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2916 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2918 "PipelineRasterizationDepthClipStateCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2925 "HdrMetadataEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2934 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2936 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2938 "SharedPresentSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2940 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR )
2944 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2947 "ImportFenceWin32HandleInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2950 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2953 "ExportFenceWin32HandleInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2956 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2959 "FenceGetWin32HandleInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2967 "ImportFenceFdInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2972 "FenceGetFdInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2977 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2979 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2981 "PhysicalDevicePerformanceQueryFeaturesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2985 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2987 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
2989 "PhysicalDevicePerformanceQueryPropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2992 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
2995 "PerformanceCounterKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
2998 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3001 "PerformanceCounterDescriptionKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3004 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3007 "QueryPoolPerformanceCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3010 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3013 "PerformanceCounterResultKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3016 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3019 "AcquireProfilingLockInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3022 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3025 "PerformanceQuerySubmitInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3030 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3033 "PhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3036 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3039 "SurfaceCapabilities2KHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3044 "SurfaceFormat2KHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3049 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3052 "DisplayProperties2KHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3055 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3058 "DisplayPlaneProperties2KHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3061 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3064 "DisplayModeProperties2KHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3069 "DisplayPlaneInfo2KHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3072 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3075 "DisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3077 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_IOS_MVK )
3081 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3084 "IOSSurfaceCreateInfoMVK is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3087 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_MACOS_MVK )
3091 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3094 "MacOSSurfaceCreateInfoMVK is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3102 "DebugUtilsLabelEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3105 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3107 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3109 "DebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3112 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3115 "DebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3118 "handle and wrapper have different size!" );
3120 "DebugUtilsMessengerEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3123 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3126 "DebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3129 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3132 "DebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3134 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_ANDROID_KHR )
3138 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3141 "AndroidHardwareBufferUsageANDROID is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3144 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3146 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3148 "AndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3152 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3154 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3156 "AndroidHardwareBufferFormatPropertiesANDROID is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3159 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3161 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3163 "ImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3166 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3168 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3170 "MemoryGetAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3173 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3176 "ExternalFormatANDROID is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3180 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3182 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3184 "AndroidHardwareBufferFormatProperties2ANDROID is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3192 "SampleLocationEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3195 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3198 "SampleLocationsInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3201 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3204 "AttachmentSampleLocationsEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3207 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3210 "SubpassSampleLocationsEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3213 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3215 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3217 "RenderPassSampleLocationsBeginInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3220 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3222 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3224 "PipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3227 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3229 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3231 "PhysicalDeviceSampleLocationsPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3234 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3237 "MultisamplePropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3243 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3245 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3247 "PhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3251 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3253 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3255 "PhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3259 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3261 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3263 "PipelineColorBlendAdvancedStateCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3268 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3270 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3272 "PipelineCoverageToColorStateCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3277 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3280 "DeviceOrHostAddressKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3283 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3286 "DeviceOrHostAddressConstKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3289 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3291 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3293 "AccelerationStructureBuildRangeInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3298 "AabbPositionsKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3302 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3304 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3306 "AccelerationStructureGeometryTrianglesDataKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3311 "TransformMatrixKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3314 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3316 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3318 "AccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3321 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3323 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3325 "AccelerationStructureGeometryAabbsDataKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3328 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3331 "AccelerationStructureInstanceKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3335 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3337 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3339 "AccelerationStructureGeometryInstancesDataKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3342 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3344 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3346 "AccelerationStructureGeometryDataKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3349 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3352 "AccelerationStructureGeometryKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3355 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3357 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3359 "AccelerationStructureCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3362 "handle and wrapper have different size!" );
