Noise in painted areas ?
Feb. 5, 2017 2:26 p.m.
I want to have noise (vop) only effect painted areas but when binding the override color attribute from the paint sop in a attribute vop; there isn't any noise being applied to only the painted areas, when plugged into Cd; instead my entire mesh is multi-colored ? Must I use the override color parameter; and if so, how ? Sorry a little rusty in that respect
467 posts
Joined: Feb. 2012
Feb. 5, 2017 2:44 p.m.
Define it first upstream then use paint node with “override color” with your custom attribute.
So in a wrangle you can do
then add the paint node and check the override, add the “painted” attribute in the override color and paint whatever you want to override.
Then in a second wrangle connect the paint in the first input and the noise in the second input and just add a lerp function to control how much of the noise you want to see.
@ P = lerp (@ P , point (1 , "P" , @ ptnum ), ch ("blend" ) * f @ painted );
Edited by sepu - Feb. 5, 2017 14:47:43
Feb. 5, 2017 3:09 p.m.
sepu - I want to do this in VOPS, if it can be created in VOPS or must I use a create attribute before the paint node ?
467 posts
Joined: Feb. 2012
Feb. 5, 2017 3:18 p.m.
The same thing applies, take a look at the file, you have a attribute create + a VOP and the wrangle option as well .
painted.hipnc (110.9 KB)
Feb. 5, 2017 3:23 p.m.
Hi See attached > Paint sop defines the masked area for noise
noise_painted.hip (129.7 KB)
Gone fishing
Feb. 5, 2017 6:04 p.m.
Thanks guys , that helped
One thing still remains.
I want to use AANoise specifically on only those painted areas so I get a 3D carved noise; here is my VOP network.
Feb. 5, 2017 7:06 p.m.
Hi , have you looked at my example ?
Gone fishing
Feb. 5, 2017 11:34 p.m.
circusmonkey Hi , have you looked at my example ?Of course
I just want to know how to get mine working without the wrangler, as you have in place ? Also @noseid is a standard attribute or custom ?
Feb. 6, 2017 12:43 a.m.
See attached , id is. The @ symbol , is just used in the wrangle !
Edited by circusmonkey - Feb. 6, 2017 00:46:21
noise_painted_withnoise.hip (131.4 KB)
Gone fishing
Feb. 6, 2017 1:09 a.m.
circusmonkey See attached , id is. The @ symbol , is just used in the wrangle !Ah, your assigning Cd to the attribute (@noiseid) why didn't you declare it as a float or vector ?
Hrm, I understand your scene
What if I don't want to use the wrangler and do what you did in the wrangler in VOPS ?
Feb. 6, 2017 3:05 a.m.
Floats are automatically declared so @noiseid will be a float automatically.
What if I don't want to use the wrangler and do what you did in the wrangler in VOPS ? You could do it all in vops depending on what the rule is, ie @ptnum > 5 .Which would say all point numbers greater than 5 get noise.
Gone fishing
Feb. 7, 2017 12:05 a.m.
I got it !
It's not the best at this point, atleast it's something that works, that I can work with
The problem is, where I didn't paint is also getting effected by the noise ?
Feb. 7, 2017 10:05 a.m.
Sorry, no wonder no one know replied; as they didn't know what I was talking about
The solid red is where I painted; what are those color blobs ?
Nov. 28, 2018 6:24 a.m.
Havent looked inside the files but you can just multiply the color by the displacement amount right?