how to set the default resistant color (i.e. blue) of a HDA node? ANd no, I dont want ot colorize it via the colorchooser to change it after creation. Dont find anything in the type properties of the hda..
thanks in advance
HDA node coloring
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- Follyx
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- tamte
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FollyxYou can use OnCreated script section either directly in HDA []
Dont find anything in the type properties of the hda..
Or externally here []
Tomas Slancik
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Method Studios, NY
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Method Studios, NY
- shadesoforange
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If you don't want the color to be embedded into the HDA, you can also CTRL drag a color onto a node instace of your HDA. SRC [] DOCS []
Manuel Köster - Senior Technical Artist @Remedy Entertainment [] [] [] [] [] []
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