3364 "AccelerationStructureKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3367 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3369 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3371 "WriteDescriptorSetAccelerationStructureKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3375 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3377 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3379 "PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructureFeaturesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3383 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3385 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3387 "PhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructurePropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3390 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3392 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3394 "AccelerationStructureDeviceAddressInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3397 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3399 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3401 "AccelerationStructureVersionInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3404 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3406 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3408 "CopyAccelerationStructureToMemoryInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3411 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3413 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3415 "CopyMemoryToAccelerationStructureInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3418 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3421 "CopyAccelerationStructureInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3424 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3426 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3428 "AccelerationStructureBuildSizesInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3434 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3436 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3438 "PipelineCoverageModulationStateCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3443 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3445 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3447 "PhysicalDeviceShaderSMBuiltinsPropertiesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3450 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3452 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3454 "PhysicalDeviceShaderSMBuiltinsFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3459 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3461 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3463 "DrmFormatModifierPropertiesListEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3466 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3469 "DrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3473 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3475 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3477 "PhysicalDeviceImageDrmFormatModifierInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3480 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3482 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3484 "ImageDrmFormatModifierListCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3488 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3490 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3492 "ImageDrmFormatModifierExplicitCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3495 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3497 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3499 "ImageDrmFormatModifierPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3502 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3504 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3506 "DrmFormatModifierPropertiesList2EXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3509 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3512 "DrmFormatModifierProperties2EXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3518 "ValidationCacheEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3521 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3524 "ValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3527 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3529 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3531 "ShaderModuleValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3533 #if defined( VK_ENABLE_BETA_EXTENSIONS )
3537 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3539 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3541 "PhysicalDevicePortabilitySubsetFeaturesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3545 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3547 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3549 "PhysicalDevicePortabilitySubsetPropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3557 "ShadingRatePaletteNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3561 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3563 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3565 "PipelineViewportShadingRateImageStateCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3568 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3570 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3572 "PhysicalDeviceShadingRateImageFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3575 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3577 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3579 "PhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3582 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3585 "CoarseSampleLocationNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3588 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3591 "CoarseSampleOrderCustomNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3595 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3597 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3599 "PipelineViewportCoarseSampleOrderStateCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3604 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3607 "RayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3610 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3613 "RayTracingPipelineCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3618 "GeometryTrianglesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3623 "GeometryAABBNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3628 "GeometryDataNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3635 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3638 "AccelerationStructureInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3641 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3644 "AccelerationStructureCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3647 "handle and wrapper have different size!" );
3649 "AccelerationStructureNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3652 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3654 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3656 "BindAccelerationStructureMemoryInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3659 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3661 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3663 "WriteDescriptorSetAccelerationStructureNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3667 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3669 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3671 "AccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3674 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3676 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3678 "PhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3684 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3686 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3688 "PhysicalDeviceRepresentativeFragmentTestFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3692 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3694 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3696 "PipelineRepresentativeFragmentTestStateCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3701 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3703 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3705 "PhysicalDeviceImageViewImageFormatInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3709 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3711 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3713 "FilterCubicImageViewImageFormatPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3718 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3721 "ImportMemoryHostPointerInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3724 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3727 "MemoryHostPointerPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3731 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3733 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3735 "PhysicalDeviceExternalMemoryHostPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3740 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3742 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3744 "PhysicalDeviceShaderClockFeaturesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3749 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3751 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3753 "PipelineCompilerControlCreateInfoAMD is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3758 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3761 "CalibratedTimestampInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3766 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3768 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3770 "PhysicalDeviceShaderCorePropertiesAMD is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3772 #if defined( VK_ENABLE_BETA_EXTENSIONS )
3776 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3779 "VideoDecodeH265ProfileInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3782 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3785 "VideoDecodeH265CapabilitiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3789 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3791 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3793 "VideoDecodeH265SessionParametersCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3796 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3798 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3800 "VideoDecodeH265SessionParametersAddInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3803 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3806 "VideoDecodeH265PictureInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3809 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3812 "VideoDecodeH265DpbSlotInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3818 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3820 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3822 "DeviceQueueGlobalPriorityCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3826 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3828 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3830 "PhysicalDeviceGlobalPriorityQueryFeaturesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3833 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3835 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3837 "QueueFamilyGlobalPriorityPropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3842 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3844 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3846 "DeviceMemoryOverallocationCreateInfoAMD is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3852 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3854 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3856 "PhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3859 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3861 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3863 "VertexInputBindingDivisorDescriptionEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3867 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3869 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3871 "PipelineVertexInputDivisorStateCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3875 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3877 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3879 "PhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3881 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_GGP )
3887 "PresentFrameTokenGGP is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3894 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3896 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3898 "PhysicalDeviceComputeShaderDerivativesFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3903 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3905 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3907 "PhysicalDeviceMeshShaderFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3910 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3912 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3914 "PhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3917 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3920 "DrawMeshTasksIndirectCommandNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3926 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3928 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3930 "PhysicalDeviceShaderImageFootprintFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3936 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3938 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3940 "PipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3943 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3945 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3947 "PhysicalDeviceExclusiveScissorFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3952 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3955 "QueueFamilyCheckpointPropertiesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3960 "CheckpointDataNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3966 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3968 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3970 "PhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerFunctions2FeaturesINTEL is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3975 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3978 "PerformanceValueDataINTEL is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3981 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3984 "PerformanceValueINTEL is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3987 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3990 "InitializePerformanceApiInfoINTEL is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
3993 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
3995 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
3997 "QueryPoolPerformanceQueryCreateInfoINTEL is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4000 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4003 "PerformanceMarkerInfoINTEL is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4006 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4009 "PerformanceStreamMarkerInfoINTEL is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4012 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4015 "PerformanceOverrideInfoINTEL is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4018 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4020 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4022 "PerformanceConfigurationAcquireInfoINTEL is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4025 "handle and wrapper have different size!" );
4027 "PerformanceConfigurationINTEL is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4032 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4034 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4036 "PhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4041 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4043 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4045 "DisplayNativeHdrSurfaceCapabilitiesAMD is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4048 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4050 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4052 "SwapchainDisplayNativeHdrCreateInfoAMD is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4054 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_FUCHSIA )
4058 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4061 "ImagePipeSurfaceCreateInfoFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4064 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_METAL_EXT )
4068 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4071 "MetalSurfaceCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4078 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4080 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4082 "PhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4086 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4088 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4090 "PhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4093 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4095 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4097 "RenderPassFragmentDensityMapCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4102 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4104 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4106 "FragmentShadingRateAttachmentInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4110 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4112 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4114 "PipelineFragmentShadingRateStateCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4118 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4120 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4122 "PhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRateFeaturesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4126 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4128 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4130 "PhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRatePropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4133 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4135 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4137 "PhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRateKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4142 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4144 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4146 "PhysicalDeviceShaderCoreProperties2AMD is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4151 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4153 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4155 "PhysicalDeviceCoherentMemoryFeaturesAMD is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4161 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4163 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4165 "PhysicalDeviceShaderImageAtomicInt64FeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4170 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4172 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4174 "PhysicalDeviceMemoryBudgetPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4179 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4181 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4183 "PhysicalDeviceMemoryPriorityFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4186 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4189 "MemoryPriorityAllocateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4194 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4197 "SurfaceProtectedCapabilitiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4203 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4205 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4207 "PhysicalDeviceDedicatedAllocationImageAliasingFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4213 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4215 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4217 "PhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4220 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4223 "BufferDeviceAddressCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4228 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4231 "ValidationFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4236 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4238 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4240 "PhysicalDevicePresentWaitFeaturesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4245 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4248 "CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4251 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4253 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4255 "PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4259 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4261 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4263 "PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4269 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4271 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4273 "PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4276 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4278 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4280 "PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4283 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4285 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4287 "FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4293 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4295 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4297 "PhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderInterlockFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4302 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4304 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4306 "PhysicalDeviceYcbcrImageArraysFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4311 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4313 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4315 "PhysicalDeviceProvokingVertexFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4318 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4320 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4322 "PhysicalDeviceProvokingVertexPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4326 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4328 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4330 "PipelineRasterizationProvokingVertexStateCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4332 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR )
4336 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4339 "SurfaceFullScreenExclusiveInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4342 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4344 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4346 "SurfaceCapabilitiesFullScreenExclusiveEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4349 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4351 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4353 "SurfaceFullScreenExclusiveWin32InfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4359 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4362 "HeadlessSurfaceCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4367 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4369 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4371 "PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4375 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4377 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4379 "PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4383 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4385 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4387 "PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4392 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4394 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4396 "PhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicFloatFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4401 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4403 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4405 "PhysicalDeviceIndexTypeUint8FeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4411 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4413 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4415 "PhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicStateFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4421 "DeferredOperationKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4427 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4429 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4431 "PhysicalDevicePipelineExecutablePropertiesFeaturesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4436 "PipelineInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4439 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4442 "PipelineExecutablePropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4445 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4448 "PipelineExecutableInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4451 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4453 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4455 "PipelineExecutableStatisticValueKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4458 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4461 "PipelineExecutableStatisticKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4465 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4467 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4469 "PipelineExecutableInternalRepresentationKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4475 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4477 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4479 "PhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicFloat2FeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4485 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4487 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4489 "PhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4493 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4495 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4497 "PhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4500 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4503 "GraphicsShaderGroupCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4506 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4508 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4510 "GraphicsPipelineShaderGroupsCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4513 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4516 "BindShaderGroupIndirectCommandNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4519 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4522 "BindIndexBufferIndirectCommandNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4525 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4528 "BindVertexBufferIndirectCommandNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4531 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4534 "SetStateFlagsIndirectCommandNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4537 "handle and wrapper have different size!" );
4539 "IndirectCommandsLayoutNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4542 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4545 "IndirectCommandsStreamNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4548 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4551 "IndirectCommandsLayoutTokenNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4554 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4556 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4558 "IndirectCommandsLayoutCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4561 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4564 "GeneratedCommandsInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4567 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4569 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4571 "GeneratedCommandsMemoryRequirementsInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4577 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4579 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4581 "PhysicalDeviceInheritedViewportScissorFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4585 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4587 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4589 "CommandBufferInheritanceViewportScissorInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4595 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4597 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4599 "PhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4604 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4607 "RenderPassTransformBeginInfoQCOM is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4611 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4613 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4615 "CommandBufferInheritanceRenderPassTransformInfoQCOM is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4621 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4623 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4625 "PhysicalDeviceDeviceMemoryReportFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4628 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4630 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4632 "DeviceDeviceMemoryReportCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4635 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4638 "DeviceMemoryReportCallbackDataEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4643 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4645 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4647 "PhysicalDeviceRobustness2FeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4650 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4652 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4654 "PhysicalDeviceRobustness2PropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4659 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4661 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4663 "SamplerCustomBorderColorCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4667 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4669 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4671 "PhysicalDeviceCustomBorderColorPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4674 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4676 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4678 "PhysicalDeviceCustomBorderColorFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4683 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4686 "PipelineLibraryCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4691 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4693 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4695 "PhysicalDevicePresentBarrierFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4698 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4700 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4702 "SurfaceCapabilitiesPresentBarrierNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4705 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4707 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4709 "SwapchainPresentBarrierCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4718 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4720 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4722 "PhysicalDevicePresentIdFeaturesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4724 #if defined( VK_ENABLE_BETA_EXTENSIONS )
4730 "VideoEncodeInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4733 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4736 "VideoEncodeCapabilitiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4739 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4742 "VideoEncodeUsageInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4745 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4748 "VideoEncodeRateControlInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4751 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4753 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4755 "VideoEncodeRateControlLayerInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4761 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4763 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4765 "PhysicalDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4768 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4770 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4772 "DeviceDiagnosticsConfigCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4774 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_METAL_EXT )
4778 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4781 "ExportMetalObjectCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4784 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4787 "ExportMetalObjectsInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4790 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4793 "ExportMetalDeviceInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4796 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4799 "ExportMetalCommandQueueInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4802 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4805 "ExportMetalBufferInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4808 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4811 "ImportMetalBufferInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4814 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4817 "ExportMetalTextureInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4820 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4823 "ImportMetalTextureInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4826 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4829 "ExportMetalIOSurfaceInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4832 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4835 "ImportMetalIOSurfaceInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4838 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4841 "ExportMetalSharedEventInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4844 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4847 "ImportMetalSharedEventInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4853 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4855 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4857 "QueueFamilyCheckpointProperties2NV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4862 "CheckpointData2NV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4868 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4870 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4872 "PhysicalDeviceDescriptorBufferPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4876 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4878 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4880 "PhysicalDeviceDescriptorBufferDensityMapPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4883 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4885 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4887 "PhysicalDeviceDescriptorBufferFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4890 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4893 "DescriptorAddressInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4896 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4899 "DescriptorBufferBindingInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4903 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4905 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4907 "DescriptorBufferBindingPushDescriptorBufferHandleEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4912 "DescriptorDataEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4917 "DescriptorGetInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4920 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4922 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4924 "BufferCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4927 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4930 "ImageCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4933 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4935 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4937 "ImageViewCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4940 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4942 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4944 "SamplerCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4947 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4949 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4951 "OpaqueCaptureDescriptorDataCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4955 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4957 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4959 "AccelerationStructureCaptureDescriptorDataInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4965 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4967 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4969 "PhysicalDeviceGraphicsPipelineLibraryFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4973 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4975 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4977 "PhysicalDeviceGraphicsPipelineLibraryPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4980 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4982 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4984 "GraphicsPipelineLibraryCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
4990 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
4992 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
4994 "PhysicalDeviceShaderEarlyAndLateFragmentTestsFeaturesAMD is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5000 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5002 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5004 "PhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricFeaturesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5008 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5010 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5012 "PhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricPropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5018 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5020 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5022 "PhysicalDeviceShaderSubgroupUniformControlFlowFeaturesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5028 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5030 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5032 "PhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRateEnumsFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5036 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5038 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5040 "PhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRateEnumsPropertiesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5044 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5046 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5048 "PipelineFragmentShadingRateEnumStateCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5054 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5056 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5058 "AccelerationStructureGeometryMotionTrianglesDataNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5061 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5064 "AccelerationStructureMotionInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5067 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5069 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5071 "AccelerationStructureMotionInstanceNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5074 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5076 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5078 "AccelerationStructureMotionInstanceDataNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5082 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5084 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5086 "AccelerationStructureMatrixMotionInstanceNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5089 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5091 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5093 "AccelerationStructureSRTMotionInstanceNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5101 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5103 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5105 "PhysicalDeviceRayTracingMotionBlurFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5110 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5112 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5114 "PhysicalDeviceMeshShaderFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5117 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5119 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5121 "PhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5124 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5127 "DrawMeshTasksIndirectCommandEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5133 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5135 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5137 "PhysicalDeviceYcbcr2Plane444FormatsFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5143 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5145 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5147 "PhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMap2FeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5151 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5153 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5155 "PhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMap2PropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5160 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5163 "CopyCommandTransformInfoQCOM is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5169 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5171 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5173 "PhysicalDeviceWorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayoutFeaturesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5179 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5181 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5183 "PhysicalDeviceImageCompressionControlFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5186 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5189 "ImageCompressionControlEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5192 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5195 "SubresourceLayout2EXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5200 "ImageSubresource2EXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5203 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5206 "ImageCompressionPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5212 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5214 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5216 "PhysicalDeviceAttachmentFeedbackLoopLayoutFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5221 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5223 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5225 "PhysicalDevice4444FormatsFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5230 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5233 "PhysicalDeviceFaultFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5238 "DeviceFaultCountsEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5243 "DeviceFaultInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5246 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5249 "DeviceFaultAddressInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5252 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5255 "DeviceFaultVendorInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5258 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5260 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5262 "DeviceFaultVendorBinaryHeaderVersionOneEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5267 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5269 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5271 "PhysicalDeviceRGBA10X6FormatsFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5273 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_DIRECTFB_EXT )
5277 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5280 "DirectFBSurfaceCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5286 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5288 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5290 "RayTracingShaderGroupCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5293 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5296 "RayTracingPipelineCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5300 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5302 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5304 "PhysicalDeviceRayTracingPipelineFeaturesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5308 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5310 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5312 "PhysicalDeviceRayTracingPipelinePropertiesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5315 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5318 "StridedDeviceAddressRegionKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5321 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5324 "TraceRaysIndirectCommandKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5327 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5329 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5331 "RayTracingPipelineInterfaceCreateInfoKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5336 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5339 "PhysicalDeviceRayQueryFeaturesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5345 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5347 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5349 "PhysicalDeviceVertexInputDynamicStateFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5352 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5355 "VertexInputBindingDescription2EXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5358 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5360 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5362 "VertexInputAttributeDescription2EXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5367 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5370 "PhysicalDeviceDrmPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5376 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5378 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5380 "PhysicalDeviceAddressBindingReportFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5383 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5385 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5387 "DeviceAddressBindingCallbackDataEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5392 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5394 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5396 "PhysicalDeviceDepthClipControlFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5400 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5402 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5404 "PipelineViewportDepthClipControlCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5410 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5412 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5414 "PhysicalDevicePrimitiveTopologyListRestartFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5416 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_FUCHSIA )
5420 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5422 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5424 "ImportMemoryZirconHandleInfoFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5427 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5429 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5431 "MemoryZirconHandlePropertiesFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5434 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5437 "MemoryGetZirconHandleInfoFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5440 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_FUCHSIA )
5444 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5446 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5448 "ImportSemaphoreZirconHandleInfoFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5451 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5453 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5455 "SemaphoreGetZirconHandleInfoFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5458 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_FUCHSIA )
sizeof( VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::BufferCollectionFUCHSIA ) ==
sizeof( VkBufferCollectionFUCHSIA ),
5462 "handle and wrapper have different size!" );
5464 "BufferCollectionFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5467 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5470 "BufferCollectionCreateInfoFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5473 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5475 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5477 "ImportMemoryBufferCollectionFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5480 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5482 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5484 "BufferCollectionImageCreateInfoFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5487 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5490 "BufferConstraintsInfoFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5493 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5495 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5497 "BufferCollectionBufferCreateInfoFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5500 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5503 "BufferCollectionPropertiesFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5506 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5509 "SysmemColorSpaceFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5512 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5515 "ImageConstraintsInfoFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5518 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5521 "ImageFormatConstraintsInfoFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5524 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5526 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5528 "BufferCollectionConstraintsInfoFUCHSIA is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5534 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5536 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5538 "SubpassShadingPipelineCreateInfoHUAWEI is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5541 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5543 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5545 "PhysicalDeviceSubpassShadingFeaturesHUAWEI is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5549 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5551 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5553 "PhysicalDeviceSubpassShadingPropertiesHUAWEI is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5558 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5560 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5562 "PhysicalDeviceInvocationMaskFeaturesHUAWEI is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5567 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5570 "MemoryGetRemoteAddressInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5573 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5575 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5577 "PhysicalDeviceExternalMemoryRDMAFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5582 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5585 "PipelinePropertiesIdentifierEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5589 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5591 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5593 "PhysicalDevicePipelinePropertiesFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5599 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5601 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5603 "PhysicalDeviceMultisampledRenderToSingleSampledFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5606 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5609 "SubpassResolvePerformanceQueryEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5612 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5614 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5616 "MultisampledRenderToSingleSampledInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5622 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5624 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5626 "PhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicState2FeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5628 #if defined( VK_USE_PLATFORM_SCREEN_QNX )
5632 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5635 "ScreenSurfaceCreateInfoQNX is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5641 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5643 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5645 "PhysicalDeviceColorWriteEnableFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5648 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5651 "PipelineColorWriteCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5657 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5659 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5661 "PhysicalDevicePrimitivesGeneratedQueryFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5667 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5669 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5671 "PhysicalDeviceRayTracingMaintenance1FeaturesKHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5674 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5677 "TraceRaysIndirectCommand2KHR is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5682 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5684 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5686 "PhysicalDeviceImageViewMinLodFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5689 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5692 "ImageViewMinLodCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5697 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5699 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5701 "PhysicalDeviceMultiDrawFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5704 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5706 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5708 "PhysicalDeviceMultiDrawPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5713 "MultiDrawInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5716 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5719 "MultiDrawIndexedInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5724 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5726 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5728 "PhysicalDeviceImage2DViewOf3DFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5735 "MicromapBuildInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5740 "MicromapUsageEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5743 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5746 "MicromapCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5752 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5754 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5756 "PhysicalDeviceOpacityMicromapFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5759 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5761 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5763 "PhysicalDeviceOpacityMicromapPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5766 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5769 "MicromapVersionInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5772 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5775 "CopyMicromapToMemoryInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5778 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5781 "CopyMemoryToMicromapInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5786 "CopyMicromapInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5789 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5792 "MicromapBuildSizesInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5796 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5798 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5800 "AccelerationStructureTrianglesOpacityMicromapEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5805 "MicromapTriangleEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5811 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5813 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5815 "PhysicalDeviceBorderColorSwizzleFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5819 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5821 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5823 "SamplerBorderColorComponentMappingCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5829 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5831 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5833 "PhysicalDevicePageableDeviceLocalMemoryFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5839 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5841 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5843 "PhysicalDeviceDescriptorSetHostMappingFeaturesVALVE is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5846 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5848 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5850 "DescriptorSetBindingReferenceVALVE is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5853 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5855 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5857 "DescriptorSetLayoutHostMappingInfoVALVE is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5862 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5864 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5866 "PhysicalDeviceDepthClampZeroOneFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5872 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5874 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5876 "PhysicalDeviceNonSeamlessCubeMapFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5882 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5884 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5886 "PhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapOffsetFeaturesQCOM is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5890 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5892 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5894 "PhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapOffsetPropertiesQCOM is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5897 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5899 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5901 "SubpassFragmentDensityMapOffsetEndInfoQCOM is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5906 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5909 "CopyMemoryIndirectCommandNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5912 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5914 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5916 "CopyMemoryToImageIndirectCommandNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5919 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5921 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5923 "PhysicalDeviceCopyMemoryIndirectFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5927 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5929 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5931 "PhysicalDeviceCopyMemoryIndirectPropertiesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5936 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5939 "DecompressMemoryRegionNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5943 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5945 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5947 "PhysicalDeviceMemoryDecompressionFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5951 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5953 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5955 "PhysicalDeviceMemoryDecompressionPropertiesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5961 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5963 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5965 "PhysicalDeviceLinearColorAttachmentFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5971 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5973 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5975 "PhysicalDeviceImageCompressionControlSwapchainFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5980 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5982 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5984 "ImageViewSampleWeightCreateInfoQCOM is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5987 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5989 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5991 "PhysicalDeviceImageProcessingFeaturesQCOM is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
5995 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
5997 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
5999 "PhysicalDeviceImageProcessingPropertiesQCOM is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6005 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6007 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6009 "PhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicState3FeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6013 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6015 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6017 "PhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicState3PropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6020 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6023 "ColorBlendEquationEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6026 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6029 "ColorBlendAdvancedEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6035 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6037 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6039 "PhysicalDeviceSubpassMergeFeedbackFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6042 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6045 "RenderPassCreationControlEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6048 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6051 "RenderPassCreationFeedbackInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6054 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6056 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6058 "RenderPassCreationFeedbackCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6061 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6064 "RenderPassSubpassFeedbackInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6067 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6069 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6071 "RenderPassSubpassFeedbackCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6076 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6079 "DirectDriverLoadingInfoLUNARG is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6082 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6085 "DirectDriverLoadingListLUNARG is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6091 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6093 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6095 "PhysicalDeviceShaderModuleIdentifierFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6099 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6101 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6103 "PhysicalDeviceShaderModuleIdentifierPropertiesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6107 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6109 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6111 "PipelineShaderStageModuleIdentifierCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6114 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6117 "ShaderModuleIdentifierEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6123 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6125 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6127 "PhysicalDeviceRasterizationOrderAttachmentAccessFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6132 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6134 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6136 "PhysicalDeviceOpticalFlowFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6139 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6141 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6143 "PhysicalDeviceOpticalFlowPropertiesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6146 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6149 "OpticalFlowImageFormatInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6152 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6154 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6156 "OpticalFlowImageFormatPropertiesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6160 "OpticalFlowSessionNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6163 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6166 "OpticalFlowSessionCreateInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6169 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6171 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6173 "OpticalFlowSessionCreatePrivateDataInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6176 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6179 "OpticalFlowExecuteInfoNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6184 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6186 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6188 "PhysicalDeviceLegacyDitheringFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6194 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6196 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6198 "PhysicalDevicePipelineProtectedAccessFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6203 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6205 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6207 "PhysicalDeviceTilePropertiesFeaturesQCOM is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6212 "TilePropertiesQCOM is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6217 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6219 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6221 "PhysicalDeviceAmigoProfilingFeaturesSEC is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6224 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6227 "AmigoProfilingSubmitInfoSEC is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6233 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6235 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6237 "PhysicalDeviceMultiviewPerViewViewportsFeaturesQCOM is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6243 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6245 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6247 "PhysicalDeviceRayTracingInvocationReorderPropertiesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6251 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6253 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6255 "PhysicalDeviceRayTracingInvocationReorderFeaturesNV is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6261 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6263 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6265 "PhysicalDeviceMutableDescriptorTypeFeaturesEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6268 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6271 "MutableDescriptorTypeListEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6274 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6276 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6278 "MutableDescriptorTypeCreateInfoEXT is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6284 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6286 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6288 "PhysicalDeviceShaderCoreBuiltinsFeaturesARM is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
6292 "struct and wrapper have different size!" );
6294 "struct wrapper is not a standard layout!" );
6296 "PhysicalDeviceShaderCoreBuiltinsPropertiesARM is not nothrow_move_constructible!" );
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
VULKAN_HPP_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(VULKAN_HPP_NAMESPACE::Extent2D)==sizeof(VkExtent2D),"struct and wrapper have different size!")